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In this session I will discuss about the Data Actions which will copy  sates from Actual to Plan versions within Same Model for 2024.

Data Action : It is a set of action or operations like Copy, Allocation and copying data from one model to another etc. to manipulate data within model , same version or cross version. For example, we can copy a sales data version from to a financial model version based on some mapping.


In this sections we will discuss about a data action for Cross Model Copy operation from Sales to Financial Modeler version.

Step 1 :  The Copy from Sales Plan Version which we created in earlier blogs has the below fields (), But this time we will generate the Plan sales version using Actual Sales Version using data action –

A. Create Data action :

B. Create a data Action to Copy to Actual Sales Version to Plan version.




C. While copying we have not copied the same value to Plan version , we added a formula with a factor and created the Plan version value which used a multiplication factor . While we trigger Data Action the multiplication factor we will provide as input and the generate the output plan value.


D. Create a Data action trigger button and add the Data Action and execute it . Plan version data will be copied.

E. If you hit the Button “Copy Sales Actual to Plan” the data will be copied to plan by multiplying with the factor as copped by the screenshot. We can schedule the Copy operation data action via the calendar which we will do latter as a planning automation exercise.

Hope This will help.

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