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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
We often use anonymous blocks to view all the logic pieces of a table function from within the SQL Console, especially the output of table variables.

They are useful when testing code in the HANA SQL console as it allows imperative (for e.g. loops and conditionals) or declarative statements (variables and table variables) to be used. They also have no corresponding object that will be created in the catalog so there is very little overhead.

Here are the steps I follow:

Step 1: Go to repository and fetch the latest code of the table function

Step 2: Paste the code into the SQL console of the editor in the Web IDE:

https://<server name>:<port>/sap/hana/ide/catalog/


Step 3: Change BEGIN to DO BEGIN – this opens the anonymous block




Step 4: Parameter handling: If your table function has parameters then they will need to be copied down till after the BEGIN statement, then declared and instantiated.

Copy the parameters from function header

Option 1: Paste them after begin and declare as normal variables

Paste them after BEGIN

Adjust coding to be a declaration and instantiation

Option 2: Call anonymous block with parameter clause:


Step 5: Clean up the VAR_OUT section

Option 1 – remove the VAR_OUT completely



Place a semi-colon after last statement.



Option 2 – replace RETURN :var_out; with SELECT * FROM :var_out;




Step 6: Execute: Highlight code from DO BEGIN to END; and then press  



Step 7: If you want to see the output of each table variable, you simply put a SELECT * FROM :<table variable name>; after each one.

A tab will open with the results of each table variable you selected from:

Happy coding! Look forward to hearing any comments/suggestions.
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