This trick may seem simple but it is not for that reason unhelpful. Before going on check the following blogs for more help:
oAuth using session:
oAuth certificate:
Let's start!
1) First of all we are going to add the header to be able to capture the token when performing GET with "fetch" heade".
We select within the general configuration of the iflow (you only have to press outside the iflow to appear), in the tab bar "Runtime Configuration", and add them in the field "Allowed Header (s):" the values "x-csrf- token | etag";
2) Next we draw the iFlow (note that it is simplified to obtain the token)
2.1) Add fetch header: In this point add the fetch contants type in the value of header and add the "Exchange Property":
- After this point, you can do a "Get" using http. Add credentials in this point:
2.2) Add token + body: In this point add the type header and select value "x-csrf-token". Do not forget to add the body! 😉
- After this point, you can do a "Post" using http. Add credentials in this point.
I hope you find it useful