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In Todays session I am going to discuss about the SAP Analytics Cloud Different Acronyms Versions and different model type used and  how migrate from a Classic Account Model to a New Model Type.

To define different types of data i.e. Actual, Budget, Forcast etc. SAC used versions a predefined dimension. Let's discuss about the Different Acronyms with respect to SAP SAP analytics Cloud:

1. Versions : Two Types of Version  you can work with SAC :

  1. Public version - Which you can share.

  2. Private version -  Preferable work with this versions and publish it to public version to share it with team.

Both of this two version can be classified into below versions of Dataset-

A. Actual Version : The Actual dataset  ( Actual Version of a model) :

Actual data is the set of data which contains the present time dataset which actually achieved. In SAC Planning when you present the actual data in model , change the version field to actual data.

In the waggling screen after importing the data select the version dimension and select proper type (Here actual) to map with the proper data.


B. Planning Version Data :

A plan is a group of activities planed and grouped together which serves as the foundation, which define the financial direction and vision of the organization within the context of a broader business plan by setting a goal or Target  and divide a goal into sub goals or targets.

In SAC you can generate plan data from Actual data from copying it or directly map the imported data into Plan version using In the waggling screen after importing the data select the version dimension and select proper type (Plan) to map with the proper data.


C. Budget Version Data :

A Budget is a group of activities  guides how to allocate cash, Distribute the cash/element as per budget within a target time range to achieve the Plant Target or goal.

In SAC you can generate Budget data from Actual data from copying it or directly map the imported data into Plan version using In the waggling screen after importing the data select the version dimension and select proper type (Plan) to map with the proper data.


D. Forcast Version Data :

Based on the actual data and some driving KPI , Forcast data generated which based on current and past data.

Forcast data is the possible  outcomes based on the most up-to-date drivers and assumptions. The result is a view of how the business is trending so that the leaders can determine whether or not adjustments should be made to the existing budgets or plan.

In SAC you can generate Forcast data from Actual data from copying it or directly map the imported data into Plan version using In the waggling screen after importing the data select the version dimension and select proper type (Forcast) to map with the proper data.

There is a predefined Forcast layout in SAC which define a cutover date, after which the Forcast defiled for a particular period and

This is all the version you can create from a base Model.

2. Models in SAC Planning : There are two types of model and you can use for Planning in SAC . We will discuss now what are the differences between this two and how we can convert from one to another.

A. Classic Account model : This is a model used from the beginning of the SAC planning capabilities when it was born from BPC. Only one difference from traditional classical Star  schema concept in SAP analytics world . In traditional star schema fact table/Measure ( Transaction data exists in the middle and Dimension data surrounded using join.

In Classic account model Measure/Fact KPI wrapped by Account Dimension. and Version and Time dimension come default.


In this type of model, to build report or story some adjustment need to be done sometime as it is

B. New Model (Recommended) : 

This same like traditional Star schema and compatible with most of the datasource like SAP BW, SAP HANA etc.In New model fact table/Measure ( Transaction data exists in the middle and Dimension data surrounded using join.

Preferable to use this model.


3. Convert from Classical account model to new model :

Navigate to Model Structure and click on Migrate Option.


Now you can close and open the Model which will show you the new model.

In the next sessions I will show you one by one scenario implementation using SAP Analytics Cloud. Hope this will help.


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