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Ansible Automation Platform enables automation teams to scale and deliver automation. The platform offers user-friendly, customizable interfaces making it easy for users to use Ansible content. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform helps in migrating with consistency and predictability.

Day 0 to Day 2 

If you are a SAP customer, you know that there is a need to migrate to SAP S/4HANA before 2027. HANA can only run on Linux, and one of the two certified distributions is RHEL. With Ansible, you can deploy SAP S/4HANA on RHEL. Ansible can manage your SAP workloads wherever they are deployed, be it on premise or in the cloud. With Ansible, you can speed up a very complex migration process, reducing the impact on your teams. Before moving further, let us understand Day 0, Day 1 and Day 2 concepts.



  • Day 0: This is about the Designing/Planning phase. Here, architecture decisions are taken, SAP software is downloaded and RHEL is preconfigured.

  • Day 1: This is about the Installing/Building phase. Here, the infrastructure is configured and SAP workloads are deployed or migrated.

  • Day 2: This is about the Maintaining/Optimizing phase and all the routine administration tasks that this entails, like system refreshes, database backups and restores, etc..


Red Hat Upstream Development Model

The open source development model connects Red Hat engineers to open source communities. From the operating system to automation, middleware, and container technologies, Red Hat continuously creates open solutions for the enterprise. 

SAP Linux Lab is a community and the first step of this model. Roles and playbooks have to be validated by the community before going to the next step, which is being published on Ansible Galaxy. Some of these roles that are found particularly useful to customers are certified by Red Hat and then published on Red Hat Automation Hub. Some of this content may eventually be included in future RHEL releases. Anyone can contribute to this model.

Below images show a list of Ansible Automation Hub Collections:


  • Ansible content for RHEL preparation and SAP software installation: sap_install


  • Ansible content for SAP software operation: sap_operations


This blog gave you an overview of SAP Linux Lab and Ansible Automation. Stay tuned for Part 2. 

Thank you Ricardo Garcia Cavero and Bernd Finger for all your help and support :)!
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