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Information about the issue(s):

I started to notice numerous errors under 'Solution Manager Administration' work center > 'Self-Diagnosis' that among the various issues a red light for 'Managed Object Configuration MAI Directory'.  Clicking on the Display details I see references to systems that I removed from the LMDB before removing it from other various monitoring solutions offered by SolMan (my early days as a SolMan Basis admin); so I recently came across a report that allowed me to resolve the issue.


  • Fire up SAP GUI
  • SE38
  • Run the following  AC_ALRT_ANALYSIS_TOOLS
  • Activate Expert Mode (Not needed to review Invalid data, but needed to perform the actual deletion)
  • Click on 'Find and Delete Invalid Data' under the 'Configuration Tools' section - This will display two tabs 'Entries without active Managed Object (I have a list of Database Table(s) and the counts are all 0) and 'Managed Object without valid Entry Point assignment' (This is where I had numerous entries and the source of my error).

  • Take note of the 'Managed Object ID' column (I suggest a 'ctrl Y' and select all of the Object IDs to copy and paste into excel/spreadsheet)
  • Go back to the main page of the AC_ALRT_ANALYSIS_TOOLS report

**WARNING**   The next steps can be self inflicting, I suggest a backup of SolMan before proceeding.

  • Click on 'Delete Managed Objects' under the 'Configuration Tools' section - you will be presented with a screen asking for input, if it matches, then it is removed from your system.

  • Now go back to your spreadsheet and select one of the Object IDs
  • Put the Object ID in the first box and execute
  • Rinse & Repeat until you complete your list

Ending Thoughts:

Navigating back to 'Solution Manager Administration' work center > 'Self-Diagnosis' and clicking the 'Execute All' button again it will force a refresh check for all items, and now that I don't have missing Object IDs the 'Managed Object Configuration MAI Directory' has now switched to a green status.

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