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Currency Conversion functionality is quite common in data modelling and reporting tools and hence SAP Data Warehouse Cloud is no different.  SAP has been adding new functionalities/improvements in DWC tenets regularly. One of the recent addition is a new functionality/improvements around Currency Conversion.  Please follow below detailed steps to check out my exploration of this functionality in DWC:

Step 1: Set-Up & Import

Legends say, great things in DWC begin with Data Builder and same goes for this functionality as well. I login to DWC to open Data Builder and then click on + Icon to initiate the set-up.

Data Builder + Icon

Currency Conversion Function in Drop Down list of +

Once I click on it, I get options to select from based on your DWC connection set-up:

Manual & Connection based options are available

In my case I have created a connection between our S/4HANA on-prem system and DWC environment. This has been set-up via Connections functionality in DWC using a DP Agent and is a pre-requisite for using S/4HANA Currency tables and data. One can choose either S/4HANA connectors or the ABAP connector for this purpose. Refer to the official document for further details here.


Standard Object Types to be imported

Following Standard Objects is imported and deployed in the pre-selected workspace:

Standard Objects to be imported

Once I click on Create button , the standard objects import & deployment starts.

Step 2: Replication & Data Loads

Post deployment, I need to replicate the remote tables:

Remote Tables for Replication

Post table replication, the Data Flows need to be triggered as well. This will load the data from remote tables to local tables in DWC via Data Flows.

Data Flows


I have used a dummy transaction table (Dummy Data V2) to perform the conversion, sample structure as below:

 Source table sample structure


Step 3: Creating View & Calculated Column

Next step is I need to create a view via Data Builder and consume the Dummy Data V2 table as a source. Additionally, I have created an Input Parameter to take in Target Currency as a User Input. Next I need to add a formula node and use below button to create a currency conversion column:

Further I need to fill in the details based on currency conversion needs such as Exchange Rate Type, Reference Date, Error Handling etc. New Values are nothing but the standard views that I have imported in previous steps whereas older values are the direct tables available in S/4HANA system.

Finally I need to deploy and check the data in the newly added column Amount in Target Currency:

Entering AUD as Target Currency:



Thanks thomasbodenmuellerdodek   for highlighting Business Builder. Currency Conversion functionality can also be leveraged while creating measures in Business Builder -> Analytical Datasets as well.

Pre-requisite is the semantics have to be updated in the Source View to be used, sample as below.

Semantics in Currency Conversion Sample View

Post semantics, I will go to Measures tab in the Analytical Data set and create Converted Measure configuring as per the conversion needs.

Calculated Measure Configuration

*****End of update**********


In conclusion, this is a great addition by SAP as it helps us in having Exchange rate and other relevant tables selected & replicated from our S/4HANA systems thus saving our time and effort in performing currency conversion using the previously shown preliminary method by Mr. san.tran , refer this blog. Now lets see when we can have similar options for UoM Conversion as well, or am I being greedy. 😛

Thanks for reading the blog, feel free to suggestions/discussions in comments.

Regards ,

Hi Deodutt,


great blog!  I just want to add that the same currency tables/views which you describe step 1&2 are also usable in the Business Builder to create currency depended measures and calculations.


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0 Kudos
Thanks a lot for your pointers, updated it in the end with high level information.


0 Kudos
Hello Deodutt,


Amazing Blog!


If we want to extract Currency conversion flows from ECC, Do we need to set up SAP ABAP connection?




0 Kudos


Anyone knows if is it possible to change the Default table names proposed by DWC in the currency conversion properties ?

By default the tables proposed are





But the ones created with the automatic procedure have different technical names (that can not be changed)



Se every time I need to setup a currency conversion I (we) loose 5 minutes to search and set all the tables.
Is there a way to set the default in currency conversion properties?

Active Participant
Hi Alberto,

You can save as the SAP.CURRENCY.VIEW.TCURX  and name it as TCURX, similarly do it for all the 5 views projected as default. This should avoid the rework.

Save As Views


Currency Conversion Renaming




0 Kudos
Thank you for your reply,

I renamed the tables instead of the views (i believe views are exposed and used by the Business Builder).

-> next step I need to test them in business builder.

Thank you again
0 Kudos
Hello Deodutt,


Could you give more detail about how to use the currency conversion in business builder? Have you  associated the currency views in the analytical data set?

0 Kudos

the solution I take (renaming the tables) is not ok,

after testing with third party BI client (JDBC connection),

it fires the error "missing privileges" in TCURX.

If i go in the open database explorer , tables like TCURX in the schema associated to the space can not be read with data preview.

In contrast views like SAP.CURRENCY.VIEW.TCURX are visible.

So I will proceed with your solution by renaming the views that are exposed to consumption by default.

I'm tring to do a data preview of the database view of a "Perspective" (Business layer)

with third party BI Tools. The exchange rates are applied in data builder in my case.


0 Kudos
Hi Alberto,

We are facing a similar issue with respect to missing privileges on TCURX. Can you tell us if this was fixed?


0 Kudos


there are 2 solutions:

  1. Use a database analysis user: in configuration database analysis user, ( you connect with another user to the hana cloud database).
  2. or create a new graphical view (TCURR) as copy of the standard view ( SAP.CURRENCY.VIEW.TCURX ) and expose it to semantics.



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