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To start with Lumira, the data set has to be formatted properly.
This can be done using pivot tables.

Starting with the Data Geek Challenge - Sales in a Company, the following few steps would explain, how it was done.

Choose Start all programs and
select SAP Business Intelligence -> SAP Visual  Intelligence

Now you will get below screen, when you select ‘New Document’

In the next screen, you will get source CSV, Free Hand SQL, HANA Offline, HANA Online, MS Excel, Universe 3.X and Universe 4.X.

Select and double click on ‘MS Excel’.

Procedure to connect HANA with SAP visual intelligence and visualize the data:

Enter SAP HANA Server Credentials.

HANA Server: xxxxxxxx

HANA Server Instance: 01


Password: xxxxxxx

Then click on “Connect HANA Instance”

Once the connection is successful, you will get all the available Analytic/Calculation views in right side as shown below

Select the required view (AN_SFLGHT) and click (preview and select data option).

In the next screen you will have all the attributes and measures available in the selected view. By default all the objects will be selected, if you don’t want any objects for reporting then you can unselect here.

Press Ok to continue.

Once ‘OK’ is clicked , you will see the Visual Intelligence Workspace as shown below.

Go to Visualize -> Drag and drop Measures in the Y Axis and Attributes in X Axis (In this scenario the analysis is for Quantity Sold, Unit Price by Business Units). So Quantity Sold, Unit Price measures are added to Y-Axis and Business Unit attribute are added to X-axis. Now the report looks like below:

Unit Price here has been added to secondary Y-Axis as If its added in the same chart, the values will be too low and the column of unit price wouldn’t be visible because of the negligible values as per the scale.

Chart type can be changed by Clicking on the icons inside the box, as shown below.

We have save the chart by click on “Save” option in Report pane.

We can “share” the same analysis to others using “Publish dataset to HANA, Publish to Stream Work, Publish dataset to explorer, send visualization to mail”
option in “share” screen.

Link to Lumira Cloud:

Create individual ID's here.

The document can be published in this cloud using the Lumira Cloud credientionals, Similarly the published file can be viewed from this Cloud. As of now 1MB space is provided in here.
To know more about it, check the links below, Play around with ti to discover new things.

Calculations & Trellis chart in Visual Intelligence(Lumira)

3 Simple Steps for Calculating Moving Average in Visual Intelligence 3 Simple Steps for Calculating Moving Average in Visual Intelligence

I hope this would be helpful for the starters.

Happy Learning !

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