SAP Analytic Cloud use Live Connection to connect a multitude of data sources, SAC model can be created based on the live connection and the data from source system will be read in real time.This blog explains the steps to establish live data connection in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) to SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry HANA Service.
- Integration Architecture.
- Installing Prerequisite Tools.
- Build and Deploy HANA Analytic Adapter in SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry.
- User Permission and Role Collection in SAP Cloud Platform.
- Identity Provider Configuration for SCP CF and SAC.
- Role & JWT identity authentication in SAP HANA Service.
- Configure Live Connection in SAP Analytic Cloud.
- SAP Analytic Cloud.
- SAP HANA Service.
- SAML2 Identity Provider (To establish SSO between SAP HANA Service and SAC).
- Cloud Foundry Command line interface.
- MultiApps CF CLI Plugin.
- Oracle JDK 8.
- Apache Melvin.
- Node Package Manager & Node.js.
Integration Architecture
1. Installing Prerequisite Tools
1.1. Install Cloud Foundry Command line interface
We need Cloud foundry command line interface to build and deploy the node.js application in SAP cloud platform Cloud Foundry Space.
Download & Install
Cloud Foundry CLI.
Note: Make sure to define CF CLI in environment variable.
1.2. Install Add-on Plugin in CF CLI
To deploy Multi Target Application (MTA) in Cloud Foundry, add MultiApps plugin to CF CLI command line tool.
Run the command
cf install-plugin multiapps from CF CLI command line tool to install MultiApps plugin in CF CLI.
1.3. Install Oracle JDK 8
Download and install Oracle
JDK8. To confirm the successful installation, execute the command
java -version, the output has the Java Version.
Note: Make sure to define Java in environment variable.
1.4. Install Apache Maven
Apache Maven (, extract and place the downloaded files in
Program Files folder in C:\ drive.
Note: Make sure to define Apache Maven in environment system variable PATH. The same can be verified using the command
mvn -version.
1.5. Install Nods.js
Download and install
Note: Make sure to define Nods.js in environment system variable PATH.The same can be verified using the command
node --version.
Verify that Node Package Manager (NPM) is installed using command
npm --version, npm gets installed along with Node.js.
Set npm for the sap registry modules with the command:
npm config set @Sisn:registry
2. Build and Deploy HANA Analytic Adapter in CF
HANA Analytic Adapter (HAA) is a multi-target application deployed in SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry to connect SAP Analytic Cloud and SAP HANA Service. Find below the steps to build and Deploy HANA Analytic adapter.
2.1. Prepare & Build Multi-Target Application - HAA
2.1.1. Download HANA Analytic Adapter (HAA) Project
HAA Package from git repository and extract it to
directory Drive:\HAA.
When the HAA project is extracted, the below files and directories exist in in it.
2.1.2 Download the Multi-Target Application (MTA) Archive Builder
MTA Archive Builder (mta_archive_builder.jar) file from SAP Cloud Tools and place it in the HAA Directory. Rename the file as mta.jar for convenience to execute commands.
2.1.3 Download Analytic Adapter
Download the latest version of
Analytic Adapter for SAP HANA Extended Application Service Advance Model (HANA - XS Advance) from SAP Cloud Tools.
Extract the xsahaa and place it in the
directory Drive:\HAA\haa-java\target. Create
target directory if it does not exist in haa-java.
2.2. Edit mta.yaml file
In HAA directory, edit the mta.yaml file with required parameter to deploy HANA Analytic Adapter in SAP Cloud Platform. Before editing mta.yaml file, collect the details of below services in your environment.
- URL of SAC Analytic Cloud.
- Name of HDI container deployed in SAP Cloud Platform.
- CF subaccount Organization Name.
The below listed parameters has to be edited in the mta.yaml code template with details of respective services.
- <HDI_CONTAINER-NAME> - Replace it with name of hdi container. Eg. hdi_smart_data.
- <URL of SAP ANALYTIC CLOUD CLOUD> - Replace it with URL of SAC. Eg.
- TENANT_HOST_PATTERN - Replace the <space> with the name of CF space in which the HAA application is deployed. Eg. '^(.*)-<space-name>-haa.cfapps.(.*)'.
If organization name and subdomain name of Cloud Foundry subaccount are different then the value of the parameter TENANT_HOST_PATTERN must be defined in below format.
Eg. (.*)-<org-name>-<space-name>-haa.cfapps.(.*)
In the above Eg., Replace spaces and underscores in the org name & cf space name with dash (-), all character must be in lowercase. For example if org name is "SAP_Cloud_Platform cf", it must be written as "sap-cloud-platform-cf".
Below is the code template for deploying Shared HANA Analytic Adapter.
ID: haa
_schema-version: '2.0'
version: 0.0.1
- name: haa-java
type: java
path: haa-java
memory: 1024M
buildpack: sap_java_buildpack
SAP_JWT_TRUST_ACL: '[{"clientid":"sb-xsahaa-be", "identityzone": "*"}]'
JBP_CONFIG_RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION: "['tomee/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/resources.xml': {'xsahaa-hdi-container':'<HDI_CONTAINER-NAME>'}]"
- name: haa-java
url: ${default-url}
- name: haa-uaa
- name: haa
type: nodejs
path: haa-entry
memory: 512M
buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
- name: haa-uaa
- name: haa-java
group: destinations
name: haa-java
url: ~{url}
forwardAuthToken: true
timeout: 600000
CORS: '[{"uriPattern": "^/sap/bc/ina/(.*)$", "allowedOrigin": [{"host":"<URL of SAP ANALYTIC CLOUD>", "protocol":"https"}], "allowedMethods": ["GET", "POST", "OPTIONS"], "allowedHeaders": ["Origin", "Accept", "X-Requested-With", "Content-Type", "Access-Control-Request-Method", "Access-Control-Request-Headers", "Authorization", "X-Sap-Cid", "X-Csrf-Token"], "exposeHeaders": ["Accept", "Authorization", "X-Requested-With", "X-Sap-Cid", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "X-Csrf-Token", "Content-Type"]}]'
COOKIES: '{"SameSite": "None"}'
TENANT_HOST_PATTERN: '^(.*)-<space>-haa.cfapps.(.*)'
- name: haa-uaa
path: ./xs-security.json
type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service
The above code template is used to deploy HANA Analytic Adapter in
Shared Mode.
To deploy HANA Analytic Adapter in
Dedicated mode, remove the parameters
SAP_JWT_TRUST_ACL & TENANT_HOST_PATTERN from the above mta.yaml code template.
SAP_JWT_TRUST_ACL: '[{"clientid":"sb-xsahaa-be", "identityzone": "*"}]'
TENANT_HOST_PATTERN: '^(.*)-<space>-haa.cfapps.(.*)'
2.2.1. Edit xs-security.json file
The xs-security.json file in <Drive>:\HAA directory define the roles that gets created in SAP Cloud Platform when MTA application is deployed.
Edit xs-security.json, define the value for parameter
xsappname: haa-role.
For Dedicated HANA Analytic Adapter, the value of parameter
tenant-mode = dedicated.
For Shared HANA Analytic Adapter, the value of parameter
tenant-mode = shared.
2.2.2. Build HANA Analytic Adapter
Open command prompt and navigate to the directory HAA were mta.yaml file is configured.
Execute the command
java -jar mta.jar --build-target=CF build to build the mtar file for HANA Analytic Adapter. The file HAA.mtar gets created in the directory.
2.3. Deploy Multi Target Application
2.3.1. Login SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Sub-account in Windows Command Prompt
Open the command prompt and login to SAP CF Sub-account, using command
CF login. Provide api of the CF subaccount. You can find the api details in the overview tab of the CF subaccount.
Enter Credentials and Choose the subaccount in which HAA adapter must be deployed.
2.3.2. Deploy the HAA.mtar file
Deploy the HAA.mtar file built in step 2.2.2 in the CF subaccount using the command
cf deploy HAA.mtar.
Once the HANA Analytic Adapter is successfully deployed, you can find the application running in application tab of cf-space where it is deployed.
Once haa application is successfully deployed, the same can be confirmed by launching the URL of haa application in browser it will open up as in below screen shot.
You can find the xsuaa service (haa-uaa) created, haa-java bound to the hdi container & xsuaa service in the service instance tab of the space.
3. User Permission and Role Collection in SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry
3.1. Define Role & Role Collection in SAP Cloud Platform
Open the subaccount where the HAA application is deployed. Navigate to Security -> Role, the role
haa-role defined in xs-security.json gets created here as part of deployment.
Navigate to Role Collection menu, Click New Role Collection and Enter a role collection name.
Now select the created role collection, in next screen add role to role collection haa_role!23123.
3.2. Define HDI_User Permission
Provide select access on _sys_bi schema to hdi user, run the command
grant select on schema _sys_bi to <hdi_user>; in SQL console or HANA Studio.
Find the hdi user details by navigating to Service Instance in space of subaccount, click on hdi_container, where you can find hdi_user details.
3.3. Trust Configuration & Role Assignment in SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Sub-account
Navigate to Security -> Trust Setting in CF Sub-account, Deactivate the default SAP Id Service.
Click on Custom IdP, Navigate to Role Collection Assignment menu, Enter the email address and click
Show Assignment button and add user to the Custom IdP. Once the user is added to custom IdP, click on
Assign Role Collection button and add the role SACtoHANA Role to CF user id.
3.4. Trust between XSUAA and HANA Database Container
The XSUAA internal identity propagation is possible when there is a trust relation from XSUAA to HANA database where the schemas of hdi containers exist.
Follow the steps in below note, section b) No trust has been established between XSUAA and the Hana Database -> b) Sap Cloud Platform (SAPCP) in
Note 2470084 - XSUAA metadata for XS_APPLICATION USER trust creation.
4. Identity Provider Configuration for SCP CF and SAC
To setup SSO between SAC and SAP HANA Service, both the cloud service should have same identity provider. Here SAP Cloud Identity Authentication Service is used as common identity provider for both SAC and SAP CF.
Note: SSO between SAC and SAP CF can be established only with a common identity provider(IdP) for both the services. If distinct IdP is used for both services, SSO cannot be configured and each time when SAC dashboard is accessed, the source system credentials (SAP CF Cloud Platform credentials) will be requested.
4.1. Setup Custom IdP for SAP Cloud Platform – Cloud Foundry
Login to SAP Cloud Identity Authentication Service as administrator, navigate to Application & Resources -> Tenant Setting -> SAML 2.0 Configuration.
Login to SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry subaccount, with administrator access, Navigate to Security -> Trust Configuration.
Click New Trust Configuration button and add the metadata downloaded from SAP Cloud Authentication service.
Click Browse button to add metadata downloaded from SAP Cloud IdP and Save the configuration.
Once custom IdP is added, disable default SAP ID service available for user logon and so user login to application deployed SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry subaccount only using SAP Custom IdP.
Now Click SAML Metadata button to download the metadata of SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry subaccount. The metadata can be download from the below URL as well.
Again, Login to SAP Cloud IdP as administrator, navigate to Application & Resources -> Application -> Click
+Add button to add an application.
Click the application navigate to SAML 2.0 Configuration and upload the metadata downloaded from SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry Sub-account.
Define Subject Name Identifier as Email ID & save the configuration.
4.2 Setup Custom IdP for SAP Analytic Cloud
Download the metadata of SAP Cloud Identity authentication service as explained in the step 4.1.
Login to SAP Analytic Cloud as Administrator, navigate to System -> Administration -> Security Tab, Switch Authentication Method to SAML Single Sign-On (Steps), upload the metadata downloaded from SAP Cloud Identity Authentication Service.
Define Email id as user attribute in SAC and Save the configuration.
Download the metadata from SAC and create a new application in SAP Cloud IdP, upload metadata in SAP Cloud Identity Authentication Service.
Define e-mail address as unique identifier attribute in SAP IdP and save the configuration.
5. Role & JWT identity authentication in SAP HANA Service
Login to HANA Cockpit with HANA DB user, make sure the user has User Admin and Role Admin system privilege. Click User Management.
Create a New HANA User, scroll down to define JWT identity authentication. Check the JWT box and click on “Add JWT Identity”, Map the JWT Provider to match the External SAML IdP Email ID attribute and save the configuration.
Click Assign Roles and Add the Access Role and External Privilege role created as part of HDI container deployment and save the configuration. The role name will have naming convention <hdi_schema_name>::access_role.
Click on Assign Privilege, Select Object Privilege tab, add object EXECUTE_MDS with Execute Privilege and _SYS_BI with Select Privilege and save the configuration.
5.1. Test SSO Connection HAA in CF Space and SAP HANA Service
To test SSO configured between HANA Analytic Adapter and SAP HANA Service, add the suffix
/sap/bc/ina/service/v2/HeartBeat path to haa application URL deployed in CF Space.
On accessing the haa URL, connection results similar to below screen shot which has User Created in SAP HANA Service, then the SSO between SAP HANA Service and HAA application connection is successful.
On accessing the URL if we get FORBIDDEN error, then the SAP CF Sub-account Role connection is not mapped to the user mapped to Custom IdP in SAP CF subaccount Trust Configuration.
On accessing the URL if we get “authentication failed” error, means the issue is in accessing SAP HANA Service. In this case check the SAP HANA Service JWT identity authentication settings of HANA Service user, role and privilege assigned to SAP HANA Service user.
6. Configure Live Connection in SAP Analytic Cloud
Login to SAP Analytic Cloud, Navigate to Connection. Click
+ to create new connection and Choose Live Connection to SAP HANA.
A pop-up for new live connection appears, provide the following details to setup live connection between SAC and SAP HANA Service, click Ok to Test and Save the configurations.
Name : <Name of Live Connection> Eg. CFHANA
Description : Description to Live connection
Connection Type : Direct
Host : <cf-subaccount-org-name>-<space>
Port : 443
Authentication Type: SAML Single Sign On
URL of host can be obtained from the CF subaccount space where HANA Analytic Adapter haa is deployed.
In this blog post I have explained in detail on creating Live Connection between SAC and SAP HANA Service using HANA Analytic Adapter. I have used SAP Cloud Identity Authentication service to establish SSO between SAC and HANA Analytic Adapter deployed in CF Sub-account. You Can also use other identity providers but make sure the identity provider supports SAML protocol.