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The recording of the call is here

Invitation for SAP System Architects, Development Architects, Application Architects

and Basis Architects and everybody who is interested, to join the next #SAPSysArchs


     Subject:                     SAP S/4HANA Preparing Your SAP Landscape

                                        and Moving to S/4HANAArchitecture Call

     Date:                           Wednesday 16th March - 20:30 CET                               

     Meeting Url:      

     Conference Code;      Participant Passcode: 329 122 3879

     Local Dial-in Numbers are here

As preparation for the call, checkout the "call notes" blog...  #SAPSysArchs - Preparing Your SAP Landscape For S/4HANA - call deck

Following on from January's #SAPSysArchs call on SAP Gateway, and February's

#SAPSysArchs - SAP Fiori & SAP Portal Architecture Call  the third call in this journey which

we are all on will be about the complimentary subject of S/4HANA, Preparing Your SAP Landscape

and Moving to S/4HANA.

This is going to be a fascinating call, which I am especially looking forward to. For all of us who

have preparing our SAP Landscape for S/4HANA either on our desks or on our radars this call

is going to be the opportunity to bring all of the open questions onto the table and understand in

more detail what is going on and what the steps are.

The kind of questions we aim to answer are for example:

1) How should a Customer prepare for moving to S/4HANA - new installation or migrate to HANA and

hen upgrade to S/4HANA ? What are all of the alternatives paths to get to S/4HANA - the alternatives paths

will dictate how the Customer can prepare their landscape

2) What Data preparation should the Customer make in their system, is there any data cleanup

required before moving to S/4HANA ?

3) Are there and HCP Cloud dependencies on running on Premise S/4HANA, "How deep are cloud

offerings integrated/how strong is the dependency?", Do customers have to integrate the SAP

HANA Cloud Platform necessarily to introduce S/4HANA?

4) What about Custom Code, let's say a Customer has a lot of custom code in their ECC, and

wants to migrate to HANA and upgrade to S/4, how does the customer check that custom code

will not cause any problems, does SAP have any reports which can be executed which will tell

you if custom code will migrate to S/4HANA ok, or if you will have problems ?

5) Like in preparing BI for a HANA migration does SAP have any reports which have to be

executed as a pre-step for the journey to S/4HANA to enable the customer to see how healthily

prepared for S/4 their system is

As before, the goal of the call is a peer architectural discussion and to get the most value out

of the call we need to bring all of our questions, feel welcome to add questions to the comments

section of this blog ahead of the call, or to bring the questions to the call.

The call will open with a short ppt presentation introducing the subject and subsequently, the floor

will be opened for peer discussion on these subjects. Remember, "Interruptions R US", the call is not

a lecture and everybody is welcome to interrupt and join the discussion.

We are very lucky, as there will be SAP Product Managers present to act as the authority on the


The call will be a unique opportunity for peers from SAP Customers and SAP Partners to

understand, subject of S/4HANA, Preparing Your SAP Landscape and Moving to S/4HANA.

As has been explained here previously, the point of the call is to discuss real SAP system

architecture challenges facing real people at real companies. The call is less a lecture and

more a discussion.

Please take the opportunity to think of interesting questions and challenges on the subject of

subject of S/4HANA, Preparing Your SAP Landscape and Moving to S/4HANA and feel welcomed to

post the questions here in advance of the call (in the chat under the blog) or bring the questions and

challenges to the call. The benefit of posting challenging S/4HANA, Preparing Your SAP Landscape

and Moving to S/4HANA architecture questions here in advance is for challenging subjects it will give

colleagues from SAP the chance to prepare and the other peers the chance to give feedback on their

thoughts ahead  of the call.

The goal of the call as usual is to learn from peers through open common discussion and

solution sharing on contempary SAP system architecture challenges.

Looking forward to all feedback and attendance.

Let's have some fun and fully understand how subject of S/4HANA, Preparing Your SAP Landscape

and Moving to S/4HANA.


About #SAPSysArchs

Together we are all #SAPSysArchs, everybody in the SAP Business who is involved in SAP

System Architecture decisions.

A global peer group enabling sharing of discussions, questions, philosophies, throughts and


#SAPSysArchs face many challenges including pressure of having to be the subject matter

expert, the final internal technical authority, and without always having access to support.

Where is the documentation, there is not enough architecture documentation around SCN

or SMP, we're lucky if a Master Guide gives some architectural insight.

Architect's don't blog, why ? Often blogging architecture solutions, philosophies, ideas, could

risk sharing company's secrets combined with pride of not wishing to be publicly challenged.

What to do ? #SAPSysArchs creates a peer group where on a monthly basis peers can have

an open discussion on a contempary subject, and compare thoughts.

Less a lecture and more a discussion, there are mountains of documentation on SCN, SMP,

TechEd, the #SAPSysArchs calls are primarily an opportunity for open peer discussion, where

attendees bring their challenges and throughts.

Real challenges faced by real people at real companies, rather than PowerPoint Presentations.

Good architectural design and decisions bring many benefits including:

     . creating competitive advantage by

          . enabling End User productivity, enabling End Users to be productive and keeping them


          . reducing costs

          . reducing time

Every company is different, running at different speeds with different budgetary and business


What is the best architectural decision for one company, may not for a variety of reasons be the

best architectural decision for another.

However, enabling #SAPSysArchs to share and compare in peer discussions will benefit all.

The New SCN SAP NetWeaver Architecture Category - An Introduction

p.s. martin.steinberg and christian.braukmller4 have I missed anything 🙂

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