Logon to the HANA Cockpit Server with the <sid>adm user
Click Hana-cockpit on the lower rightside of the screen as shown above
Internal Server Error appeared in the page of the browser screen.
Check whether all the HANA services are up and running.
Logon to XSA CLI with command xs-admin-login
Get the Web IDE URL with command xs apps
To check the log , run the command
xs logs --all cockpit-web-app
As shown above, Could not authenticate with UAA: Could not obtain access token: request to UAA at
https://<hostname>:3<INS>32/uaa-security/oauth/token failed, error: Request to UAA failed: certificate has expired (connecting to <hostname>:3<INS>32)
Logon to the HANA server with your <sid>adm user
Logon to XSA CLI with command xs login or xs-admin-log
Reset the certificate with command XSA reset-certificate
A new self-signed certificate for the default-domain is set and XSA is restarted automatically
As of XS advanced version 1.0.55, this will generate a new self-signed server certificate for the platform . XS advanced will be restarted automatically.
This restarted hdbxscontroller and hdbxsuaaserver services as shown below
Logon to XSA CLI with command xs login or xs-admin-log
Run the command xs apps as shown below
launch advance XSA as shown below
https://<hostname with fqdn>:39630
Then click Hana cockpit on the lower right side of the screen highlighted yellow color as shown above
It is important to note that once the command "XSA set-certificate" is executed on the primary node, it will immediately replicate to the secondary node, therefore no more actions or file copies are required. No additional steps need to be taken on the secondary node.
Command "XSA reset-certificate" can extend the XSA domain certificate for 1 year
Reference :
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