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This blog delves into the technical aspects of integrating IBM Security Verify with SAP Cloud Identity Services (CIS) in SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) as a proxy.

SAP CIS offers a suite of solutions for managing user identities, access controls, and application integrations across the IT landscape. Conversely, IBM Security Verify provides identity governance, workforce and Customer Identity Access Management (CIAM), and privileged account controls through automated, cloud-based, and on-premises capabilities. By integrating these platforms, organisations can leverage their combined strengths to establish a secure business environment. This integration enhances operational control, regulatory compliance, and user experience in the digital era.

IBM Security Verify supports various authentication methods, including passwordless, fingerprints, and one-time passcodes, ensuring flexibility and robustness against unauthorised access. Meanwhile, SAP Cloud Identity Services serves as a comprehensive Identity and Access Management solution which is available in SAP BTP.

The integration process involves configuration updates in SAP CIS and IBM Security Verify to enable authentication utilising standard protocols supported by both components, such as SAML 2.0. Organisations must ensure they have the necessary admin privileges or access rights for editing configurations before initiating the integration procedure. Collaboration between the organisation and SAP is required for the integration, with most of the effort undertaken by the organisation.

Reference Architecture


The diagram represents a SAP Cloud Identity Service that integrates with IBM Security Verify though which various SAP BTP application(s), SAP SaaS solution(s) and on-premises application(s) can be accessed. It demonstrates user sign-in via IBM Security Verify which allow possible passwordless, bio-metric or multi-factor authentication (MFA) using mobile devices for fast application access and pleasing user-experience.


  • SAP Cloud Identity Services(for trial instance check this link)
  • IBM Security Verify (for trial instance check this link)
  • A smartphone with IBM Security Verify App

Configurations and Settings in IBM Security Verify

Log in into IBM Security Verify as an administrator 


When a user logs in, home screen as shown below will be displayed.


Now on the left panel, click on "Applications" under "Applications". On the right side of the screen, there is an “Add application” button. Click on it.


Fill the necessary details under “General” section as below and save the details.


Before we go further, let’s log into SAP BTP account and you will be navigated on SAP BTP Cockpit. As suggested below, navigate to the “Instances and Subscriptions” tab, which is under “Services”.



Upload the metadata file which you have recently saved on your device to IBM Verify dashboard


Configurations and Settings in SAP Cloud Identity Services

Now, get back to SAP BTP and navigate to “Instances and Subscriptions.”


Now, enable the “Cloud Identity Services” if it’s not and once done it will be accessible as below:


Once you click on “Cloud Identity Services”, you will be redirected to the login screen of the SAP authentication screen as shown below


After successful login, you can see the home screen of Cloud identity service. Go to the “Identity Providers” as highlighted below


Click on the Corporate Identity providers and create new identity provider



Once the new identity provider is added successfully, click on the identity provider type and select SAML 2.0 compliant as shown below


Go to the SAML configuration section and fill in the information as shown below.



You can browse the “Metadata” file from your device once you download it from IBM Security Verify dashboard. Go to “Sign on” section of the application and on the right side of the screen, download the file from the given URL and upload the same in SAP Cloud Identity Service as highlighted below:


Click on the Trusting application section and add SAP BTP trial sub-account.


Now, navigate back to SAP BTP cockpit and establish the trust configuration which is under “Security” section  for the cloud identity application as shown in the below screenshots.


Select “Establish Trust”


You will see the below steps once you click on establish trust.  As a first step, choose tenant and click on next.


After selecting a tenant in the next step choose the domain for your SAP Cloud identity services application.


Click on the next button and configure parameters as shown in below screenshot.


Click on the next button and make a final review of the setup you have done while establishing the trust.  Then click on the finish button and save the details.


Once done, you can see the new active trust configuration as shown below.


To provide access to the user, click on the Users section which is inside the “Security” section on the left menu.


Click on the user and assign role collection to the user as shown below.


You can select different roles and assign them to the user. Here we have added three roles to the user.  After selecting all the roles, click on the  “Assign role collection” button and save the details.


We have completed the configurations in IBM Security Verify and SAP Cloud Identity Services. Let’s test it now by opening the SAP business studio application as shown below.

How does it work? Let’s Check.

Log into SAP BTP Cockpit and Navigate to “Instances and Subscriptions” under “Services” as highlighted below:


It will redirect to the sign in options screen of the SAP. Here, select SAP cloud identity service as an identity provider.


Once you select, it will redirect to the verify sign in option screen for a authentication. Here you can select a different sign in option for Verify or can log in with IBM id/Cloud directory.


Enter your IBMid for log in and click the continue button.


 It will redirect you for w3 authentication screen where you can enter your w3 id & password.


Once you click on sign in, you will see below screen of SAP business application studio.



Click on the “OK” button and you will be redirected to the SAP Business Application Studio home screen.



To summarise, combining IBM Security Verify with SAP Cloud Identity Services via SAML 2.0 provides a strong solution for organisations wishing to:

Enhance security: By implementing multi-factor authentication and centralised user management, businesses may greatly minimise the risk of unauthorised access to vital data and applications.

Improve the user experience: SAML 2.0 integration offers single sign-on, which allows users to access various applications with a single login, eliminating login fatigue and increasing overall user experience.

Simplify identity management: Consolidating identity management across several platforms allows organisations to streamline administration operations and reduce the complexity of managing user access.

Overall, this integration enables organisations to achieve a balance between strong security and a user-friendly interface, building trust and confidence in this digital era.

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