This article is to explain the steps of the HANA 2.0 installation on SUSE Linux 12 SP3. The configuration and permission setups explained in this article is not for the production environment but to practice the HANA administration tasks.
***All system and network information like Domain name, IP addresses shown in the post are dummy and only for testing purposes.***
During the installation of the operating system, partitions for the operating system are created.
A logical volume group (LVG) named /dev/system will be created. This LVG contains two logical volumes (LVs): /dev/system/root: by default, 60 GB to account for the operating system and SAP media
/dev/system/swap: according to SAP note 1597355 the SWAP size should be X2 of the RAM.
Physical Memory (RAM) Recommended Swap-Space
Add new volume for HANA DB 400GB
Fix the IP of the system
Change the hostname of the system
Configure FTP allow port 21 and create new user to access the FTP because by default root user is not allowed for FTP.
Files required for installation
Installation Media
HANA DB Server files
HANA DB Client files
SAP Kernel files
SAPCAR files for extraction of the data files.
Put SAPCAR files in each folder in which you want to extract the data.
Get full access on the files to execute SAPCAR
Execute below command to extract
Give also full access to extracted folders.
Running GUI Installer
Go to SAP_HANA_DATABASE folder to run the HANA DB setup.
Select installation path and also get full access 777 on it, set system ID
Check the log file for installation details.