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This blog is to provide the steps with the screenshots on how to import contents from abapGitHub into BTP ABAP environment.


  1. In BTP subscribe to ABAP cloud platform and generate the service key

  2. Install the eclipse latest version in the local machine. After that, install the add-ons for ADT and abapGitHub. Follows the steps in this link for the same

  3. In eclipse, create a new ABAP cloud project and connect to BTP ABAP instance.

How to connect to GitHub and import the contents

  1. In the ADT editor navigate to Window-->showview-->other

  2. In the popup window search for abapGithub or open the folder ABAP

  3. The abapGithub repository view will be displayed. In this view already imported contents and pull status is available

  4. For this testing, I am trying to import the contents created by another user. Link is

  5. Go to the project explorer and create a new ABAP package to import the contents from  abapGitHub repository.

  6. Click the green plus ( + ) symbol in the abapGit Repositories view.

  7. In the popup paste the github url

  8. In the next screen select the abap package which is already created

  9. Check the field “Pull after link” to import the objects from the github into the abap package. Select the objects that required for import.

  10. The status of pull request can be viewed in the abapGitHub repository.

  11. To view the imported objects you can right click on the respective line item and select the option 'ShowObjectLog'.

  12. Imported objects are now available in the custom package.

Reference :-

Note:-  If you encounter the error "public key not found for XXXXXX " while installing the "abapGit repositories ADT plug-in" then download and use the new version of eclipse. I got this error in eclipse 2021 then I downloaded the latest 2023 version and completed this activity.

I hope you find this article is helpful.



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