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In SAP terms, Odata a platform/framework that can be used to create SAP objects or services that can be consumed from outside of SAP box to read or write data. A service can be called an API that SAP provides to their consumers.

Any consumer or provider of SAP who can call REST APIs can use it. It’s OOP based, faster, secure and having nice trace tools.

V4 is latest version of OData and its for data reduction. Size of Meta data can be controlled in service output, enhanced paging technique. V4 is different from SEGW project creation to DPC Ext methods, coding, service registration, URI, Json format, debugging etc.


Creation of a V4 service through SEGW:

Odata V4 came with Code based implementation initially, with NW 750 it can be created through SEGW.

Go to Tcode SEGW (SAP Gateway service builder).

Create a new project, select Odata V4 for project type-


V4                                                               V2


We don’t have Associations same like in V2, but that can be done in a different way.

Create entity types (data structures) and define their properties:


For multiple and deep structures like header and item or item and serial numbers, define their Navigation properties:


Here navigation property of header ‘Items’ have target type entity ‘Item’ and Collection is checked means a header can have multiple items.

Same for item to serial:

Define Entity Sets and create bindings with Navigation properties created above:


Activate the project, provide MPC DPC Extension class name:

Service ZAPI_GET_PLANTSLOC gets created.


Register and publish the service:

There are 2 step process to register the service. If we have a separate SAP back-end and gateway system like SAP ECC and Fiori then we’ll register the service in SAP ECC and publish the same in SAP Fiori. If SAP gateway is in ECC, we do both steps in ECC.

Step 1 – Register the service

Go to tocde /iwbep/v4_admin (SAP back-end Service Administration) in SAP ECC:

Create a service group – We can define a Service group by similar business area or similar process area. Example – ZDIS_TRANSFER_POSTING if for all transfer postings (MIGO) in distribution area.

Provide service name and MPD DPC EXT class names:


By default this service bind in default service group, move it to the group we have created:




Service is registered:


Step 2 – Publish the service group

Go to tocde /iwfnd/v4_admin in (SAP Gateway Service Administration) in SAP Fiori or SAP gateway system:


Through Routing configuration we can setup system Alias with RFC destination(Connection between SAP back-end and gateway system.

Click on Publish Service Group. Provide System Alias (Alias created for ECC->Fiori system) and Service group name, hit Get service groups:

Service and group will be successfully imported in Gateway system. Publish the group, lock the configuration in transport request.


Click on Metadata to display the metadata information or Service test to test the service from SAP Gateway (/IWFND/GW_CLIENT):



Sometimes if we get below error:


Go to Tcode /IWFND/VIRUS_SCAN to omit V4 Virus scan and execute after selecting below checkbox:


Adding code in DPC Extension:

Below are the methods we get in DPC EXT class:


Available Interfaces in V4:

 Name  Details

Methods provide basic functionality

(Create, Update, Delete, Navigation)

Medium complex functionality

eTag handling, PATCH, $expand

Contains generic calls to other (especially the basic) interfaces

Always called first by the framework

Contains generic calls to the other (especially the basic) interfaces
 /IWBEP/IF_V4_DP_BATCH $batch. Generic $batch and change-set
 /IWBEP/IF_V4_DP_PROCESS_STEPS Transaction and life cycle handling


According to service entity structures, Odata framework make a call to corresponding method of Advanced Interface then from this, call come to Basic interface method.

Example – for read a list call comes to /IWBEP/IF_V4_DP_ADVANCED~READ_ENTITY_LIST method and if there is no custom re-definition found, code of this method calls to /IWBEP/IF_V4_DP_BASIC~READ_ENTITY_LIST method.  As per our need we can implement the method.


Import parameters

Each interface method has 2 importing parameters:

IO_REQUEST: to get information we need to handle the request

IO_RESPONSE: to return business data to the SAP Gateway framework and to tell the framework which processing steps the service implementation has handled itself


ToDo, Done list

‘Processing steps the service implementation has handled itself’

This is handled by ToDo and Done flags.

To do flags tells us what the implementation needs to do.

Example – Any get call with filterable values ‘Filter’ flag will have ‘X’.

In a Post call, todo list flags can be different. Basically it depends on type of Interface method we redefine.


At the end of processing set Done list flags to inform Odata framework what the implementation did.


Common methods to use

Some of the common and useful methods:


  • GET_ENTITY_SET – Read entity set name to validate and control the flow

  • GET_FILTER_OSQL_WHERE_CLAUSE – Read where clause (mainly used in CDS views)

  • GET_FILTER_PROPS_WITH_RANGES – Provide filter fields passed in a call

  • GET_FILTER_RANGES_FOR_PROP – Read filter values

  • GET_KEY_DATA – Read key data if passed (can be used if 1-2 filterable fields in a get call)

  • GET_TODOS – Get To do flags

  • GET_SKIP - Get Skip value (($skip) for paging

  • GET_TOP – Get Top value ($top) for paging

  • GET_BUSI_DATA – Read Input Json in Post or create call


  • SET_BUSI_DATA - Set the business data. Update service output

  • SET_IS_DONE – Set Done flags

  • SET_COUNT – In case need to send total number of records

  • GET_MESSAGE_CONTAINER - Message Container for messages. To collect error messages to pass in Exception object. This will return an Object reference to collect the messages

  • ADD_RUNTIME_STATISTICS – In get call, send Application Time

Code lines:

ev_entity_set_name = DATA(lv_entity_set_name) ).

io_request->get_todos( IMPORTING es_todo_list = lst_todo_list ).

es_busi_data = li_busidata ).   “li_busidata is type of entity structure


------Process on li_busidata-------


lst_done_list-busi_data = abap_true.
lst_done_list-deep_busi_data = abap_true.       “If deep entity exists (Get to do list can be checked)

is_busi_data = li_busidata ).   “Setting service O/P

io_response->set_is_done( lst_done_list ).      “Setting Done list flags

lo_response_fnl ?= io_response.

lo_response_fnl TYPE REF TO /iwbep/cl_v4_response_info_pro.

lo_response_fnl->finalize( ).       “Can be used in Post call to inform V4 Response framework

Exception handling


Exception class: /IWBEP/CX_GATEWAY

Code lines:

DATA(lo_message) = im_response->get_message_container( ).

iv_msg_type   = <lfs_return>-type            " Message Type
iv_msg_id     = <lfs_return>-id              " Message Class
iv_msg_number = <lfs_return>-number ).       " Message Number

DATA(lo_exp) = NEW /iwbep/cx_gateway(
http_status_code   = '404'                    “Pass HTTP error code according to the situation
message_container  = lo_message ).



Available HTTP Error codes (Public section of exception class /IWBEP/CX_GATEWAY):

HTTP Code Description
304 Not Modified - the data is up to date already and does not need to be sent
400 Bad Request - The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax. - Should not happen in the BEP
403 Forbidden - The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond to it
404 Not Found - The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future
405 Method Not Allowed - A request was made of a resource using a request method not supported by that resource
406 Not Acceptable - The requested resource is only capable of generating content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request
409 Conflict - Indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the request, such as an edit conflict
410 Gone - Indicates that a resources existed earlier but it’s not available anymore
412 Precondition Failed - The server does not meet one of the preconditions that the requester put on the request
415 Unsupported Media Type - The request entity has a media type which the server or resource does not support
428 Precondition Required (RFC 6585) - The origin server requires the request to be conditional
500 Server: Internal Server Error - A generic error message, given when no more specific message is suitable
501 Server: Not Implemented - The server either does not recognize the request method, or it lacks the ability to fulfill the request
503 Server: Service Unavailable - The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance). Temporary error


Testing V4 from SAP Gateway:

Changes in URI:

V2: /sap/opu/odata/SAP/zdis_get_po/POHeaderS?$expand=POHeaderToPOItem,POHeaderToReturnMsg&$filter=PoNumber eq '3000000477'&$format=json

V4: /sap/opu/odata4/sap/zdis_get_master_data/default/sap/zapi_get_plantsloc/0001/PlantStorageLocationDetailsSet?$filter=(Plant eq '1000' or Plant eq '2000') and CompanyCode eq 'CC01'

In V4 we need to pass service group along with service name.


V4 Json sample (Post):

"PostingDate" : "2019-10-02",           “Date format for type Edm.Date
"UserId" : "DUMMY",
"OrderNumber" : "1234567890",
"Message" : "",
"Items" : [
"ItemNumber" : "0001",
"ProjectNumber" : "F.01.000289",
"Plant" : "1000",
"StogareLocation" : "1100",
"Material" : "MM18",
"Quantity" : 1,
"MovementType" : "101",
"SpecialStockIndicator" : "Q",
"Batch" : "",
"ValuationType" : "",
"UnitOfMeasure" : "KG",
"Serials" : [
"SerialNumber" : ""
"ItemNumber" : "0002",
"ProjectNumber" : "F.01.000289",
"Plant" : "1000",
"StogareLocation" : "1100",
"Material" : "MM19",
"Quantity" : 1,
"MovementType" : "301",
"SpecialStockIndicator" : "",
"Batch" : "",
"ValuationType" : "",
"UnitOfMeasure" : "LB",
"Serials" : [
"SerialNumber" : ""


Debugging V4:

Below method calls SAP backend system from SAP Gateway system. Put one break point here on call of backend RFC and one another on DPC EXT method that we have implemented.





Search V4 services:

Search existing V4s in your system using below tables–

/IWBEP/I_V4_MSRV - OData V4 Service Registry

/IWBEP/I_V4_MSGA - OData V4 Service Group Assignment



Odata URI can be called from consumer’s app or using tools like Postman. As it’s not recommended to expose SAP system address and service information out, we can use cloud based API proxy technique to add additional security. It uses industries best authentication methods like OAuth2 or SMAL SSO, provide a platform for tracing incoming or outgoing traffic, provide details of service performance and work as a middle ware where we can do lookup and error handling.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
The use of SEGW when creating Odata Services is NOT recommended as described in SAP Note 2485370

Instead  one should use a code based implementation as I described here.

But one should be aware that the recommended odata v4 development approach in S/4HANA is to use the ABAP Restful programming model once this will support odata v4.
0 Kudos
Dear Andre,

Is the keyword $any supported by your oData v4 approach?

Thank you in advance.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
With code based implementation you can implement everything that is supported by the SAP Gateway OData V4 framework.

And yes, any is supported.

But, it is not easy to implement 😉

Hi Andre, do you have an example of $any implementation?


Thank you 🙂
0 Kudos
Thank you sumit.joshi2 for a very informative post.

I'm having one problem that is I can't get the debugger to work like I could with Odata v2. No matter where I set the external breakpoint the debugger never triggers even though my code is running.

I also tried putting breakpoints in V4: /IWBEP/CL_V4_REMOTE_PROXY~CALL_BEP and ECC: /IWBEP/FM_V4_HANDLE_REQUEST  like you suggested but that didn't work either. Do you have a solution to this?

Best regards,

Birgir Snorrason
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Severin,

Any luck on $any ?



Abhijeet Kankani
0 Kudos

It's too complex to implement, even not sure if it's possible with full functionality, from my POV...

I wonder if andre.fischer has planned to show us in a blog, someday!


0 Kudos
Hi Birgir,

Not sure if you got the answer, if your not then below are the steps for V4.


Method: CALL_BEP


Hope it helps.

0 Kudos
Hi Naresh,

Thanks for the reply. This sounds like what I tried originally and it didn't work for me. I ended up using OData v2 so I never had to figure out the solution for this problem.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Does anyone know where i can turn on oauth authentification for Odata4 Services?


Best regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Domenik,



2322624 - SAP Gateway SAP_GWFND OData V4 protocol - Known Constraints


Best regards

I have created a new blog to expose CDS Views as V4 Services with Parent and Child Relationship. Please check it.

0 Kudos


For some business reasons we want to create the v4 service from segw. I tried following the steps mentioned in the blog above but when creating Runtime artifacts we are getting the error "Service Id already exists" for any name we enter and in all systems it is same . I have attached the screenshot for the error below. If there is anyway we can resolve this blocker?



0 Kudos
Hi Sanjay,

Not very sure about this error, but can you check table /IWBEP/I_V4_MSRV and see if this ZSEGW... service entry present in the table, if yes get the project and see if you can delete it from the system if not getting used.




0 Kudos
Hi Sumit,

Good Day,

Could you please let us know how did you add OAUTH to this service , since it has to enabled while registration service , but in /iwbep/v4_admin, /iwfnd/v4_admin, we do not see any oauth check box.


Hoping for quick reply.


0 Kudos

Hi Sumit

If one adds Odata v4 but wishes rollback to "Odata V2 only" state how to do it.

/n/IWFND/V4_ADMIN much discussed was used to activate

Please help on DeActivate RollBack Odata V4



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