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Dear All,

This blog post will insights on how to export the application from SAP Demo kit and import the application to our Business Application Studio(BAS) environment and make custom changes as per our need/requirement.

Here, I would like to explain how I achieved this task with simple steps.


If there is any Business demo in Business Application Studio(BAS) and need of an functionality application with immediate effect. We can use the demo apps from SAP SDK and export it to Business Application Studio(BAS) and make changes as per our requirement.

Step 1: Login to BAS account and create project.

Login to BAS.


I have created project name as demo.


Step 2: Upload the application which is downloaded from the SAP SDK from local machine.


Right click on project and click on Upload.

Step 3: Once the project is uploaded, it will show as below.


Step 4: Open the terminal to execute the application.

On the top left corner, click on three dash lines.

Step 5: Navigate to the right file path using linux command.

In BAS, project which is in zip format cannot be directly uploaded and run. So, I have used below command to unzip the project file.

Unzip <appname> -d destination is the command to unzip the project which is uploaded from our local machine.


Step 6: Now the project is unzipped successfully and file destination is created.


Step 7: We can delete the zip file as it is no longer required and can be deleted using Delete permanently.

Right click on zipped project.


Step 8: Run npm install to check if there are any inconsistencies.

npm - Node Package Manger. It will install all the dependencies of a project.


Step 9: Now run ui5 serve command to run the application

Command - ui5 serve

This command will start a web server for the current project. It has generated web server and url can be used to view the application.

ctrl + click on the url to view the application.




Step 10: We can make any changes in the application as per the requirement and demonstrate the changes.

I have added another Icon tab bar with sample data and changes got reflected. In this approach, we can make any changes in the application as per our requirement.

Conclusion: With this approach, we can present the application with demo/sample data in faster way.


Do give a try and feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.


Karthik N.
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