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Obtaining Integration Black-Belt badge from SAP (2023)…

I cannot comment how “prestigious” this badge is – personally, I do find it as nice addition to my list of badges and certifications… Could be because it summarize so much current (and interesting) integration topics in one (short) learning path… Or could it be because I generally like karate – who knows…

Anyway, I like it!

But, let me go immediately to the topic… The topic is – how to gain (sufficient) knowledge to become SAP Integration Black-Belt.

Let's start with some general information. All the guidelines how to start this open-end learning path can be found in the following blogs:

Training and quiz experience in the SAP Learning Hub are not like those in openSAP (Free SAP Training | openSAP) or in SAP Learning (Free SAP Online Courses | SAP Learning). For this particular training, content is delivered in the form of video lectures – don’t’ worry, all you need to know is really there – but there are no transcripts or any supporting textual documents or learning materials. The quiz has three attempts and cut score is 80%. This is not too difficult (after all, there are three attempts), but not too easy either (as cut score is 80%).

How to learn for the quiz?

1st I would say, (some) hands-on is definitely must – this badge is not intended for beginners. Real working (architecture or development) experience provides the best and the most consistent knowledge. Of course, very difficult one will have “real” working experience in all the topics covered by this training; i.e. not so many people (yet) will have practical experience with Advanced Event Mesh or Integration Cell etc.

So, the 2nd recommendation is – lets be very careful while watching the video lectures. As indicated, everything has been explained in the lectures and demos. However, no mater how careful we are, there could always be some tiny-little details which are missed.

Finally, there is 3rd recommendation – fortunately there are some openSAP and SAP Learning training courses, freely available, which can be of great help. I strongly suggest going through those courses, and review all the available training materials offered in those courses:

And after all, being current – why not visiting some SAP TechEd 2023 (SAP TechEd 2023 | Virtual Event) content around the integration?

Is this of any help?

I hope yes...

Sorry, no cheat-sheets, I do not use it, I do not provide it… But there is a clear learning path how to prepare for the Integration Black-Belt badge.

Please note, this is just a badge, not a certification. I see this more like – I "verify" myself for my own use, primarily – something to "share" with the community, probably – but not something that will flesh out on the top of one’s CV (still does not mean one should not mention it – why not).

Happy learning!
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