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In this blog we will learn How to enable the SUBMIT button in Fiori app - Verify Currency Adjustments (F4670).

Issue: When we click at Create Button, It navigates to the Fiori app - Post Currency Adjustments(F1606). Here SUBMIT Button is disable but end user wants to SUBMIT the Data.


Prerequisites: User must have access to all three apps

  1. Verify Currency Adjustments(F4670)

  2. Manage Workflows for Journal Entry Verification - In General Ledger (F2720)

  3. Manage Teams and Responsibilities for Journal Entry Verification - In General Ledger (F3932)


Steps to enable the SUBMIT Button

  1. Go to Fiori launchpad and launch the Fiori app – F4670 (Verify Currency Adjustments) and Click at Create Button.

      2. It will navigate to the Fiori app F1606 (Post Currency Adjustments).

    3. Fill all required details, but as we can see SUBMIT Button is not enabled.

   4. To enable the SUBMIT Button go to the Fiori app – F2720 (Manage Workflows for Journal Entry Verification - In General Ledger)

Select the workflow Type as Currency Adjustment Verification from Dropdown.

If Currency Adjustment Verification is available so no need to perform any action.

Else there is no data regarding this -> Create the new entry for this.

Now we can see the entry of Currency Adjustment Verification.

   5. Go to Fiori launchpad (/n/ui2/FLP) --> Fiori app (Manage Teams and Responsibilities for          Journal Entry Verification - In General Ledger).

Need to check Entry is maintained or not. If entry is not maintained, please create entry and fill        required data and Save.

   6. Go to Fiori app -->  F4670 (Verify Currency Adjustments) and Click at Create Button. Perform the steps 2 & 3. Now we can see that SUBMIT Button is enable in our application (F1606).

More Information:

Verify Currency Adjustments


SUBMIT Button is enable in our Fiori application Post Currency Adjustments- (F1606).

With this we come to an end of this blog. Hope you find it useful.

Keep learning & Keep Sharing!!

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