Intro :- Often in REST adapter scenario , we are given with YAML files , where multiple json operations are tagged. In those cases , we need to understand which json /operation to be needed for our scenario and how to create XSD from YAML file provided.
Yaml is a multi structure format of JSON file(s).
XSD is a structure format of XML file
Step 1. :- Use Swagger Editor and put the YAML file structure.
Example YAML file
Use The Swagger application link below. -
Step 2:- Put the Yaml file in the swagger editor left hand side and in the right hand side , all the relevant functions/operations are displayed.

Step3:-Choose the right operation which you want to create as XSD. After choosing the right operation the relevant json example/model is displayed.

Step 4 :- Use the below link to convert the json example to xml
Step 5:- Convert the created xml to xsd using the link below.
Step 6 :- Validate this structure against the model provided by operation in the Swagger editor and check if the occurrences, datatypes , names etc are matching . Mostly occurrences do not match , as model depicts the complete json structure, whereas json example is a subset of it. Validate against the model and create / edit the xsd created above with modification done manually.
Step7 :- Import the XSD into ESR for usage.
Summary :- This piece of blog would help us understand what is YAML , json about different file formats and how this could be adpative into the PI/PO ESR mappings.
Please share your comments and insights on this. Thanks.
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