How to convert HTML to Jupyter Notebook IPYNB with...
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This is an utility that worked very well in converting HTML to Jupyter Notebook IPYNB with all the Author's text for 3 SAP blogs I tried
Will be very helpful for many blogs with the current thrust in Data Science and Data Engineering; reader wishes to try but copy paste painful Without lots of comments (read markdown) only code is almost useless!
2nd package you do not need to install is py2nb Wonderful compact but delivered as a python script I had to copy paste in my program Have informed Author about the 3 Issues that compelled me to copy
I hope many use this utility which I wrote definitely for my self
For external notebooks where HTML is not as "nice" as SAP Blogs you can adapt the python program by looking at the HTML.txt Find how the code cells are organized in the HTML Skill in Python REGEX will help a lot