Json serialization
FREE gt_str_json.
DATA ls_rv_json TYPE zvim_s_docid_json.
LOOP AT gt_str_abap ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_l_abap_str>).
GET REFERENCE OF <fs_l_abap_str> INTO DATA(lref_table).
DATA(lv_json_str) = gr_json_serializer->/ui2/if_serialize~serialize( lref_table ).
CONCATENATE '{"' 'INVOICES' '" : ' '[' lv_json_str ']' '}' INTO ls_rv_json-json .
ls_rv_json-docid = <fs_l_abap_str>-docid.
APPEND ls_rv_json TO gt_str_json.
Open HTTP client
EXPORTING url = url_path "Endpoint URL
IMPORTING client = DATA(lr_client)
EXCEPTIONS argument_not_found = 1
plugin_not_active = 2
internal_error = 3
OTHERS = 4 ).
Add API key and value into the header of json request
* Pass Credential
EXPORTING name = apikey_pair-name
value = apikey_pair-value ).
Define Json format and method type 'Post' in this case
* Declare Json format
lr_client->request->set_content_type( if_rest_media_type=>gc_appl_json ).
lr_client->request->set_method( if_http_request=>co_request_method_post ).
Send request
* Send body
LOOP AT gt_str_json ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_l_jsonbody>).
lr_client->request->set_cdata( <fs_l_jsonbody>-json ).
* Send
lr_client->send( EXCEPTIONS http_communication_failure = 1
http_invalid_state = 2
http_processing_failed = 3
http_invalid_timeout = 4
OTHERS = 5 ).
lr_client->receive( EXCEPTIONS
http_communication_failure = 1
http_invalid_state = 2
http_processing_failed = 3
OTHERS = 4 ).
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
lr_client->get_last_error( IMPORTING code = DATA(lv_errcode)
message = DATA(lv_errmesg) ).
* RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_ax MESSAGE e000 WITH lv_errmesg lv_errcode .
* ls_bapiret2-message = |{lv_errmesg}| && |{lv_errmesg}|.
ls_bapiret2-message = lv_errmesg && ' ' && lv_errmesg.
ls_bapiret2-type = 'E'.
* Build
DATA(_rt_from_call) = lr_client->response->get_cdata( ).
update_single_inv( <fs_l_jsonbody>-docid ).
ls_bapiret2-message = _rt_from_call.
ls_bapiret2-type = 'S'.
ls_bapiret2-message_v1 = <fs_l_jsonbody>-docid.
APPEND ls_bapiret2 TO rt_messages.
CLEAR ls_bapiret2.
You can close HTTP client CL_HTTP_CLIENT->CLOSE( ). now
body of Json request that used in the above code
"DOCID": "00000?????",
"ITEM_COUNT": "00002",
"BUKRS": "7??",
"XBLNR": "T??????9",
"BLDAT": "????-??-??",
"LIFNR": "0000?????",
"EBELN": null,
"BKTXT": null,
"GROSS_AMOUNT": 1100.00,
"VAT_AMOUNT": 100.00,
"DATE_CREATED": "????-??-??",
"ITEMS": [
"ITEMID": "00001",
"KOSTL": "000070?????",
"HKONT": "00000?????",
"PRCTR": null,
"MWSKZ": "P1",
"SHKZG": "S",
"WRBTR": 550.00,
"ZUONR": null
"ITEMID": "00002",
"KOSTL": "00007????",
"HKONT": "00000?????",
"PRCTR": null,
"MWSKZ": "P1",
"SHKZG": "S",
"WRBTR": 550.00,
"ZUONR": null
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