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In this document we will see how communication channel can we handled externally. There might be requirement from the business to start/stop the channel as and when file is available to be processed by SAP PI. Or we observe many-times the server outage on SAP PI due to maintenance or patch upgrade. In such cases this document will be useful.


User should have below roles to query status and perform start and stop action –

  • xi_af_channel_admin_display
  • xi_af_channel_admin_modify

To control communication channels externally, you use an HTTP GET or POST request to the following URL:


Note - Action can be used to get the status of channels like START/STOP. Also, in place of party,service or channel names we can specify "*" to get a complete list.

Below are the steps to achieve the same –


  1. Once the interface is created completely, go to RWB --> Adapter Engine --> Communication channel Monitor --> Search the required communication channel and opt the option “External Control”


     2. Once the channel is made in EXTERNAL CONTROL, it can be STARTED/STOPPED using below HTTP query –

          Syntax –


          Need to provide correct data as per requirement –

    1. Host
    2. Port
    3. Party
    4. Service
    5. Channel
    6. Action

          Please find below example for the same. Here I am using Sender CC – CC_SNDR_File.

          At present it is in STOPPED status, using external control we will start it –


       3. Using below query we can start it –




     4. The Administrator actions still can be monitored in Communication Channel Monitor –


Business Benefits

By using external control method, we can give the control of the flow to the user. As and when the file is available at source directory, user can start the communication channel and once the file is processed by PI sender channel the same can be reverted back to stopped status by user. In this way, we can avoid the continuous polling of the file from PI sender channels as well.


As the complete list of communication channels can be obtained in a XML format,we can use EXCEL to convert the XML file into spreadsheet and this can be used as a repository document which will be very helpful during outages.

Steps to convert XML file into spreadsheet

Use the below syntax URL to get the list of Communication Channel in XML format -


Result -

Follow the below steps in EXCEL sheet -

[1] Open excel sheet --> goto Developer Tab --> Select Source --> This will open a XML Source Panel at right side of the sheet

[2] Select XML Maps --> ADD the XML file which we downloaded in above step --> It will show the element names in XML Source tree

[3] Now drag and drop these Elements from the source tree to worksheet to form a table

[4] Finally, right click on the formed table and select import XML File

Reference Link -

Controlling a Communication Channel Externally - Process Integration Monitoring - SAP Library

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Hi rasjoshi

Even though it's a post from a few years ago, I found it very useful, especially the part about extracting the XML file in Excel format. Congratulations...

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