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The Collection Management submodule is part of the SAP S4 FSCM module. It facilitates proactive accounts receivable management. Using these collection strategies, we can evaluate and prioritize customers from the perspective of receivables management.

Customers must be created as business partners with the Collection Management role (UDM000). Collection profiles are at the header level, while collection segments are at the item level. We define the collection strategy based on the collection profile. In the collection segment, we define the collection group and collection specialist responsible for revenue collection based on the collection strategy.


SAP Collection management is not offered in the SAP MDG out-of-the-box solution until the 2020 release. It is necessary to add custom entities to the data model and activate them in the user interface.


To attain this functionality, we need to enhance in four different places.

  1. Data Model Enhancement

  2. Enhance entity type tables/structures used in handler class.

  3. Genil Model Enhancement

  4. UI Model Enhancement


1.Data Model Enhancement:

UDMBPPROFILE and UDMBPSEGMENTS are database tables used to contain BP-related collection profile and segment data, respectively. Typically, in MDG, data flows from the UI Model to the staging area and from the staging area to the active area (UDMBPPROFILE and UDMBPSEGMENTS) once the CR status has been approved.

But we do not have standard entity types to hold the data in the staging area. So we need to enhance the data model.

Create custom entities. one for collection profiles (ZCOL_PROF) and another for collection segments (ZCOL_SEGM).

Now, we need to form the leading relationships with the BP_HEADER entity type.

In a similar way, create qualifying and referring relationships as shown below.

Once done, activate the data model to generate its specific structures.

2. Enhance entity type tables/structures used in handler classes: To manage an additional table-like entity type in the custom handler class, we must extend the below structure, MDG_BS_BP_TT_ECC_EXTERN, in handler class CL_MDG_BS_ECC_HANDLER.

We are considering these custom attributes under BP central data. So, we need to enhance the BUS_EI_CENTRAL_DATA structure.





To handle these custom attributes, we need to create and implement our own custom class (ZCL_MDG_COL_PROF_HANDLER).

And need to redefine the methods highlighted in black.

In defining methods, we will write logic based on our requirements.

  1. GeniL Model Enhancement: To extend the user interface, we need to enhance the GeniL model BUPA.

First, we need to create a GeniL custom component class.

GeniL component class: - Create a new component class, ZCL_BS_GENIL_COL_PROFILE, for custom tables and use CL_BS_GENIL_CUSTOMER as the super class.

Reimplement the following methods: Create logic based on requirements and activate it.

Name Description
IS_CHILD_CREATE_ALLOWED Determines if it is allowed to create dependent objects.
TRANSFORM_TO_ENTITY_KEY Transforms an object key to an entity key.

To extend the GeniL model, we need to create structures for attributes and keys.

Created two dependent object structures, one for collection profiles (keys and attributes) and the other for collection segments (keys and attributes).

Steps to be followed.

  1. Start SAP backend with transaction GENIL_MODEL_BROWSER.

  2. Create a new enhancement. Let us call it ZBUPA_BP_COL. In the Create Enhancement dialog enter BUPA_CUSP as Super enhancement.

  3. In the Component Details screen enter implementation class ZCL_BS_GENIL_COL_PROFILE (the class that we have created in the previous step).

  1. Create a two new Dependent Object with the name ZBP_COLLECTIONPROFILE & ZBP_COLLECTIONSEGMENT.


Connect MDG Data Model with the GeniL Data Model.

  • Start the view cluster maintenance with transaction SM34

  • Enter View Cluster VC_MDG_BS_GENIL_C and create new entries as shown below.



4. UI Model Enhancement

The remaining steps focus on extending the MDG-BP user interface.

GUIBB Feeder for Collection Profile

Create a new class called ZCL_BS_BP_GUIBB_COL_PROFILE using CL_BS_BP_GUIBB_FORM as superclass. We do not need to make a further change to the class at this stage.

GUIBB Feeder for Collection Segments

Create a new class called ZCL_BS_BP_GUIBB_COL_SEGMENT using CL_BS_BP_GUIBB_LIST as superclass. We do not need to make a further change to the class at this stage.

Copy Component Configuration FPM_LIST_UIBB

Copy Component Configuration FPM_FORM_UIBB_GL2

Enhancements of UI Configuration

In this final task we create an enhancement of the BP Overview Page Floorplan (BS_CU_OVP) to include the List and form UIBB’s we have created in the previous step.

MDG UI Screen:

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