We've seen many developers/users asking how to create a
Gantt Chart in Webi, here is a workaround, we can do it by overlapping a Bar Chart and a Horizontal Table (chart in the front & table in the background), it has many limitations though.
(Please vote up on
this Idea for
Gantt Charts in Webi.)
End product using the workaround looks like this.

As it's an overlap of Bar Chart and Horizontal table, I think it's going to be really difficult to add complex interactivity to it. If you can build up on this and add some interactivity, great, if not, I'd suggest you all to have this as a standard non-interactive chart in the report.
Credit to
ayman.salem, his response (specifically formula for variable
In) to
this question, gave me the idea for variable
Start at Nth day of Year, without which, I was struggling on this workaround.
Software Env: BO 4.1 SP6 Patch 8
Below is the sample data set used (related to Project Time Line), with excel as source.
Project |
Stage |
Start Date |
End Date |
Project A |
Design |
1/4/2020 |
1/15/2020 |
Project A |
Development |
1/16/2020 |
2/29/2020 |
Project A |
Testing |
3/1/2020 |
3/15/2020 |
Project A |
Rollout |
3/16/2020 |
3/18/2020 |
Project A |
Maintenance |
3/19/2020 |
6/25/2020 |
Project B |
Design |
1/5/2020 |
1/20/2020 |
Project B |
Development |
1/21/2020 |
5/15/2020 |
Project B |
Testing |
5/16/2020 |
6/16/2020 |
Project B |
Rollout |
6/16/2020 |
6/22/2020 |
Project B |
Maintenance |
6/23/2020 |
12/20/2020 |
Step 1: Create Time Dimensions for Start Date
If your BO version supports
Time Dimension hierarchy, then right click on
Start Date and click on
Create Time Dimension, and select & update as below to get additional dimensions related to Year and Month as shown below.

These are the dimensions you should see for Start Date

Step 2: Create the required variables
Create the below variables as
- Leap Year Flag =If(Mod(ToNumber([Start Date Time Dimension].[Year of Start Date]);4)=0 Or Mod(ToNumber([Start Date Time Dimension].[Year of Start Date]);400)=0 Or Mod(ToNumber([Start Date Time Dimension].[Year of Start Date]);100)<>0) Then "Yes" Else "No"
- Max Duration in Chart =If([Leap Year Flag]="Yes") Then 366 Else 365
- Month Column Width =Fill(" ";[No of Days in Month]/1.5)
Create the below variables as
- Duration in Days =DaysBetween([Start Date];[End Date])
- Start at Nth day of Year =DayNumberOfYear([Start Date])
- No of Days in Month =If([Start Date Time Dimension].[Month Number] InList (1;3;5;7;8;10;12)) Then 31
ElseIf([Start Date Time Dimension].[Month Number] InList (4;6;9;11)) Then 30
ElseIf([Start Date Time Dimension].[Month Number]=2 And [Leap Year Flag]="Yes") Then 29
ElseIf([Start Date Time Dimension].[Month Number]=2 And [Leap Year Flag]="No") Then 28
Step 3: Create the Stacked Bar Chart
Create a
Stacked Bar Chart and
Assign Data as below

Initial view of Chart is shown below

Step 4: Formatting the chart
Increase the width of Chart, remove/hide the
Title, and bring the
Legend to the bottom, updated chart is shown below

Let's sort the
Project and
Stage values so they make sense. Right click on Chart -> click on
Sort ->
Advanced -> click on
Add -> add
Project and
Stage (in
Sort 1) and sort the values manually as below, click
Apply and

As we see in the chart in
Step 3 that the max value on Y-axis is 380 days, let's update to make it 366 or 365 depending on Leap or Non Leap Year. Right click on chart, click
Format Chart -> go to
Value Axis ->
Scaling -> in
Maximum Value, choose
Fixed value and enter the formula in
Value to use variable
=[Max Duration in Chart]

Updated chart is shown below,
Project and
Stage are sorted to make sense, and max duration/days shows
366 to display that we're showing dates 1/1/2020 to 12/31/2020 on the chart.

Now, we want to
Format Data Series for the values we see in the Legend that has "
Start at Nth day of Year - " prefix, as that's when a specific
Stage in a
Project starts, and they should be displayed in white color.
Right click on the value
Start at Nth day of Year - Maintenance in the legend and select
Format Data Series, click on
Custom and make it
Transparent by selecting
0 beside the color, as shown below, and click

Repeat this for the other 4 values in legend, updated chart is shown below

Let's add the duration of each stage in the project, meaning how many days it took for Design, Development, Testing, Rollout and how long is the Maintenance going to last. Right click on the Chart, select
Format Chart ->
Global ->
Data Values -> check
Data Label Displaying Mode -> select
Horizontal in
Orientation and click

Let's hide/remove the
Legend, and if we need, we can create a dummy table to use as a legend by copying the color codes of Stages from the chart, updated chart is shown below

Let's remove the grid lines on Value axis showing 20, 40, 60, and so on, as we want to see grid line depending on the months. Right click on Chart, click
Format Chart ->
Plot Area ->
Background -> in
Category Axis Grid Color, bring the slider to
0, to make it
transparent, as shown below.
Updated chart is shown below, ready to be overlapped with the
Horizontal table.

Step 5: Create the Horizontal Table,
Create a
Horizontal Table and
Assign Data as below, initial view of table is shown below

Step 6: Formatting the Horizontal Table
Autofit the width of
Month Column Width, to do so right click in the
Month Column Width and select
Autofit width to content, and click

Format Table to remove alternate coloring of columns. To do that right click on Table ->
Format Table ->
Appearance -> in
Alternate color, select
Frequency as
1 and the Color
White from dropdown, and click

Create a
Break on
Year of Start Date as below and click

Change format of column names as Black font with White background, center align text, and remove column name for
Month Column Width, update
height of
Month Column Width to
4.25 inch, updated table is shown below,
please click on the pic to enlarge, then you'll see it better.

Step 7: Overlapping Chart and Horizontal Table
Before overlapping the Chart and Horizontal Table, let's set their positioning.
Position of
Horizontal Table: The top left corner of the
Table should be
0.5 inch from left edge of report and
0.5 inch from top edge of report. To do so, right click on Chart, select
Format Table -> update the
Layout options as shown below, and click

Position of
Table: The top left corner of the
Chart should be
0.0 inch from left edge of
Horizontal Table and
0.55 inch from top edge of
Horizontal Table. To do so, right click on Chart, select
Format Chart and update the
Layout options as shown below, and click

After the last 2 sub steps, we'll see that the
Chart and
Horizontal Table now overlap each other, if the
Horizontal Table is in the front and
Chart is in background, right click on it ->
Order -> click
Send to back.
Updated report is shown below. Let's increase the column width of column headers in Horizontal Table, to make sure that right border of the column headers (
1) in
Horizontal Table and
Category Axis line (
2) are aligned vertically.

It worked for me when I set the
width of column headers in the
Horizontal Table as
1.41 inch, updated table is shown below

As the left overlapped corner of the chart & table look aligned and perfect, left work on the right corner. From the below pic, we see that the width of Chart needs to be increase so much that the line/border (
1) on
Value axis showing
366 (in chart) should vertically align with the
right border (
2) of column in table showing the month

It worked for me when I set the Chart width to
13.07 inch, right click on
Chart go to
Format Chart ->
Global ->
General -> set
Width to
13.07 inch, updated report is shown below, right corner looks aligned and perfect too.

A few final formatting tasks are left, we need to bring in grid lines in the Chart, depending on the Month columns in the
Horizontal Table. Let's just make the whole Chart transparent, so the
column borders of
Month columns in
Horizontal Table are used as grid lines. Right click on
Chart, click
Format Chart ->
Global ->
Background -> drag the slider to
0 to make the
Chart transparent, and click
OK, as shown below.

Updated report is shown below.

One final piece, let's hide the
Value axis, so we don't see 0, 20, 40, and so on at the bottom. Right click on
Chart ->
Format Chart ->
Value Axis ->
Design -> under
General uncheck
Visible, to hide the
Value Axis, and click

Updated report is shown below,
Voila, we're done (except for the

Feedback and comments are appreciated. Also, let me know if there are any typos or grammatical mistakes, I will correct them. Thanks for stopping by, and hope this helps at least a few developers/users out there.