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In my previous blog (Fiori: technical installation and configuration of one app from A - Z) I was wondering how I could setup SAP FIORI apps from scratch.

I described all the technical steps how to come to one working App.

I installed SAP and added patches and add-ons and performed the configuration manually.

This helped me understand all the technical steps that are needed and gave me an indication of the timelines.

Now I want to find out how this would go if I take the complete preconfigured solution that is available in the CAL (Cloud Appliance Library).

This solution on the CAL is the perfect way to test a solution quickly.

It has the advantage that you do not have to install it manually yourself.

Of course this preconfigured out of the box version has a big disadvantage: you cannot make the basic choices yourself (hostname, SID, instance number, version/patchlevel).

But for me this test with the SAP CAL is just a learning experience to see how the procedure is done and how fast I can deploy a working solution via CAL.


Your company has to have a test and demo license

You have to register your S-user account at the CAL (

You have to have an AWS account

Fortunately my company has such a test and demo license.

And I already have an AWS account because I already perform SAP test installations there.

To give an idea: the SAP ECC system I used for the previous Fiori system had 7.5 GB RAM and 600 GB storage and costed around 50 dollar per month (I turn it off when I did not use it to save costs).

Initial setup

Steps to perform in CAL

Go to the CAL start page at:

You see that there are solutions that are free and there are solutions that you have to buy.

Search for Fiori in the right corner.

One Solution is available:

When we Click in the "Create Instance", the process starts.

In step 1 the name is given and you can choose the AWS region in which the new systems will be deployed.

In step 2 the size of the AWS instances can be chosen.

You see that two SAP systems will be created: one SAP Netweaver Gateway 2.0 and one ERP 6 Ehp6 system.

At the bottom you can see that the port numbers are predefined and cannot be changed.

In step 3 you give the master password.

In step 4 we can configure the systems to be removed automatically after a number of days.

This might be good for a course or just to make sure the costs will not get to high.

In this case I choose to set it to manual to make sure it will not be removed automatically.

In step 5 you can calculate the estimate costs.

With the instance types I choose (the smallest) I see that it will costs 1.53 dollar per hour.

I will make sure I shutdown the systems when I do not use them.

Remark: There will be extra costs if there is a lot of data transferred to/from the servers.

Step 6 is the summary. With the Finish-button the deployment will start.

We see that the instances will be created in about 1 hour.

In the CAL we see that the deployment is running:

And after one hours it is active:

Check in AWS

Login to the AWS console to check if the new systems are really created and ready:

Both the ERP and the Netweaver Gateway are up and running and ready for login.

Check the SAP systems

First we logon to the systems.

We know the ip addresses from the AWS console and we know that the instancenumber is 00 for both systems.

What I did next was check if the configuration for Fiori was really allready done.

I will not show all screenprints because this will make this blog too big.

Check the following pdf for the Fiori configuration for this specific CAL deployment.

But I can confirm that the following configuration was all done in the system:

  • SICF: Relevant services
  • SPAM: Patch level
  • SM59: trusted RFC  from Gateway to ERP and from ERP to Gateway
  • SPRO: SAP NetWeaver > Gateway > Odata Channel > Configuration > Connection Settings > SAP NetWeaver Gateway to SAP System > Manage SAP System Aliases
  • SPRO: SAP NetWeaver > Gateway > Odata Channel > Configuration > Connection Settings > Activate or Deactivate SAP NetWeaver Gateway
  • /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE: Gateway and UI5 Services
  • SMICM: ICM port

Test Fiori

Our first test is the Fiori launchpad.

The hostname of the Netweaver Gateway was already configured: cigw1.dummy.nodomain

I added this hostname in my local Windows hostfile to be able to reach the system by this full qualified domainname.

The configured secure port is 44300.

So the URL for Fiori Launchpad is:


Use user BPINST with master password that we filled in during setup in CAL

After login:

When we click on Customer Invoices:

Some preconfigured URLs that I successfully tested:

Sales Representatives Applications

  • Change Sales Orders: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/ui5_sd_so_mon/index.html
  • Create Sales Orders: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/ui5_sd_so_cr/index.html
  • Customer Invoices: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/ui5_sd_inv_mon/index.html
  • Track Sales Orders: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/ui5_sd_so_mon/index.html

Purchasing Agent Applications

  • Order From Requisitions: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/ui5_mm_popr_cr /index.html
  • Track Purchase Orders: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/ui5_mm_po_tr/index.html

With these tests I have a good feeling the deployed systems technically work.

I decided to end the test and remove the systems.

Remove systems

From the CAL I terminated the Fiori instance.

In AWS we see that the systems are being shutdown automatically:

After 20 minutes the instance in CAL and the systems in AWS were deleted.

With this excersise I learned how easy it was to setup a complete working Fiori environment in AWS via the SAP CAL.

When I need a demo or test environment, this is a really good option.

When I need a production environment for a customer I will install it manually to be able to choose the SID, hostnames etc myself. 

Best Regards,


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