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It is finally possible to extend Fiori apps in BAS! Don’t get me wrong, extending using adaptation project is already possible for a while now. Unfortunately, this does not work for legacy applications like Leave Request for example. This was only possible using Web IDE until recently. Many have been asked about it this:

SAP Notes provided Web IDE as a workaround:

Nevertheless, it is finally possible to extend legacy applications from in BAS! 🥳

Although this has been explained in the SAP Help documentation and SAP released a note that refers to this documentation, I still was a bit confused on how to get started. It wasn’t immediately clear to me that you have to start from an Adaptation Project (maybe I had to read the documentation better) and I had to search to get to the extension menu.

SAP Help:

SAP Note:


In this blog post I want to make everyone aware that it is now possible in BAS and enrich the documentation with some screenshots to get started:

  • Open the commend panel (ctrl+alt+p) => Run “Open Template Wizard”

  • Select “Adaptation Project”

  • Choose “ABAP” as a target environment

  • Provide a project name and app title, the namespace is a combination of "customer." and the project name

  • Connect to your system just like you would do for creating an new Fiori app. Once connected, select the application you want to extend. In the past, this would give an error in case of legacy applications that it is not possible to create an adaptation project for it. Now, it will just continue by asking for the system version, Safe Mode and one new additional option that asks confirmation to create an extension project. This last option allows you to create extensions project like you did in the past in Web IDE:


Once the extension project is generated, you can start creating extensions.

  • Right click on “.extconfig.json” and click on “Create Extension” (at the bottom)

    • If it doesn’t appear from the first time, try refreshing your browser

  • This gives you back the extension menu we all know from in Web IDE 😊

Happy extending!
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