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There may be situations where you need to export and import SAP tables from OS level, this can be achieved using R3trans utility in SAP.

Setp 1 :- Collect all the list of tables to be exported.

Step 2 :- Check enough disk space available in the directory where you are going to perform export.

Step 3 :- Create two control files for R3trans which will be used for export & import.

For example :- create control file named as export.ctl and the control file should contain entries like below

client=<client no>
select * from <table_name_1>
select * from <table_name_2>
select * from <table_name_n>

The below are the calling options for R3trans, you can use the below options based on your requirement

 You can specify the following options for calling R3trans:

  • -c <f1> [<f2>] Conversion
    Copies file <f1> to file <f2> by converting the character set to the local character set. If <f2> is omitted, R3trans copies to trans.dat (see Automatic Character Set Conversion with R3trans).
  • -d DB connect
    Check if connect to database is possible and if the ABAP Dictionary is available.
  • -i <file> direct import from data file without specifying a control file (see Import)
  • -l <file> Output of a table of contents to the log file
  • -n Brief information about new features of R3trans not yet documented
  •  -t Test mode All modifications in the database are rolled back.
  •  -u <int> Unconditional mode This option invalidates the rules of the correction and transport system. Each mode can be concatenated (for example -u 12).
  •  -v Verbose mode
    Writes dots to <stdout> and writes additional details to the log file.
  •  -w <file>
    The transport log is written to this file. The default file is trans.log in the current directory.
  •  -x Check whether connection to database can be made

Example:- R3trans export.ctl -w export_log.log

Step 4:- Once export is completed export_data.dat file will get generated.

Step 5:- Use the same .dat file to perform the import, create the import control file (import.ctl) as below

client=<client no>

Step 6:- Call R3trans command with the import control file to start import, the table entries will get imported automatically.

Example:- R3trans import.ctl -w import_log.log

Note:- You can even use R3trans to delete a client from OS level, which will remove all the contents of the table with respect to a single client. For that you need to create a control file as below

client=<client no>
select * from 
after creating control file you can issue the command as

 Example:- R3trans delete.ctl -w delete_log.log
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