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The APOS Live Data Gateway expands SAP Analytics Cloud's data access. It provides the live data connection to SAP Analytics Cloud. For SAP BI solutions, Realtime data connections and additional data source possibilities are made possible by the Data Gateway.

Live data access to SAP HANA data stored locally is intrinsic to SAP Analytics Cloud. Without ever moving the data outside the firewall, the APOS Live Data Gateway offers live data access from SAP Analytics Cloud to a wide range of on-premise data sources. No replication or upload needs, no need to create or duplicate data models, and the data is maintained securely behind the firewall.

The APOS Live Data Gateway offers live data access for SAP Analytics Cloud to a wide range of on-premise data sources Like-

  • HANA

  • MySQL

  • Google Big Query

  • CDATA Drivers

  • MongoDB and many more

Installing APOS Live Data Gateway:

Download the .msi file from the below APOS website and install the apos live data gateway


Create APOS Live Data Gateway as a Service:

Here is the installation folder for apos live data gateway (this is the default location) you can change this during installation.

Now create a new folder LDG_Service to store the service files.

Copy all the files in the service folder and paste it in new folder LDG_Service

Edit the files:

Now we need to make some changes in the installation files to Use apos live data gateway as a service.

Edit as follows:

logging.level.root= Enter the logging level. By default this value is set to error we need to change Error to debug

server.port= Enter the server port

server.ssl.key-store-type= in this we Enter the certificate type

server.ssl.key-store-password= Enter the certificate password

server.ssl.key-store= Enter the keystore path and filename where the certificate is located

server.ssl.key-alias= Enter the certificate alias

security.require-ssl= Enter true

Edit log4j2 file:

Replace error to debug

Edit livedatagateway file as follows:

Here we need to enter the path of current service folder or working directory.

Enter the path of current service folder

Run serviceStartStop.bat file as an administrator  to check the service is running or not.

Now check in services that APOS live data gateway service is running or not And the service is running.

Installing SQL Server Express for Live Data Gateway:

It is a free version and we don’t need license for it.

To install SQL Server Express, installation file can be found in “SQL Express” folder.

Run .exe file inside sql express folder as an administrator

Choose new SQL Server stand alone installation and next

Use Mixed Mode as Authentication Mode and Provide the Password for the SQL Server system administrator (sa) account and click on next.

Installation has finished

Run the .exe file to start

Create Database In SQL Server:

Start SQL Server Management Studio to create a database in SQL Server for live data gateway

Apos live data gateway service test url (test for secure access in browser):

LDG service: https://<Host Name>:<Port>/About

Apos live data gateway web ui (web based semantic layer)

LDG web ui: https://<Host Name>:<Port>/web /index.html

Run these URL in browser for that first we need to install certificate

Give the path of the folder (trusted root certification authorities)

Click next and the certificate import was successful

Certificate need to be installed on end user machine in the trusted root certification authorities


Login to Apos Live Data Gateway and Create a Connection with SAC:

Apply License:

Go to File => Configurations and provide blow mention configuration information-

Provide the following configuration information and Save once complete.

Licence – Browse to the location of the supplied APOS.lic file verifying that the license is valid. You need to purchase the license from APOS.

Java Path – Browse to the location of Java OpenJDK 8 supplied with this application.

New SAC Tenants – Fill the URL of SAC tenant in case of multiple URLS add comma(,) between two URL.

Add – Press Add to add the SAC Tenants.

Press save button and it will show the information of the license and Expiry date.

It will show the below pop up that tenant has been successfully saved in the database.

And the connection with SAC  has been created.


Add Microsoft SQL Server Database in Apos Live Data Gateway (Create a connection):

Database : Microsoft sql server

Host: port : Enter the Host port

Database Name: APOS

SSO configuration:

Sac authentication user source: NTLM

Authentication type: pre define user

Click on save

Connection Has Been Created Successfully

In this way we can create a connection between SAC and Non SAP Data Sources through Apos live data gateway.

There are many Data Sources that we can use apart from Database like-

  • SSAS

  • BW

  • Essbase

  • Universe

Here is the full list of the available Database that we can use to connect with SAC -



In this way we can install APOS Live Data Gateway and create a connection with SAP Analytics Cloud and use the many additional functionalities.
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