In the last blog we covered "
How to prepare and enable your existing custom fields in tables EBAN and EKPO and show on GUI"
Here we will learn - "How to publish the PR custom fields on Standard Fiori App – "Manage Purchase Requisition - Professional""
Here we go by the
Adapt UI option.
This approach involves modification in terms of addition of fields from the list of available options. Also note we might have limitation in terms of accommodating the requirement in terms of placement of the field on the UI
If anyone has tried any other better options, please feel free to share their findings.
Requirement - Add the item level custom fields in EBAN to the Purchase Requisition App
Pre-requisites to add custom field to App -
·Custom Fields to be added should be in Published State in Custom Fields and Logic.
·Custom Fields on CFL app should be for enabled for usage in the data sources / OData services linked with the App, as shown below.
CFL App - UI and Reports Tab
Let's start -
We will add the custom fields created in last blog to the App - Manage Purchase Requisition Professional.
1. Open the Fiori App - "Manage Purchase Requisition Professional" in the Development system.
2. Open the screen where the field is to be added - For the same we open the line item on the Purchase Requisition - 10000004 in above screenshot.
3.We will be adding the custom fields in the General Information tab. Open the Adapt UI mode by clicking on Adapt UI option as showed in below screen.
4. While you hover on the section of UI or do a right click you see options. Once in Adapt UI mode you can make edits to the UI.
Few of the options in Adapt UI mode we see are below:
1.Rename - We can rename the label name
2. Add field- We can add more fields from the available list. PFB screenshot after we click ‘+ Add: Field’. The list of fields appear in pop up , this will also show the Custom Fields published under ‘Business Context : Procurement Purchase Requisition.’
After the fields are add to the App, we need to record the changes in the transport so that these can be transported to subsequent systems. For the same, click on Publish Option and provide the Workbench Transport. Please note UI changes are client dependent. Hence, if you have a separate client for testing SCC1 of the transport will be required.
4.This is how the UI looks after adding the fields.
Helpful Tip -
Incase you feel you have messed up the Standard UI of this App, do not worry just click on Reset option on the top of the screen. This will ‘Rest’ the App UI to its original form. 😊
Suggestions and questions are welcome
Next Blog: How to adjust the BAPI extension Structures such that standard BAPI update the custom fields.