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Use Case - As a maintenance technician, I want to be able to see all the open , Closed , In progress , Completed and Archive notifications on a functional location so that I can check if the malfunction has already been reported.

Inputs :
• Plant (single value)
• Functional location (single value)
• System Status (multiple values)
• Notification type (multiple value)
• Last "n" notifications based on created date

Input Screen

Notification Detail Page


  • getNotification returns the list of documents attached to the notification.

  • getDocument will provide the documents when the user clicks button

Functional Requirement :

  • Proposal to define Z******* like BAPI_ALM_ORDERHEAD_GET_LIST but then for notifications instead of orders. This way we are futureproof, and we can easily use extra selection parameters if needed

Implementation :

  • Create structure Z******* like BAPI_ALM_ORDER_LISTHEAD_SELOPS

  • Create structure Z******* like BAPI_ALM_ORDER_LISTHEAD_PARAMS

  • Create BAPI’s - Create Z*************** like IBAPI_ALM_ORDERHEADER_GETLIST

  • Use RIQMEL20 over RIAUFK20

  • Create Z********** like BAPI_ALM_ORDERHEAD_GET_LIST.

We did not find any standard BAPI For notification so we need to make custom BAPI For that and it works very well without any issues for large amount of data with minor performance issues .

Same we have implemented in HANA database and works well with no performance issues .

I will be obliged if this helps someone in Community and let me know for any questions .

Thanks ,


1 Comment
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Could you please elaborate, how did you created application, using CDS view app or from UI5 app calling odata service.
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