statements), I set forth in seeing if I could use HDI-managed schemas in our bizzaro containerized Docker Stack. So, in this part of the series, I will cover creating an HDI Container in our HANA Express Container without XSA. All in AWS Cloud 9. No installation of anything on your PC needed, as always.cd ~/environment/hanadev/
wget https://entmike.github.io/hanadev/runhxe.sh
chmod +x runhxe.sh
mkdir db-scripts
cd db-scripts
wget https://entmike.github.io/hanadev/db-scripts/create_container.sql
wget https://entmike.github.io/hanadev/db-scripts/drop_container.sql
wget https://entmike.github.io/hanadev/db-scripts/enable-hdi.sql
wget https://entmike.github.io/hanadev/db-scripts/createContainer.sh
wget https://entmike.github.io/hanadev/db-scripts/dropContainer.sh
wget https://entmike.github.io/hanadev/db-scripts/enableHDI.sh
chmod +x createContainer.sh
chmod +x dropContainer.sh
chmod +x enableHDI.sh
and 39041
to your Cloud 9 environment, as well as map the container’s /scripts
directory to your Cloud 9’s db-scripts
folder. We are doing this so that we can demonstrate building an HDI container inside a Docker Container.
(Pre start) Hook /hana/hooks/pre_start/330_custom_afls: 0s
Pre start: 0s
HANA startup: 57s
(Post start) Hook /hana/hooks/post_start/201_hxe_optimize: 1s
(Post start) Hook /hana/hooks/post_start/203_set_hxe_info: 0s
Post start: 1s
Overall: 59s
Ready at: Wed May 29 20:40:32 UTC 2019
Startup finished!
docker exec -ti hxe /scripts/enableHDI.sh SYSTEM HXEHana1 HXEHana1
docker exec -ti hxe /scripts/createContainer.sh HXEHana1 HDI_HELLO_WORLD SYSTEM HXEHana1
| -------------------- | -------------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ---- | -------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --- | -------- | ----------------------------- |
| 249 | 1 | 0 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214127 | Creating the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"... | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:07.772000900 |
| 249 | 2 | 0 | SUMMARY | | | | INFO | 8214128 | Creating the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"... ok | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:08.772000900 |
| -------------------- | -------------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ---- | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | -------- | ----------------------------- |
| 250 | 1 | 0 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214207 | Granting API privileges in the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD" and the parameters "[]"... | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:08.976000900 |
| 250 | 2 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "CANCEL" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:08.976000900 |
| 250 | 3 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "CONFIGURE_CONTAINER" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:08.989000900 |
| 250 | 4 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "CONFIGURE_CONTAINER_PARAMETERS" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:08.994000900 |
| 250 | 5 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "CONFIGURE_LIBRARIES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.600090000 |
| 250 | 6 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "DELETE" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.280009000 |
| 250 | 7 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "GET_DEPENDENCIES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.340009000 |
| 250 | 8 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "GET_MAKE_GROUPS" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.410009000 |
| 250 | 9 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "GRANT_CONTAINER_API_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.530009000 |
| 250 | 10 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "GRANT_CONTAINER_API_PRIVILEGES_WITH_GRANT_OPTION" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.600009000 |
| 250 | 11 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "GRANT_CONTAINER_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.700009000 |
| 250 | 12 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "GRANT_CONTAINER_SCHEMA_ROLES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.770009000 |
| 250 | 13 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "LIST" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.830009000 |
| 250 | 14 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "LIST_CONFIGURED_LIBRARIES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.900009000 |
| 250 | 15 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "LIST_DEPLOYED" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.970009000 |
| 250 | 16 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "LOCK" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.104000900 |
| 250 | 17 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "MAKE" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.111000900 |
| 250 | 18 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "MAKE_ASYNC" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.116000900 |
| 250 | 19 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "READ" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.122000900 |
| 250 | 20 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "READ_DEPLOYED" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.129000900 |
| 250 | 21 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "REVOKE_CONTAINER_API_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.135000900 |
| 250 | 22 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "REVOKE_CONTAINER_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.142000900 |
| 250 | 23 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "REVOKE_CONTAINER_SCHEMA_ROLES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.147000900 |
| 250 | 24 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "STATUS" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.151000900 |
| 250 | 25 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "EXECUTE" on the object "WRITE" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.156000900 |
| 250 | 26 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_FILESFOLDERS_METADATA_CONTENT" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.161000900 |
| 250 | 27 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_FILESFOLDERS_METADATA_CONTENT" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.164000900 |
| 250 | 28 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_MESSAGES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.168000900 |
| 250 | 29 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_MESSAGES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.171000900 |
| 250 | 30 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_CONTAINER_EXPORT" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.175000900 |
| 250 | 31 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_CONTAINER_EXPORT" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.178000900 |
| 250 | 32 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_PARAMETERS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.181000900 |
| 250 | 33 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_PARAMETERS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.185000900 |
| 250 | 34 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.188000900 |
| 250 | 35 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.192000900 |
| 250 | 36 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_SCHEMA_ROLES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.196000900 |
| 250 | 37 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_SCHEMA_ROLES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.199000900 |
| 250 | 38 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_API_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.202000900 |
| 250 | 39 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_API_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.205000900 |
| 250 | 40 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_FILESFOLDERS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.209000900 |
| 250 | 41 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_FILESFOLDERS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.212000900 |
| 250 | 42 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_FILESFOLDERS_CONTENT" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.215000900 |
| 250 | 43 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_FILESFOLDERS_CONTENT" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.219000900 |
| 250 | 44 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_FILESFOLDERS_METADATA" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.222000900 |
| 250 | 45 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_FILESFOLDERS_METADATA" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.225000900 |
| 250 | 46 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_FILESFOLDERS_STATUS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.229000900 |
| 250 | 47 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_FILESFOLDERS_STATUS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.232000900 |
| 250 | 48 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_FILESFOLDERS_PARAMETERS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.236000900 |
| 250 | 49 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_FILESFOLDERS_PARAMETERS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.239000900 |
| 250 | 50 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_LIBRARY_CONFIGURATION" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.242000900 |
| 250 | 51 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_LIBRARY_CONFIGURATION" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.245000900 |
| 250 | 52 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_LIBRARY_INFORMATION" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.249000900 |
| 250 | 53 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_LIBRARY_INFORMATION" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.252000900 |
| 250 | 54 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_OBJECTS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.255000900 |
| 250 | 55 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_OBJECTS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.259000900 |
| 250 | 56 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_DEPENDENCIES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.262000900 |
| 250 | 57 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_DEPENDENCIES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.266000900 |
| 250 | 58 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "TT_MAKE_GROUPS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.269000900 |
| 250 | 59 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_NO_MAKE_GROUPS" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.272000900 |
| 250 | 60 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_DEFAULT_LIBRARIES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.276000900 |
| 250 | 61 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_DEFAULT_COMMON_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.279000900 |
| 250 | 62 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_DEFAULT_CONTAINER_USER_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.282000900 |
| 250 | 63 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" on the object "<schema>" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.285000900 |
| 250 | 64 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "M_JOBS" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.299000900 |
| 250 | 65 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "M_MESSAGES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.302000900 |
| 250 | 66 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "M_ROLES" in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD#DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.306000900 |
| 250 | 67 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214225 | Granting the API privilege "SELECT" on the object "T_DEFAULT_CONTAINER_ADMIN_PRIVILEGES" in the schema "_SYS_DI" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.309000900 |
| 250 | 68 | 0 | SUMMARY | | | | INFO | 8214208 | Granting API privileges in the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD" and the parameters "[]"... ok | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.313000900 |
| -------------------- | -------------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | ---- | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --- | -------- | ----------------------------- |
| 251 | 1 | 0 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214213 | Granting schema privileges in the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD" and the parameters "[]"... | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.386000900 |
| 251 | 2 | 1 | HDI | | | | INFO | 8214227 | Granting the schema privilege "SELECT" to the principal "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_RT" in the schema "" with grant option = "false" | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.391000900 |
| 251 | 3 | 0 | SUMMARY | | | | INFO | 8214214 | Granting schema privileges in the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD" and the parameters "[]"... ok | 0:0 | | 2019-05-29 20:52:09.423000900 |
| Object Owner | Application User |
| ----------------------- | ----------------------- |
in HANA Express to create some Database objects in our HDI Container.hanadev/hello-world-app
folder, create a new folder called hdi-hello-world-db
, create a package.json
file and paste in the following contents:{
"name": "deploy",
"dependencies": {
"@sap/hdi-deploy": "3.10.0"
"scripts": {
"start": "node node_modules/@sap/hdi-deploy/deploy.js --auto-undeploy --exit"
file you might have seen SAP Web IDE create, with 2 additions:--auto-undeploy
that way if you remove/rename objects in the src
folder, the container will clean up after itself.--exit
this lets the npm script end when done building instead of having to press Control + C
at the end.hdi-hello-world-db
folder, create a default-env.json
"TARGET_CONTAINER": "hdi_hello_world_db",
"hana": [
"name": "hdi_hello_world_db",
"label": "hana",
"tags": [
"plan": "hdi-shared",
"credentials": {
"schema": "HDI_HELLO_WORLD",
"hdi_password": "HXEHana1",
"tenant_name": "HXE",
"password": "HXEHana1",
"driver": "com.sap.db.jdbc.Driver",
"port": "39041",
"encrypt": false,
"db_hosts": [
"port": 39041,
"host": "localhost"
"host": "localhost",
"hdi_user": "HDI_HELLO_WORLD_USER_DT",
"url": "jdbc:sap://localhost:39041/?currentschema=HDI_HELLO_WORLD"
, create a src
folder, create a .hdiconfig
folder and paste in the following:{
"plugin_version" : "",
"file_suffixes" : {
"hdbcollection" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.collection"
"hdbsystemversioning" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.systemversioning"
"hdbsynonym" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.synonym"
"hdbsynonymconfig" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.synonym.config"
"hdbtable" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.table"
"hdbdropcreatetable" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.dropcreatetable"
"hdbvirtualtable" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.virtualtable"
"hdbvirtualtableconfig" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.virtualtable.config"
"hdbindex" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.index"
"hdbfulltextindex" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.fulltextindex"
"hdbconstraint" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.constraint"
"hdbtrigger" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.trigger"
"hdbstatistics" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.statistics"
"hdbview" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.view"
"hdbcalculationview" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.calculationview"
"hdbprojectionview" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.projectionview"
"hdbprojectionviewconfig" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.projectionview.config"
"hdbresultcache" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.resultcache"
"hdbcds" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.cds"
"hdbfunction" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.function"
"hdbvirtualfunction" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.virtualfunction"
"hdbvirtualfunctionconfig" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.virtualfunction.config"
"hdbhadoopmrjob" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.virtualfunctionpackage.hadoop"
"jar" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.virtualfunctionpackage.hadoop"
"hdbtabletype" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.tabletype"
"hdbprocedure" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.procedure"
"hdbvirtualprocedure" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.virtualprocedure"
"hdbvirtualprocedureconfig" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.virtualprocedure.config"
"hdbafllangprocedure" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.afllangprocedure"
"hdblibrary" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.library"
"hdbsequence" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.sequence"
"hdbrole" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.role"
"hdbroleconfig" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.role.config"
"hdbstructuredprivilege" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.structuredprivilege"
"hdbanalyticprivilege" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.analyticprivilege"
"hdbtabledata" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.tabledata"
"csv" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.tabledata.source"
"properties" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.tabledata.properties"
"tags" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.tabledata.properties"
"hdbgraphworkspace" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.graphworkspace"
"hdbflowgraph" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.flowgraph"
"hdbreptask" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.reptask"
"hdbsearchruleset" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.searchruleset"
"hdbtextconfig" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.textconfig"
"hdbtextdict" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.textdictionary"
"hdbtextrule" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.textrule"
"hdbtextinclude" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.textrule.include"
"hdbtextlexicon" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.textrule.lexicon"
"hdbtextminingconfig" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.textminingconfig"
"txt" : {
"plugin_name" : "com.sap.hana.di.copyonly"
folder, create a TodoList.hdbtable
file:COLUMN TABLE "TodoList" (
"TASK" TEXT COMMENT 'Task Description',
cd ~/environment/hanadev/hello-world-app/hdi-hello-world-db
npm i
npm run start
> deploy@ start /home/ec2-user/environment/hanadev/hello-world-app/hdi-hello-world-db
> node node_modules/@sap/hdi-deploy/deploy.js --auto-undeploy --exit
@sap/hdi-deploy, version 3.10.0 (mode default), server version (, node version 8.16.0, HDI version -1, container API version -1
Detection of container API version failed; root cause: The server does not support container API version detection.
Detection of HDI version failed; root cause: The server does not support HDI version detection.
Using default environment variables from file "default-env.json"
No ignore file at /home/ec2-user/environment/hanadev/hello-world-app/hdi-hello-world-db/.hdiignore.
Collecting files...
Collecting files... ok (0s 3ms)
1 directories collected
2 files collected
0 reusable modules collected
Target service: hdi_hello_world_db
Session variable APPLICATION is set to "SAP_HDI//".
Previous build with request ID 312 finished at 2019-05-29 21:36:26.764000900 with status Finished and message: Configuring libraries in the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"; removing []; updating or adding [com.sap.hana.di.afllangprocedure, com.sap.hana.di.analyticprivilege, com.sap.hana.di.calculationview, com.sap.hana.di.cds, com.sap.hana.di.collection, com.sap.hana.di.constraint, com.sap.hana.di.copyonly, com.sap.hana.di.dropcreatetable, com.sap.hana.di.flowgraph, com.sap.hana.di.fulltextindex, com.sap.hana.di.function, com.sap.hana.di.graphworkspace, com.sap.hana.di.index, com.sap.hana.di.library, com.sap.hana.di.logicalschema, com.sap.hana.di.procedure, com.sap.hana.di.projectionview, com.sap.hana.di.reptask, com.sap.hana.di.resultcache, com.sap.hana.di.role, com.sap.hana.di.searchruleset, com.sap.hana.di.sequence, com.sap.hana.di.statistics, com.sap.hana.di.structuredprivilege, com.sap.hana.di.synonym, com.sap.hana.di.systemversioning, com.sap.hana.di.table, com.sap.hana.di.tabledata, com.sap.hana.di.tabletype, com.sap.hana.di.textconfig, com.sap.hana.di.textdictionary, com.sap.hana.di.textminingconfig, com.sap.hana.di.textrule, com.sap.hana.di.trigger, com.sap.hana.di.view, com.sap.hana.di.virtualfunction, com.sap.hana.di.virtualfunctionpackage, com.sap.hana.di.virtualpackage, com.sap.hana.di.virtualprocedure, com.sap.hana.di.virtualtable]... ok.
Processing revoke files...
Processing revoke files... ok (0s 0ms)
Processing grants files...
Processing grants files... ok (0s 0ms)
Preprocessing files...
Preprocessing files... ok (0s 1ms)
Connecting to the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"...
Connecting to the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"... ok (0s 4ms)
Locking the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"...
Locking the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"... ok (0s 45ms)
Synchronizing files with the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"...
Synchronizing files with the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"... ok (0s 290ms)
2 modified or added files are scheduled for deploy based on delta detection
0 deleted files are scheduled for undeploy based on delta detection (filtered by undeploy whitelist)
0 files are scheduled for deploy based on explicit specification
0 files are scheduled for undeploy based on explicit specification
Deploying to the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"...
Starting make in the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD" with 2 files to deploy, 0 files to undeploy...
Migrating libraries...
Migrating libraries... ok (0s 8ms)
Preparing the make transaction...
Deploying the configuration file "src/.hdiconfig"...
Deploying the configuration file "src/.hdiconfig"... ok (0s 36ms)
Adding "src/TodoList.hdbtable" for deploy...
Adding "src/TodoList.hdbtable" for deploy... ok (0s 9ms)
Preparing... ok (0s 168ms)
Preparing the make transaction... ok (0s 175ms)
Checking the uniqueness of the catalog objects in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"...
Checking the uniqueness of the catalog objects in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"... ok (0s 3ms)
Calculating dependencies...
Expanding "src/TodoList.hdbtable"...
Expanding "src/TodoList.hdbtable"... ok (0s 6ms)
Expanding... ok (0s 29ms)
Precompiling "src/TodoList.hdbtable"...
Precompiling "src/TodoList.hdbtable"... ok (0s 6ms)
Precompiling... ok (0s 14ms)
Merging... ok (0s 16ms)
Calculating dependencies... ok (0s 100ms)
Processing work list...
Deploying "src/TodoList.hdbtable"...
Deploying "src/TodoList.hdbtable"... ok (0s 15ms)
Processing work list... ok (0s 22ms)
Checking the uniqueness of the catalog objects in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"...
Checking the uniqueness of the catalog objects in the schema "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"... ok (0s 15ms)
Finalizing... ok (0s 70ms)
Make succeeded (0 warnings): 2 files deployed (effective 2), 0 files undeployed (effective 0), 0 dependent files redeployed
Making... ok (0s 396ms)
Starting make in the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD" with 2 files to deploy, 0 files to undeploy... ok (0s 410ms)
Deploying to the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"... ok (0s 537ms)
No default-access-role handling needed; global role "HDI_HELLO_WORLD::access_role" will not be adapted
Unlocking the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"...
Unlocking the container "HDI_HELLO_WORLD"... ok (0s 1ms)
Deployment to container HDI_HELLO_WORLD done [Deployment ID: none].
(1s 180ms)
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