This blog shows how you can deploy a hello world example to the Cloud Foundry stack using a Multi Target Application MTA deployment process.
I am also extending the example to show how to use the same framework to deploy run JupyterLab / Notebook on the CloudFoundry stack.
The idea is to use the Python code module/microservice as part of a larger deployment. Hence this example will show the deployment using a mta.yaml file.
- To start out with we will create a folder to house the necessary files called 'py-service'
- The core of the functionality is a web server based on the Python Flask framework (
- To model the service, create a file in the py-service directory called '' and poppulate it using the following code snippet:
from flask import Flask
import os
app = Flask(__name__)
# Port number is required to fetch from env variable
cf_port = os.getenv("PORT")
# Only get method by default
def hello():
return 'Hello World'
if __name__ == '__main__':
if cf_port is None:'', port=5000, debug=True)
else:'', port=int(cf_port), debug=True)
- The PORT variable is set by the cloud foundry environment and used to expose the application to the outside world
- The next step is to create a file called 'Procfile'. This file identifies the starting point of the application. It contains a single line
web: python
. This line provides the command that is executed. the 'web:' specifies that it will provide a web server.
- To tell the Cloud Foundry Buildpack what Python version should be used, you need to create a file called 'runtime.txt'. This file contains a simple line:
. You can find the available realeases in here (
- The packages/dependenies can be specified in an environment.yml or requirements.txt file
- The last part is a mta.yaml file just like you would create it for other multi target applications.
- !!!The memory allocation for this example is tremedous (2gb for memory and at 3gb for disk) I have not done any digging where the consumption originates, but adding the conda package manager seems to take up a lot of overhead.
- You can find more details about available buildpacks in the SAP Help and on the Cloud Foundry page
- This is the mta.yaml code:
_schema-version: '3.1'
version: 1.0.0
- name: riz-inno-py-cf
type: python
path: py-service/
memory: 2000M # Specifying theses quotas is important as they specify how much of the assigned entitlement is assigned once the module is started
disk-quota: 3000M
- To build and deploy the application execute
mbt build
cf deploy .\mta_archives\
- Be aware: Staging the application takes a fairly long time.
- To view the progress use a different terminal window and specfy:
cf logs riz-inno-py-cf
- At the end of the deployment the deployment process will show the URL for the deployed component. Open the URL in a browser and you should receive the text 'Hello World' in the browser window.
Run Jupyter Notebook in the Cloud Foundry stack
- Add
- jupyterlab
to the end of the 'environment.yml' file
- Change 'Procfile' to have the following content
web: jupyter lab --ip --port $PORT --no-browser
- To open Jupyter you need two pieces
- the host - Execute
cf app riz-inno-py-cf
- under 'routes:' you can find the host name.
- The url/token. - Execute
cf logs riz-inno-py-cf --recent
- copy the path including the token. Something like '/lab?token=131a072f38600b24698ea25c14431f1383054d542ce26117'
- Combine the host name with path and token to open up jupyter lab - Example URL: https://[host]/lab?token=131a072f38600b24698ea25c14431f1383054d542ce26117
I hope this post provided you a good overview of how you can run python apps in the Business Technology Platform Cloud Foundry stack.
Please share your feedback and thoughts in the comment section below.
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