When we activate an inbuild ECC Extractor (LO Extractor for the example) in ECC and from BW/BI side try to replicate it, we need to implement proper Delta Mechanism in InfoPackage. so that only the newly posted record in ECC in extracted using the data source.
The update methods in the info package are given below :
- Full Update
- Delta Update
- Initialize Delta Process
- Initialize with data transfer
- Initialize without data transfer
- Early Delta Initialization
Let's go through the different methods, why they are used.
- Full Update : If we select full update full data extracted from setup table from source system(ECC Here) to PSA in BW/BI. We have to created one InfoPackage for the first time load for all the time.
- Delta update: Need to create a second InfoPackage with Delta update which we used to take newly posted record from delta queue from source(ECC). This InfoPackage we will add in the process chain. But before that we need to initialize the delta queue by Initialize Delta Process which is of three type. Which type we will use which scenario we will discuss now-
- Initialize with Data transfer – all current data from the Source is loaded into the Data Target during this process.
- Steps :
- Lock the user in the source system.
- Go to transaction LBWG to delete the setup tables for the application specific to this data source.
- Go to transaction LBWQ and if some entries are present for that then we have to delete them.
- Go to transaction RSA7 for our particular data-source and if some records have been posted then we should also delete them.
- Reload the setup tables using transaction SBIW or we can directly use the transaction OLI9BW for our application component.
- Unlock the user.
- Initialize without Data transfer – Delta process is initialized without loading the current data in the Data Target. So only data from new InfoPackage are loaded in the Data Target.
- Steps :
- Lock the user in the source system.
- Go to transaction LBWG to delete the setup tables for the application specific to this data source.
- Go to transaction LBWQ and if some entries are present for that then we have to delete them.
- Go to transaction RSA7 for our particular data-source and if some records have been posted then we should also delete them.
- Run the InfoPackage with Initialize without data transfer option.
- Unlock the user.
- Update the setup table using repair full request.
- Early Delta Initialization - The delta initialization took place before filling the setup tables. The documents can be posted when filling the setup tables. We can get the posted records in the next delta run.
- We have to select one of the above three before the main delta process to initiate the Delta Queue. The selection totally depend on the project requirement.
Example scenario for LO extractor :
Process to set your delta process for your info package in BW side for ECC LO data Sources:
- Go to Se 11 and display the content of the table ROOSOURCE.
- Check the content field DELTA and ZDD_ABLE
- 3. Delta -> ABR means : Go to table RODELTAM you can see the Definition of the Delta:
Delta field |
Description |
Used for Master Data - Update Pointer |
Complete Delta with Deletion Flag Via Delta Queue- used for Cube-Comp |
ABR1 |
Like Method 'ABR' But Serialization Only by Requests |
Additive Extraction Via Extractor - LIS Info Structures |
Similar to ADD Via Delta Queue - Cube-Compatible - |
After-Images Via Extractor - Used in FI-GL-AP-AR |
After-Images with Deletion Flag Via Extractor - Used in FI-GL-AP-AR |
After-Images Via Delta Queue - Used in FI-AP-AR |
After-Images with Deletion Flag Via Delta Queue |
Among the top DELTA in BW LO use most of the times –
- ABR: After before and Reverse image
- AIE: After image
- ADD: Additive image
- ABR: After before and Reverse image
- DELTA FIELD -> blank means delta process not enabled.
- ZDD_ABLE à ‘X’ means it is data source supports early delta initialization.
ABR is the most commonly used across project I have used because it supports DSO and infoCube both.
Now BW/BI I will show step by step how to set delta process using Info Package and how to execute sequentially and put into process chain for LO extractors for which DELTA->ABR.
- Create an Infor package using full Load to load the initial full data –
- Create an Info Package for Init process and execute it with option ->Initialization with Data Transfer. This is required to enable Delta process which we will schedule latter in process chain.
- Create Create an Info Package for Delta load only and execute it. This need to be added in process chain.
- Add the info package in process chain.
In nest topic I am to going to discuss about a ECC master DataSource enhancement . Bye.