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Today I will discuss about generate and sending a CSV FTP via Node.js in HCP cloud Foundry platform in HANA. It is very useful in lots of business scenarios -

A. Create a CSV from a HANA table using XSJS :

  • 1st approach to create an XSJS  getExcelData.xsjs without using UTIL API -

//Generate excel :
function getExcelData(){

var todaysDate = new todaysDate().toString().slice(4, -24);
var body = 'Employee ID, Employee Name,Credit Threshold \n';
var query = "SELECT \"EMP_ID\",\"EMP_NAME\",\"CRD_THRD\" FROM \"_SYS_BIC\".\"CreditHistory/E_CREDIT_HISTORY\" ";
var conn = $.db.getConnection();
var pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
var rs = pstmt.getResultSet();

while( {
body += rs.getString(1)+
","+rs.getString(2).replace(/,/g,' ')+
","+rs.getString(3).replace(/,/g,' ')+"\r\n";
var excelData = body ;



Call the generated file to save it in the server space by creating the below writeExcel.xsjs
function writeExcel()
var excelData = getExcelData();
var filename = "/usr/sap/HXE/HDB90/work/Credit_history.csv"; // Replace with your desired file location
var file = new $.net.File(filename);"w");
file.write(excelData );
return "File created";


  • Another way is to  generate excel using util  API-

function generateExcelData()

var todaysDate = new todaysDate().toString().slice(4, -24);
//var body = 'Employee ID, Employee Name,Credit Threshold \n';
var query = "SELECT \"EMP_ID\",\"EMP_NAME\",\"CRD_THRD\" FROM \"_SYS_BIC\".\"CreditHistory/E_CREDIT_HISTORY\" ";
var conn = $.db.getConnection();
var pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
var rs = pstmt.getResultSet();

while( {

body += rs.getString(1)+
","+rs.getString(2).replace(/,/g,' ')+
","+rs.getString(3).replace(/,/g,' ')+"\r\n";

var workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();

// Create a worksheet from the data
var data = [
['Employee_ID', 'Employee_Name','Credit_Threshold']

// Add data rows to the data array (make sure to replace commas with spaces)
while ( {
","+rs.getString(2).replace(/,/g,' ')+
","+rs.getString(3).replace(/,/g,' ')+"\r\n";

var worksheet = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(data);

// Add the worksheet to the workbook
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, 'Sheet1');

// Write the workbook to a file
var fileName = 'Credit_History' + ' ' + todaysDate + '.xlsx';




B. Using SFTP in Node.js application transfer the

1. Create a Node.js application using SAP Business Application Studio. Use the below link of one of my blog create -

2.  Now we need to install the API which will connect to HANA DB i.e. @ssh2-sftp-client -
 Install the required package:


user: demonodejs $ npm install ssh2-sftp-client

3. Create a  index.js file and write the code the below  and customized as per your server using

3. Set up the configuration for connecting to the SAP HANA server:

const sftpConfig = {
host: 'hana_server_address',
port: 'sftp_port', // Default is 22
username: 'your_username',
password: 'your_password',

// We have already write teh file in XSJS but you can write the file
//using node.js also using below code
const csvData = 'your_csv_data_here'; // Replace with your actual CSV data
const csvFilePath = 'path_to_your_csv_file.csv'; // Replace with the path to your CSV file
fs.writeFileSync(csvFilePath, csvData, 'utf8');

//Below codeConnect to the SAP HANA server using SFTP and upload the CSV file:

const sftp = new Client();

.then(() => {
return sftp.put(csvFilePath, '/path/to/server/location/filename.csv');
.then(() => {
console.log('File uploaded successfully!');
sftp.end(); // Close the SFTP connection
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Error:', err.message);
sftp.end(); // Close the SFTP connection


4. . The execute command – npm start and the output will be available in the json format

user: demonodejs $ npm start


In the next section I will discuss about Java application that took data from HANA server.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
why xsjs still considered here?
Active Participant
0 Kudos
You can use pure Node.js function also to create and save csv files from table.. I will show how to do that in my next transformation.
0 Kudos
This looks pretty straight forward. Do you think my secretary can compile some report Excel reports that way for me?
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