The costing run is a tool for mass processing in Product Cost Planning. It enables you to cost, mark, and release more than one material at the same time.
It provides the following functions:
• Costing, analysis and (if applicable) price update of multiple materials.
• Sequence of material selection, BOM explosion, costing, analysis, price update.
• Separate costing levels.
• Repeated costing of materials in a low-level code until costing is free of errors.
• Online or background processing.
A costing run is identified by its name and the costing run date.
You can carry out the following steps:
• Material selection: Selecting Materials for a Costing Run.
• BOM explosion: Exploding BOMs for a Costing Run.
• Costing: Executing the Costing Run.
• Analysis: Analyzing the Costing results.
• Price update: Updating Prices.
After each processing step you can look at the message log for the step, and if necessary repeat the step until costing is free of errors.
If some materials are costed with errors, only the costing step is repeated before price update is carried out.
In the case of partial selection of assemblies, the structure must be exploded again after the selection.
If you repeat the selection step, the subsequent steps must also be repeated.
Once a costing run and its processing steps have been successfully completed, it can be deleted. The administrative data in the costing run is also deleted. However, the material cost estimates generated by a costing run remains and can be reorganized and/or archived if required.