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Update 10th July 2020 - Added functionality to convert numbers to String using the NUM_TO_STRING parameter.



I was recently trying to convert XML To JSON in the below format in SAP 7.4 and also trying to remove certain tags from the XML structure and force a few nodes as JSON Array.
record : [
{ key1: value1 }
record : [
{ key1: value1 },
{ key1: value2 }

We can easily convert XML to JSON on the REST channel. However, there are many restrictions on it in SAP PI/PO.

Besides, in SAP PO 7.5 we can easily remove a key name by listing the tags in 'setIgnoredElements' on REST Receiver Channel.  However, this liberty isn't available on SAP PI versions 7.4 & below. The Custom XML to JSON Conversion bean also doesn't help much here, especially if you wish to remove a node from the JSON structure. Hence, I have implemented a Generic Java Mapping that can be used to achieve this and many other tasks.

This blog focus on XML to JSON conversion using Java Mapping and also provides the liberty to play around with the structure.

This can be used in any SAP PI/PO version.


Benefits of Using this Mapping :

  • Converts XML to JSON

  • Force convert JSONObject to JSONArray

  • Hide tag names in JSON structure

  • Delete key & value pair from a JSON structure

  • Crop up initial tags in the JSON structure

  • Convert the JSON root tag to Array

  • Convert Numbers to String

Examples are illustrated further below after the implementation section.



Step1:- Get the JAVA Mapping JAR file

You can directly download the zip file from here and unzip it.

This zip contains 2 JAR files. Import the 2 jar files in SAP ESR as Imported Archives.

Please note the Java mapping uses org.json.XML java library to convert XML to JSON, so if it's not in your SAP library, you will receive missing 'org.json.XML' error. So do import the orgXmlJson jar file also.


Step 2:- Use the java mapping in your operation mapping


Step 3:- Define the 5 Import parameters in operation mapping.

  • ARRAY_NODES - Simple Type - xsd:string

  • DELETE_ENTRY - Simple Type - xsd:string

  • HIDE_KEYS - Simple Type - xsd:string

  • LAST_LEVEL_TO_KEEP - Simple Type - xsd:int

  • NUM_TO_STRING - Simple Type - xsd:string

Step 4:- Define Binding for the JAVA mapping in operation mapping as below:


Step 5:-  Assign values to these parameters in the Integrated Configuration as required


Step 6:- (Optional) If you are using REST channel, don't forget to set the data as JSON in the Receiver channel


And you are done.


Understanding the parameters:


    • This is of String data type.

    • All tags including the root tag that are to be converted into an array can be passed here as a list separated by commas.

    • E.g. ARRAY_NODES = Root,node1,node4

    • If you don't want to convert any node to array in JSON, then keep the field blank.


    • This is of String data type

    • If you wish to hide the tag name and pass only the equivalent values to JSON structure, then pass all the tag names as a list separated by commas to this field.

    • E.g. HIDE_KEYS = node2,root

    • If you don't want to hide any keys in JSON, then keep the field blank.


    • This is of String data type

    • If you wish to delete a tag and its value from the JSON structure, then pass all such tag names as a list separated by commas to this field.

    • E.g. DELETE_ENTRY = node5,node6

    • If you don't want to delete any entries, then keep the field blank.


    • This is of integer data type

    • If you wish to delete the initial tags from XML hierarchy and retain the child nodes, then pass the level number to this field

    • Value 0 implies to not delete any level. (default value)

    • Value 1 implies removing the root node completely from the structure and keep its child node in the JSON structure.

    • E.g. LAST_LEVEL_TO_KEEP = 2 (This will remove first 2 levels from the XML/JSON structure)

    • If you don't want to delete any entries, then set the field as 0.


    • This is of the boolean data type.

    • If you want to covert all the numbers to string in the output JSON structure, then set this variable as 'true'.

    • Setting this to true will result in all the numbers (integer, float, long, short, double) to be in double-quotes in the output JSON format.

    • Default value is 'false'.


How to set the parameter value?

Now let's understand how you have to set the parameter values. Below are a few examples that will help you understand the same.

Sample XML :
<ns0:Root_MT xmlns:ns0="https://namespace">



Example1: If the default values of the parameters are set.




{ 	"Root_MT":
"node1": [
{ "node2": {
"node3": "abc",
"node4": "xyz",
"node5": 123
"node6": ""
{ "node2": {
"node3": "abc",
"node4": "xyz",
"node5": 200.005


Example2: Hide the root tag and send data as JSON Array. Also, delete the namespace tag from the JSON structure and set node5 as JSON Array
ARRAY_NODES = "Root_MT,node5"


DELETE_ENTRY = "xmlns:ns0"



{ 	[
"node1": [
{ "node2": {
"node3": "abc",
"node4": "xyz",
"node5": 123
"node6": []
{ "node2": {
"node3": "abc",
"node4": "xyz",
"node5": 200.005


Example3: Remove the level 1 i.e the root tag level, always keep node1 as JSON Array (even if one record is found)  and hide node1 key and delete the namespace attribute. Also, convert the numbers to string format.
ARRAY_NODES = "node1"

HIDE_KEYS = "node1"

DELETE_ENTRY = "xmlns:ns0"

LAST_LEVEL_TO_KEEP = 1   (As level count starts from level 0 being root)


{ "node2": {
"node3": "abc",
"node4": "xyz",
"node5": "123"
"node6": ""
{ "node2": {
"node3": "abc",
"node4": "xyz",
"node5": "200.005"


Source Code:

If you are importing the code from the link above, you need not bother about the source code. But just for your curiosity purpose and understanding provided the source code below. Do have a glance at it and provide suggestions and feedback.

You can also find the code here.
package com.convert;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.json.XML;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;


public class XML2JSON extends AbstractTransformation {

private List<String> array_nodes = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<String> hide_keys = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<String> delete_entry = new ArrayList<String>();
private int last_level_to_keep = 0;
private boolean num_to_string = false;

public XML2JSON() {


public XML2JSON(List<String> array_nodes, List<String> hide_keys,
List<String> delete_entry, int last_level_to_keep,
boolean num_to_string) {
* Declare constructor to define the class-level variables Input:
* 1) array_nodes -> List to store Keys that should be JSONArray
* 2) hide_keys -> List to store Keys that should be Hidden
* 3) delete_entry -> List to store Keys, whose records are to be deleted from the structure
* 4) last_level_to_keep -> integer to store maximum level of JSON Structure to be retained
* 5) num_to_string -> boolean variable to set if numbers are to be converted in string format

this.array_nodes = array_nodes;
this.hide_keys = hide_keys;
this.delete_entry = delete_entry;
this.last_level_to_keep = last_level_to_keep;
this.num_to_string = num_to_string;

public void transform(TransformationInput transformationInput,
TransformationOutput transformationOutput)
throws StreamTransformationException {

* This is the default method called by SAP PI Java mapping Input :
* InputStream and OutputStream objects

// An info message is added to trace by calling the getTrace() method of
// AbstractTransformation class
getTrace().addInfo("JAVA Mapping to Convert XML to JSON Initiated");

// Input Payload is obtained from transformationInput
InputStream inputStream = transformationInput.getInputPayload()

// Input Parameters is obtained from transformationInput
String array_nodes = transformationInput.getInputParameters()
String hide_keys = transformationInput.getInputParameters().getString(
String delete_entry = transformationInput.getInputParameters()
int last_level_to_keep = transformationInput.getInputParameters()
boolean num_to_string = Boolean.parseBoolean(transformationInput.getInputParameters()

// Display parameter value on trace
getTrace().addInfo("Input Parameters listed below: \n");
getTrace().addInfo("ARRAY_NODES : " + array_nodes);
getTrace().addInfo("HIDE_KEYS: " + hide_keys);
getTrace().addInfo("DELETE_ENTRY: " + delete_entry);
getTrace().addInfo("LAST_LEVEL_TO_KEEP: " + last_level_to_keep);
getTrace().addInfo("NUM_TO_STRING: " + num_to_string);

// Output Payload Stream is obtained to send the data
OutputStream outputStream = transformationOutput.getOutputPayload()

// Convert Message Content type in Msg Header to application/json

// Instance of XML2JSON created and parameters passed to contructor
XML2JSON obj = new XML2JSON(Arrays.asList(array_nodes.split(",")),
Arrays.asList(hide_keys.split(",")), Arrays.asList(delete_entry
.split(",")), last_level_to_keep, num_to_string);

// Call readStreamContent() to Handle the input and output stream content
try {
obj.readStreamContent(inputStream, outputStream);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

public void readStreamContent(InputStream inputStream,
OutputStream outputStream) throws StreamTransformationException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {

* This method Input: InputStream and OutputStream objects

try {
// Declare a String variable to store output json format
String jsonPrettyPrintString = "";

// If data is present in InputStream, it is stored in byte object
byte[] buf = new byte[inputStream.available()];

// Inputstream reads the data in byte format;

// A debug message is added to display the input XML
if (getTrace() != null) {
"Input XML:\n" + new String(buf, "utf-8") + "\n ------");
} else { // This section is added for normal JAVA Program run
System.out.println(new String(buf, "utf-8"));

// Convert XML to JSON
JSONObject xmlJsonObj = XML.toJSONObject(new String(buf, "utf-8"));
// System.out.println("XML JSON ",xmlJsonObj.toString());

// Call handleJSONData() to parse the JSON Structure to Delete a
// record or convert it to an array
if (array_nodes.size() > 0 || delete_entry.size() > 0)
xmlJsonObj = handleJSONData(xmlJsonObj);

// Convert the Output JSONObject to String
jsonPrettyPrintString = xmlJsonObj.toString(2);

// Remove the levels if required
if (last_level_to_keep > 0) {
jsonPrettyPrintString = (String) deleteLevel(xmlJsonObj, 0);

// Hide Key names if required
for (String text : hide_keys) {
jsonPrettyPrintString = jsonPrettyPrintString.replaceAll("\""
+ text + "\":", "");

// Print the Final JSON structure in Trace
if (getTrace() != null) {
"Output JSON:\n" + jsonPrettyPrintString + "\n ");
} else {

// Convert the Output JSON Structure to bytes
if (jsonPrettyPrintString == null
|| jsonPrettyPrintString.length() < 1) {
byte[] bytes = "{}".toString().getBytes("UTF-8");

// Write output bytes to the output stream

else {
byte[] bytes = jsonPrettyPrintString.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");

// Write output bytes to the output stream

} catch (Exception e) {
// Handle all exceptions
if (getTrace() != null) {
"Exception while writing OutputPayload: IOException", e);
throw new StreamTransformationException(e.toString());

} else

public JSONObject handleJSONData(JSONObject jsonObj) {
* Parse the JSON Structure to Delete a record or convert it to an array
* Input: JSONObject -> Json Sub structure to be updated Output:
* JSONObject -> Updated Json Sub structure with deleted records and
* arrays.

try {
// Create an array of keyset to loop further
String arr[] = new String[jsonObj.keySet().size()];
int k = 0;
for (String key : jsonObj.keySet())
arr[k++] = key;

// Loop through all the keys in a JSONObject
for (String key : arr) {

// If there are records to be deleted, remove them and move to next key
if (delete_entry.contains(key)) {

// If there are records to be converted to Array, convert it.
if (array_nodes.contains(key)) {
jsonObj = forceToJSONArray(jsonObj, key);

// If the sub node is a JSONArray or JSONObject, step inside the Object
if (jsonObj.get(key) instanceof JSONArray) {
JSONArray sjao = jsonObj.getJSONArray(key);
for (int i = 0; i < sjao.length(); i++) {
sjao.put(i, handleJSONData(sjao.getJSONObject(i)));
jsonObj.put(key, sjao);
} else if (jsonObj.get(key) instanceof JSONObject) {
} else {
// Convert number to String if num_to_string is set
if (num_to_string){
Object val = jsonObj.get(key);
if(val instanceof Integer || val instanceof Float || val instanceof Double || val instanceof Long || val instanceof Short)
} catch (Exception e) {
// Handle all exceptions
if (getTrace() != null) {
"Exception while Updating Payload: ", e);
} else

return jsonObj;

public static JSONObject forceToJSONArray(JSONObject jsonObj, String key)
throws org.json.JSONException {
* Force Convert a record to JSON Array Input: 1) JSONObject -> JSON Sub
* structure to be updated 2) key -> Key whose value is to be converted
* to JSONArray Output: JSONObject -> Updated Json Sub structure with
* deleted records and arrays.

// Get the key value from JSONObject using opt() and not get(), as it
// can also return null value.
Object obj = jsonObj.opt(key);

// If the obj doesn't exist inside my the JsonObject structure, create
// it empty
if (obj == null) {
jsonObj.put(key, new JSONArray());
// if exist but is a JSONObject, force it to JSONArray
else if (obj instanceof JSONObject) {
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
jsonArray.put((JSONObject) obj);
jsonObj.put(key, jsonArray);
// if exist but is a primitive entry, force it to a "primitive"
// JSONArray
else if (obj instanceof String || obj instanceof Integer) {
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
jsonObj.put(key, jsonArray);
return jsonObj;

public Object deleteLevel(JSONObject jsonObj, int current_level) {
* Based on the last level to be maintained, this method recursively
* deletes all previous levels. Input: 1) JSONObject -> Stores the json
* structure to be edited 2) Index -> Stores the level count to remove
* and is incremented as we step deeper in the levels Output: Object ->
* Currently returns String or JSONObject.

// Read the first key in the JSONObject Structure
String node = new ArrayList<String>(jsonObj.keySet()).get(0);
// System.out.println("*" + node + "--"+
// jo.get(node).getClass().getName());

// Check if last level as per input is reached and return the output
// string
if (current_level == last_level_to_keep - 1) {
// If instance is JSONObject, remove the key and return the output
// string
if (jsonObj.get(node) instanceof JSONObject) {
return jsonObj.getJSONObject(node).toString(2);
// If instance is JSONArray, remove the key and return the output
// string
else if (jsonObj.get(node) instanceof JSONArray) {
return jsonObj.getJSONArray(node).toString(2);

// If both above cases fail, invalid level was provided and return
// empty string
return "{}";

// If its not the last level step in deeper one level and pass Object
// and incremented level index
else if (jsonObj.get(node) instanceof JSONObject) {
return deleteLevel(jsonObj.getJSONObject(node), ++current_level);
} else if (jsonObj.get(node) instanceof JSONArray) {
return deleteLevel(jsonObj.getJSONArray(node).getJSONObject(0),

// If the object is no more an array or json object, invalid level was
// provided and return empty string
return "{}";




This is how I handled my conversion using a generic and reusable custom java mapping that is able to handle XML to JSON conversion. Hopefully, this piece of code helps those who have faced similar situations.

Please do let me know if you have handled this situation in any other optimized way!!

Anyone who wishes to edit the content or convert this JAVA mapping to a custom XML to JSON conversion bean can please do the needful and share it...

And do hit the like button, if you found the blog useful..:)


Best Regards,

Kiran Roy
Active Contributor

Nice blog. Weren't you able to achieve this using REST adapter?

Hello Kiran,


I tried the same approach and everything is working fine but in the output JSON for few fields values are not showing in string as it containing numbers. Could you please help how to handle for those fields.



We are on SAPI 7.4. And unfortunately, couldn't have this setup on the REST adapter.

Hi Janardhan,


Updated the blog and program to add number to string conversion functionality. Hope it helps now. 🙂



Kiran Roy



I am passing ARRAY_NODES parameter value as ns1:MT_eINVOICE,Requestbody - whereas ns1:MT_eINVOICE is my root node name and Requestbody is my field name for array. I tried without ns1 as well but throwing same error. Tried with double quotes and without double quotes as well.

All options failing with same reason.

I am getting warning as "The input parameter ARRAY_NODES does not exist".

Can you please help how to fix it?
Hello rk01 ,

Wonderful blog. Very neat and upto point.

I have a requirement where i have to pass final JSON(REST Receiver Channel) as an HASHBse64 converted string in REST header custom property.

So was initially thinking to call REST adapter using UDF to get JSON file and then use UDF to HASH conversion to provide string to another REST adapter. But now i had 2nd option by which i can avoid duplication of rest channel. Will give it a go and provide feedback.

Hello rk01 ,

Can you look into converting functionality into UDF?  Actually i am running into bit of problem as i have to put converted JSON under target XML structure.



Hi Amarnath,


You just have to pass RequestBody to ARRAY_NODES & that should work.

ARRAY_NODES : RequestBody

Check the example section of Blog for more clarity.



Kiran Roy

0 Kudos

Hi Sukhdeep,


It would not be possible to make it a part of UDF.

But if I understand your requirement correctly, based on your previous comments, you want to encode data using BASE64 hashing before sending it to the receiver.

So post JSON conversion, try applying the hashing adapter module as mentioned here.

But to use this, you will have to install this custom adapter in SAP.



Kiran Roy

0 Kudos
Hi Kiran,

I am getting the error as below

Input parameter ARRAY_NODES does not exist in mapping program com/convert/XML2JSON .

I have gone through all the examples but even for default value i.e.  ARRAY_NODES ="" the same error I am getting. Could you please suggest.



Kasturika Phukan

0 Kudos
Hi Kasturika,


Please perform the below checks... Either the file has not been downloaded correctly or you might have mistakenly missed some config step.

  1. To check if the file is downloaded correctly, please check if XML2JSON.class & .java files both are present and if you open the file, you should be able to see the full code... (Step 1)

  2. Ensure you have configured steps 3,4 & 5 correctly.

In case everything is fine & the problem yet persists, kindly send a screenshot of the error message you are facing.



Kiran Roy
0 Kudos
Hi Kiran,

Great Work,This helped me lot in my Integration scenario.Thanks.

The json output is not well formed it is not as we create the data type in ESR,

can you please help on this.


Thanks & Regards





Hello Roy,

nice blog, working perfectly for 2 level hierarchy structures.

i tried applying the same to Idoc XML conversion into JSON, but the segments & the field positions are not indent.


MATMAS IDOC to JSON where the actual hierarchy is  MAMTMAS – – IDOC – – EDIDC40 – – E1MARAM but in output JSON after IDOC i’m getting E1MARAM at first level instead of EDIDC40 and the fields inside also.

can you please help on this.


0 Kudos
Hi Kiran,


XML to Json conversion is happening but fields positions are not indent, it is getting jumbled. Kindly Suggest.



Rajesh Ginka
0 Kudos
Hey Kiran,

Thanks for the wonderful blog.

I am using same and it's working fine but on top of this we have requirement to convert JSON to base 64 format and then pass it as string to another JSON structure.

Any thoughts how can we do this?

Thanks in advance.


0 Kudos

Hi Kiran,


I can see, the code looks working but the fields sequence in JSON file are incorrect than compare with XML. Here is the input and output JSON can you suggest.


XML Input :



JSON output :

"attribute4": "",
"agreementIdentifier": {
"agreementIdentifier1": [{"agreementKey": ""}],
"exclude": ""
"attribute1": "",
"attribute3": "",
"attribute2": ""

0 Kudos
I get the same issue with fields order, the fields sequence in the output is wrong.
0 Kudos


I get Escape characters '\' after using this mapping.

0 Kudos

XML to JSON conversion is working fine it's a really good document. But the ordering of fields is changing.
can you please let us know how to achive this.
0 Kudos
Hi Roy Kiran,


As many of them saying we are able to convert XML to JSON and it is working fine. But the ordering of fields is changing. can you please let us know how to achieve this.

Thanks & Regards,

Sreekanth Gollaprolu.

0 Kudos
To anyone, who wants to remove multiple xml tags while converting XML data to JSON via REST adapter, please refer to SAP note:

Saurav Kumar
0 Kudos
Hello Kiran Roy

Very nice blog!! Do you also have a Java mapping to convert JSON to XML? I have some special issues, where conversion with the communication channel or with XSLT does not work. I would be very happy to hear from you!

Best regards
0 Kudos
Hi rk01 ,


I am facing an issue with your code.

The conversion from XML to JSON is working fine but the fields are getting rearranged.

Is there any way around to fix this issue?



Dwipayan Gupta
0 Kudos


I have used your code and it works perfectly if there are more than 1 data however, if there is only 1 data passed, it does not produce a bracket []. Would you help me fix this? 



2 data - working - with bracket []

"parentImportKey": "ABC",
"responsibleOfficerImportKey": "ABC",
"description": "ABC",
"active": true,
"importKey": "ABC"
"parentImportKey": "DEF",
"responsibleOfficerImportKey": "DEF",
"description": "DEF",
"active": false,
"importKey": "DEF"


1 data - not working - without bracket []

"parentImportKey": "ABC",
"responsibleOfficerImportKey": "ABC",
"description": "ABC",
"active": true,
"importKey": "ABC"



0 Kudos

  Thanks for this nice blog.
  When I try this via a REST receiver setup I get the error message " Unable to parse XML message content: "Content is not allowed in prolog.""
  I can see that the json is correctly created by the REST adapter is expecting an xml message even if the "Data format" is set to JSON.


0 Kudos

  Found the problem, the error "Content is not allowed in prolog." was given because we used "Pattern Variable Replacement " in the REST url.  Changed the 'xpath expression' to 'JSON expression'

 Solution found here


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