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In one of my previous blog posts, I explained how to connect UI5 Components in BTP CloudFoundry across spaces. The same problem can occur when using the same space.

Previous blog post:

In this blog post, I’m going to explain why this also occurs in the same space and how to solve this.


First, lets deploy both apps to the same space by also deploying app2 to space A.


All-in one space:


Opening app2 in WorkZone will not show app1:

And it will raise the same error:


Both apps/components need to use the same destination service instance. This can easily be solved by changing the destination service instance name in the mta.yaml of app2 to the same as the name of app1:

Build and deploy again.


Once this change has been deployed, the destination service instance of app2 needs to be deleted. In my case this was not cleaned up automatically.

Just delete it if this also occurs for you. I only causes conflicts and should not be used anymore:

In the end we would have only 5 service instances for the two apps:

  • 2 times html app repo

  • 2 times xsuaa

  • 1 destination service instance

Refresh the HTML5 App content

Run the app again in WorkZone:


Both apps are available on GitHub:
0 Kudos

Hi @WouterLemaire!

Awesome blog! I'm glad to say this worked perfectly for our usecase.

I would just like to possibly ask the reasoning how this works? I mean, is this the expected process for all reuse components and component libraries, to work with apps running on the Build Work Zone Launchpad? Because so far I haven't found any detailed documentation about it. Any link to the documentation is also much appreciated.

Thank you!

Active Contributor
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The html5 app repo and the app are connected through destinations in a destination service instance on space level. The html5 app repo will only find the app which has destinations configured. If both apps are connected, they need to be in the same destination service. Otherwise one html5 app repo will only find html5 app that is in destination but not the other one.

I don't know if there is any official documentation. I got this information via an SAP note I created.

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