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This will help you connect your BI4 Dashboard directly against ECC box in real-time (no SAP Hana required)


1) ECC 6.0 Enhancement Package 5

2) Configured for transient providers (using an ECC InfoSet)

3) SQBWPROP – InfoProvider must be set for BI Release

4) BI4 SP4 (includes feature pack 3)

First I created a BEx Query against the ECC InfoSet

I set the flag for Allow External Access to this Query

Then I set up an OLAP connection in the Central Management Console.

I chose to connect to the Query I created against the ECC InfoSet in the CMC.

Now log on to BI4 Dashboard

From the Query Browser, select Add Query

Select BEx and then click Next

Select the OLAP Connection created against the ECC and click NEXT

From the Query panel drag over the Fiscal Year and Gross Amount

After Preview Query Result click Next

At Usage Options click OK

Now you can follow the Dashboard creation steps; you can bind to the Query now instead of the spreadsheet


Former Member
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Hi Tammy Powlas,

This post is really helpful to us.

Can you please clarify one doubt for me?

After adding a Bex query , will the data not be displayed in Dashboard(Excel sheet) below.( I am referring to second picture from the bottom).



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Santosh,

If you bind to the BEx Query you will not see it in the spreadsheet.

There are times where you may need to the spreadsheet for selectors that are not available via the BEx Query.


Former Member
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Thanks for the responce.

Is there any work around for this issue?

In my case, it is compulsory for me to display the data in Excel because we have calculation to be done in excel.



Active Contributor
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I am not familiar with a work around - perhaps post your question in the discussion forum to see if others in the community have a possible solution?

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We end up running the BEx query and copy pasting into the excel...not automated, but gets the work done when we need additional excel based calculations.



Former Member
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Hi Tammy,

Infoset you mentioned refers to BW InfoSet or some entity from ECC.

I want to create a dashboard with ECC as data source. This post certainly helps me however would like to know how you created the BEx query on ECC.

Does that require BW setup as well?



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Tejas - starting with enhancement package 5 there is a BW client inside your ECC box - I activated BW inside ECC, then used the transient provider infoset inside ECC to create the a BEX query against it - see

Later enhancement packages have Operational Data Providers

Former Member
0 Kudos

Appreciate your prompt response a lot.

Will look into the link.

Thanks a lot.



Former Member
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Hi Tammy,

Just a quick question on #2) Configured for transient providers (using an ECC InfoSet).  My understanding on your post is to ECC --> BW --> BEx Query --> Dashboard?  Am I right?  Where to configure #2, is it on ECC or BW?

Thank you in advance,


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Hi Geraldine - this is all in ECC

Former Member
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Hi Tammy,

very informative document..

When I create the BICS connection, in the preview query result, it is taking long time to give output, have any idea with whats wrong.

Former Member
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OLAP connections are very slow..thatsy it is taking long time to output query result.

Former Member
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Hi Santosh,

you may use the below method to map result objects to excel sheet.

Active Contributor
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Yes, they can be slow; that is why in one of the SAP presentations they recommend running RSRT to measure performance before running it in a BI tool.

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