The technical work for SSO setup was jointly worked by Srinivasan Mohan babu and Barath Kakaday.
Single SignON is common ask of business to enable users to login with centralized authentication mechanism, usually it is AD credentials. This blog post talks about configuring Single Sign ON (SSO) for SAP S/4HANA Fiori application for an enterprise. The protocol used is SAML2 that is ideal for HTTPS connection.
This procedure contains steps for components individually such as Web dispatcher and SAP S/4HANA ABAP stack. As result of this procedure, end users are expected to use Windows AD credentials to gain access to Fiori login page.
Following factors are assumed to improve the understanding :
- Fiori is embedded in SAP S/4HANA.
- SAP S/4HANA is a Production environment with High Availability on Azure Infrastructure platform.
- Use Azure AD as Identity Provider.
- High availability for Fiori URL is setup as per below diagram.
- Load balancer backend pool pointing to two web dispatchers.
- Operating system is SUSE Linux.
- Engage Azure Cloud Security team for meta data and certificate files.
- Fiori Launchpad URL should not contain port information e.g. to use 443 port.
Extract diagram of Frontend load balancer and backend Web dispatchers
Web dispatcher Configurations
[For reference purposes we use following sample naming conventions
- Two web dispatchers as WP1 and WP2
- Common name of SAP S/4HANA Front end URL as PRDS4.DOMAIN.COM
- SID of Production SAP S/4HANA as S4P]
Step 1: Apply configurations SAP Web Dispatcher Kernels as per OSS note “421359 - ICM: Binding ports < 1024 on UNIX”
Reference commands from SAP note : 421359
Step 2: Edit profile to include following parameters on both WP1 and WP2.
# Back-end system configuration
wdisp/system_0 = SID=S4P,, MSPORT=8100, *
# Configuration of maximum number of concurrent connections
icm/max_conn = 500
# SAP Web Dispatcher Ports
icm/ssl_config_0 = CRED=S4PRD.PSE, SNI_CREDS=S4PRD.PSE
icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTPS, PORT=443, PROCTIMEOUT=600, SSLCONFIG=ssl_config_0, EXTBIND=1
icm/server_port_1 = PROT=HTTP, PORT=8080, PROCTIMEOUT=600
icm/HTTP/redirect_0 = PREFIX=/, FROM=*, FROMPROT=http, PROT=https, FOR=*, HOST=,
wdisp/add_client_protocol_header = true
icm/HTTPS/forward_ccert_as_header = true
icm/trace_secured_data = TRUE
exe/icmbnd = /usr/sap/WP1/SYS/exe/run/icmbnd
Step 3: Create alias in DNS for as
Step 4: Generate CSR request :
Login to WP1 host and backup security directory before CSR request generation.
Open Web Dispatcher admin page
Example URL :
https://<WP1 hostname>/sap/wdisp/admin/public/default.html
Create New PSE
Distinguished Name convention :, O=<Org name>, OU=Information Technology, L=<Location>, SP=<State>, C=<Country>
and click
Now Click on
Create CA Request
This will generate the key.
Extract the CA request in notepad as .txt file.
Repeat steps for WP2.
Send email to Cloud Security with the following :
- Attach both CSR files and request to generate a signed certificate. Note : You may choose to get it signed internally or externally based on customer requirement to have Fiori page hosted on intranet or internet respectively.
- Request for certificate file created along with meta data generation.
- Request metadata by giving following details.
S4HANA Production:
Single Sign ON URL :
Identifier : Fiori_PRDS4
Reply URL :
Step 5: Import SAP S/4HANA self-certificate to Web dispatchers.
Login to SAP S/4HANA and go to
Select self certificate and click on
Export Certificate.
Open WP1 admin page and click on
Import Certificate.
Select the exported file and click
Imported Certificate message appears.
Repeat steps to import SAP S/4HANA self certificate into WP2.
Step 6: Import CSR Signed certificates in respective web dispatchers
Take backup of security directory
To import the chain key, go to web dispatcher admin page
Open each file using notepad and carefully concatenate content of each certificate in following order into make chain key in a new txt file.
Sequence of certificates import.
- CA Root
- CA5
- Own certificate
Paste the concatenated entire certificate chain as shown below and click on
Imported response message appears.
Repeat the steps in WP2
Verify the certificates by tying the Fiori URL on browser. https warning should not appear. That’s the indication that certificates are applied correctly.
S4HANA Configurations
Step 1: Create shortcut SICF shortcut for S4
Login to S4HANA and goto Tcode SICF.
Click on
External Aliases
Here we’ve used /s4 as alias under /default_host/sap/bc/ui2/flp path.
Error Pages tab, Click on
Protocol as
Do NOT Switch
Do NOT Display Warnings checkbox and
Custom Implementation with ABAP Class as
OK to continue.
Step 2: Activate SICF as per Notes:
- 1088717 - Active services for Web Dynpro ABAP in transaction SICF
- 2389051 - ICF service for Clickjacking Framing Protection is not active
Step 3: Import XML Metadata file.
Login to SAP S/4HANAand go to Tcode
SAML2 and click on
Enable SAML2.0 Support
Provide Name should be same as when requested. In our case it was Fiori_PRDS4.
Selection Mode as
Automatic and Artifact resolution Service
Mode as
Next screen appears as below.
Click on
Trusted providers and select
Upload Metatdata file.
Select the metadata file downloaded.
Click Next and select the certificate generated along with meta data.
Next (no change)
Click Next (no change)
Next (no change)
Next (no change)
Next (no change)
Assertion Consumer Service as
Application URL
Binding as
Add Identify Federation.
Trusted Providers tab, select
Identify Federation and click on
Email and Click
Entry for
NameID is added now.
Step 3: Maintain table HTTPURLLOC
Go to SE16 Tcode and check for existing entries
Since it is new install, no entries existing previously.
Maintain entry for port 443: For example:
After adding entry, table looks as below.
SAP Security requirements
For a user to successfully get authenticated following factors should be complied from security perspective.
- The Email ID maintained in S4HANA SU01 should be same email address as configured in Azure domain.
- User should contain valid AD account for SSO to work in S4HANA.
- (Optional) User to have relevant Fiori roles assigned for respective tile to be visible.
Test Sigle Sign ON
Steps to test the SSO URL :
- Place Fiori URL i.e. https://<lb alias> in our case example URL and hit Enter. Preferably browser with in-cognito mode to avoid cache related issues.
- URL will automatically redirect to Microsoft login prompt to give AD login ID and password.
- After authentication, Fiori Home page appears.
After following the individual steps for Web Dispatcher and S4HANA, you should be able to setup Single Sign ON is configured for SAP S/4HANA Fiori (on HA) launch pad.
Hope this blog helps you design and procedure for SSO setup using Azure AD as identify provider. This procedure holds good even for Fiori client which uses same Fiori launchpad HTTPS URL.
Happy to take up questions or clarifications should there be. Encourage to use below URL to post your questions.
References :
HA for SAP NetWeaver :
Document followed for Fiori Help Configuration: