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The contents of the SAP Fiori Launchpad (FLP) are organized by spaces, pages and tiles.

The tiles themselves can be static, where the name and description are predefined, or dynamic, where extra details such as a status or a counter can be added at runtime.

After logging on the FLP, the end user cannot easily find those tiles which are the most critical, unless they navigate to each space and find those tiles.

That is why I would like to see SAP support conditional spaces.

These would be defined with a similar process to creating traditional spaces, except they would not have any tiles.

The tiles would be added by end users by finding any dynamic tiles which they felt could be critical and add them to the space. They could also add all the dynamic tiles from a space or page that they have access to.

While adding the tile, the end user would have the option to set the criteria for the tile being displayed.

At logon time, the conditional space would be built to display any of the potential tiles, but only if they met the user's criteria, such as a status of Critical, or a value within certain ranges etc.

The critical space would only appear in the FLP navigation if it contained any tiles.

While the logon process would take longer, as each potential tile would need to have its service URL invoked, I believe that the ability to quickly see potential business problems would outweigh this.

I'm interested in what the Community thinks about this proposal.
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