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SAP CPI provides various ways for message persistence – "Persist" message is one of them. Using this option, developers have control to store a payload at a specific point in the process. Further, this payload can be used as a reference point for any analysis. A simple use case could be – “business process validation” – where business wants some dependent information to meet compliance.
Some facts about Persist step:

  • Shares the same tenant DB as the data store (Details)

  • To access the contents – Use Cloud Integration OData API

  • Message store can be accessed only after execution of the i-flow that writes the entry

  • Life of message is 30 days, after that it will be deleted automatically

API Details:

Scenario for understanding the functionality:

  1. Send an HTTP request (ProductID)

  2. Store the request payload using “Persist Message” (Before Message)

  3. Fetch “Product Review” through OData API based on requested ProductID

  4. Store the “Product Review” response payload using “Persist Message” (After Message)


Integration Flow Design

Integration Flow Design


OData Channel Configuration

Resource Path: CustomerReviews

Query: $select=Comment,FirstName,LastName,ProductId,Rating,CustomerReviewId,CreationDate&$filter=ProductId eq '${property.Productid}'

OData Channel Configuration



Sending ProductId through HTTP Request


HTTP Response - POSTMAN 

Receiving Customer Review through HTTP Response


Getting Message ID

Message ID


Cloud Integration OData Call 
Pass copied Message ID to "MessageProcessingLogs" to fetch "MessageStoreEntries"

https://<Cloud Integration host>/api/v1/MessageProcessingLogs('<Message ID>')/MessageStoreEntries'...

Get MessageProcessingLogs based on Message ID

Pass copied Id to "MessageStoreEntries" to fetch the payload

https://<Cloud Integration host>/api/v1/MessageStoreEntries('<Message Stored Entries Id>')/$value

Persist payload from 1st MessageStoreId (ProductBefore)

Persist payload from 2nd MessageStoreId (ReviewAfter)

Now, it is your turn to design your business use case by implementing message persistence – through “Persist”; access the stored message content through Cloud Integration OData API & feel the power of API Business Hub. Please do share your use case as well 😊

Any question or feedback will be appreciated!

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