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To visualize the data in more presentable / interactive way, we will prefer charts in BI Analytics.

Here we will explore about ready-made charts available for use in SAC.

In our example, we will use simple data to explore about each chart. Let’s consider sample data provided by SAP “Best Run travel.xlsx”

Excel link to download :


  • Sign-in SAC using your official email address. By default, 30 days trial and can be extended up to 90 days


  • Download the sample excel data and upload it in SAC.

  • Navigate to Menu (left side) >> Create >> Model

  • Here you can choose any option based on your data source. In our case, we will use sample excel data. So, click on “Import a file from your computer”


  • Once data is uploaded, please click on “Create Model” . SAC will automatically create new model. Save it in a folder by giving name and description.

  • New Model is created with sample data successfully.

Exploring charts in SAC

SAC offers various inbuilt charts as ready to use option. Charts are classified into various categories

  • Comparison

    • Bar / Column chart

    • Combination column & line

    • Combination Staked Column & Line

    • Stacked Bar / Column

    • Waterfall

  • Trend

    • Stacked Area

    • Line

    • Time Series

  • Distribution

    • Boxer Plot

    • Heat Map

    • Histogram

    • Radar

    • Tree Map

  • Correlation

    • Scatterplot

    • Bubble

    • Cluster Bubble

  • Indicator

    • Numeric Point

    • Bullet

  • Others

    • Pie

    • Donut

    • Marimekko

Let us create simple story board to explore more on charts.

  • Navigate to SAC Menu >> Create >> Story

  • To make it simple, let’s use “Add a Canvas Page”

  • Click on chart option in Canvas landing page and select your model recently created “Best_Run_Travel_Model”

  • A blank canvas page will be loaded with editor options where you can see the categories of available charts in SAC

Comparison category will have following charts


Bar / Column Chart 

Bar / Column charts are used to compare measures based on dimensions.

X axis represents Measure /  Y axis represents Dimension

Mandatory Attributes: At least 1 Measure and 1 dimension.

In our example lets pick “GrossMargin” from Measure and “StateName”  from Dimension dropdown to compare total ticket price for International & Domestic travel.

When Bars ( Measures) are visualized in horizontal direction then it is considered as ‘Bar Chart’.

When Bars (Measures) are visualized in vertical direction then it is considered as ‘Column Chart’.

Combination Column & Line

This chart is used to show relationship between two measures over period of time.

Mandatory Attributes: At least 1 Measure and 1 dimension is required.

In our example to understand more on this chart, lets pick two measure and one dimension. Here we are picking “Gross Margin” ,“OriginalSalesPrice” as Measures and “Date” as Dimension.

Note that you cannot change horizontal / vertical direction of this chart. By default, it is always vertical representation.


To enable Combination Column and Line Chart, select another Measure in Line Axis. In this case, we are ‘Mileage’  measure as Line Axis.

Combination Staked Column & Line

To show the trends and breakdown of the specific measure w.r.t to dimension.

Mandatory Attributes: At least 1 or more Measure and 1 dimension is required.

In our example, we will use  “Gross Margin” , “OriginalSalesPrice” as Measures and “Date” as Dimension and Line Axis is not required for Combined Staked Column chart.


To enable Combined Staked Line chart, add Measure in Line Axis. In our example , we will use “Discount” as Line Axis Measure

Stacked Bar / Column

It is like Bar / Column chart, but it visualizes the total measure divided into selected measures.

Mandatory Attributes: At least 1 Measure and 1 dimension

In our example, we will use “GrossMargin” , “Discount” as Measures and “Date” as Dimension.



To show positive and negative changes of measure w.r.t dimension along with time interval

Mandatory Attributes: At least 1 Measure and at most 2 dimensions are required

In our example, we will display changes of  “Gross Margin” (Measure) w.r.t “Category” dimension with “Date” interval.

Trend category will have following charts


Stacked Area

To show cumulative series of values, stacked Area chart is used.

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measure

In our example, we will visualize cumulative series of prices for states. “OriginalSalesPrice”, “PriceFixed” , “Discount” are Measures and “StateName” as Dimension is configured in this chart.

Line Chart

To show any correlation in the trend

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measure

In our example, we will visualize the trend for various “Products” (Dimension) over “GrossMargin” and  “Discount” as Measures in this chart.

Time Series

To show variation in the trend over the time period. Filter option to analyze for different interval.

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measure and 1 Time Dimension.

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” (Measure) trend over period of time (“Date” – Dimension)

Distribution category will have following charts


Box Plot

Box plots show the distribution of data based on a five number summary: minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum.

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measure and 1 Aggregation Dimension.

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” & “QuantitySold” (Measure) by “Sales Manager”  (Agg.Dimension) for the “ProductCategory” (Dimension)

Heat Map

It shows a large volume of data in readable way with measure values in the chart.

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Dimension in X axis and 1 Measure in Color.

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” of each and every “ProductCategory” (Dimension).



It shows comparison between quantitative data (Measures) for various segments

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measure and 1 Aggregation Dimension

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” of each and every “ProductCategory” (Agg. Dimension) by state.

Radar Chart

It shows distribution of dimensions and its outliers.

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measure , 2 Dimensions (inclusive of one-color dimension)

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” of each and every “ProductCategory” (Dimension) by “State” in Color dimension.

Tree Map Chart

It is similar to Heat Map but this chart is limited to single measure and dimension.

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measure and 1 Dimension

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” (Measure) achieved by “SalesManager” (Dimension).

Correlation category will have following charts



Used to identify the correlation between two specific measures

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  2 Measures ( X & Y axis) and 2 Dimensions (inclusive of one-color dimension)

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” & “Discount” (Measures) of “ProductCategory” (Dimension) by “State” ( Color Dimension)


Used to identify the correlation between three measures in different axis

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  3 Measures ( X & Y axis and Size) and 2 Dimensions (inclusive of one-color dimension)

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” & “Discount” of “SoldQuantities” (Measures) by  “ProductCategory” (Dimension) for each “State” ( Color Dimension)

Cluster Bubble

Used to show value of measure based on two dimensions.  Use Hover to get detailed information.

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measures and 2 Dimensions (inclusive of one-color dimension)

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” of “ProductCategory” (Dimension) achieved by “SalesManager” ( Color Dimension)

Indicator category will have following charts



Used to indicate progress over the goals. Before creating this chart, ensure to define thresholds for the measure. Use below link which will guide to create different types of thresholds.

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measures and 2 Dimensions (inclusive of one-color threshold dimension)

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” of achieved by “SalesManager” ( threshold Dimension)

Numeric Point

Used to indicate the totals with threshold highlights.

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  2 Measures

In our example, we will visualize “GrossMargin” and “QuantitySold” (Measure) in highlighted text

Others category will have following charts


Pie / Donut

Used to show the percentage of a dimension within a measure. Both Pie / Donut should always add up to 100%

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measure and 1 Color Dimension



Marimekko chart is bar style chart used to communicate two measures using the size of the bar as well as two dimensions by stacking values in a single bar.

Mandatory Attributes: Requires at least  1 Measure (Height) and 1 Dimension

Please note, as per my analysis SAC have not offered option to create custom chart creation option in current release. Hopefully we can expect this option in upcoming releases.

For more styling options for SAC Charts, please visit the below link


Hope this article helps !!!


Active Contributor
Hi Subbu,

Nice overview.

Regarding your statement "SAC have not offered option to create custom chart creation option in current release"

-> With custom widgets you can complement the standard palette of widgets in SAP Analytics Cloud, analytics designer according to your custom needs.
0 Kudos
Yes. It is only alternate way for custom chart creation. Thanks for notification.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Great great article / 1 small correction, bar and column charts don’t need mandatory dimensions anymore. Was forced in earlier releases but today you can just add a measure.
0 Kudos
Any timeline estimate on when sdk will be available for 3rd party charts
Thanks Subramanian. It's really nice for new beginners.

Please post more like this
Good blog for beginners.
0 Kudos
Hi Subramanian,

Can we consider negative values in the bubble chart.

Please guide me if this can be achieved in a story/dashboard.

Hi, can u send the dataSource link again, previous one is not working .
0 Kudos

Hi there, is it possible in a "Combination stacked bar& line Graph" to show only the data in the "stacked  Bar chart" directly and the data of the lines only with mouse over ?

This is in a Analytical Application, no Story.


We did not find a solution, not even the SAP Guys could give us a hint. In Excel this is a standard feature.

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