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CBTA(Component Based Test Automation) is a test automation tool by SAP which allows to create automated test scripts. An automatic test is made up of a test script that includes components.

This tool is part of Test Suite in SAP Solution Manager and plays a key role in making testing activity flawless and seamless.

In this blog, I will try to cover the aspects of CBTA configuration in solution manager for a given SUT(System Under Test).


Mandatory Pre-requisite steps:

  1. Mandatory Configuration (System Preparation, Infrastructure Preparation and Basic Configuration)

  2. Managed System Configuration of the SUT in the SOLMAN system where CBTA has to be configured.

  3. Embedded Search(Green Rating Only)

  4. Managed System Configuration of the system under test with the SOLMAN system which will act as testing environment for CBTA tool.

Once the above the mandatory configuration and embedded search has been performed with Green rating or yellow rating, then we are good to proceed.

For CBTA Configuration, we need few steps of Process Management:

  1. Process Management Guided Procedure in t-code SOLMAN_SETUP (Mandatory Steps in Step no 1,2,4,5,6 and 8).

  2. Creation of Solution in solution administration.

  3. Creation of Logical Component Group and assign the quality system

Once these steps are performed successfully, then we need to proceed with Test Suite Configuration in Solution Manager.

  1. Test Suite Preparation in guided procedure. All mandatory steps with Green or yellow rating.

  2. Test Automation Preparation guided procedure in solution manager system. All mandatory steps with Green or yellow rating.

  3. CBTA guided procedure in solution manager. All mandatory steps with Green or yellow rating.


After these steps, we need to configure System Under Test Management.

  1. Go to the logical component group that you have created for CBTA.

  2. Create technical destination TST_<SID>_CLNT<CLIENT>

  3. Create a test profile with Z* and give your system credentials and click on check.

  4. Once the above technical destination passes the check and the test profile passes the check, our CBTA tool is ready to use.

Procedure for installing CBTA tool:

  1. Call Software Downloads - SAP ONE Support Launchpad

  2. Choose A-Z (Alphabetical List of Products) and navigate to SAP Solution Manager  SAP Solution Manager 7.2.

  3. Choose Entry by Component  Support user Frontend GUIs  COMP. BASED TEST AUTOM. 3.0  Win 32.

  4. Choose the ZIP file for the latest patch.

For more information, see SAP Note 1763697.


The configuration of CBTA is very simple, if we follow all the steps given by SAP and configure the solution and SUT system properly. One small mistake may start giving your error while using CBTA while testing.


Please feel free to reach me for any query or feedback.

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