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Decided to share simple code to get base member list under some parent member. The standard EPM API function is missing for this task.

The following references are required in Tools -> References:

No special references required, EPM is assigned using late binding.

Parameters are described in the code:
Option Explicit

Public Function GetBAS(strConn As String, _
strDim As String, strParentMember As String) As String()
'Parameters: strConn - Connection string, strDim - Dimension name,
'strParentMember - Parent member ID (case sensitive)
'if strParentMember is base member then it will be returned itself
'Result: Array of strings. If first element is "" then nothing found
'and second element - error reason

Dim objAddIn As COMAddIn
Dim epm As Object
Dim AOComAdd As Object
Dim blnEPMInstalled As Boolean

Dim strDims() As String
Dim blnExistFlag As Boolean
Dim strProps() As String
Dim blnFormulaExistFlag As Boolean
Dim blnIsNotFormulaFlag As Boolean
Dim blnIsCalcFlag As Boolean
Dim strCalcProp As String
Dim strParentMemberDim As String
Dim strParentHierarchy As String
Dim strMem() As String
Dim strMemIDParent() As String
Dim strMemBAS() As String
Dim lngTemp As Long
Dim lngBASCount As Long

On Error GoTo Err
'Universal code to get FPMXLClient for standalone EPM or AO
For Each objAddIn In Application.COMAddIns
If objAddIn.progID = "FPMXLClient.Connect" Then
Set epm = objAddIn.Object
blnEPMInstalled = True
Exit For
ElseIf objAddIn.progID = "SapExcelAddIn" Then
Set AOComAdd = objAddIn.Object
Set epm = AOComAdd.GetPlugin("")
blnEPMInstalled = True
Exit For
End If
Next objAddIn

If Not blnEPMInstalled Then
ReDim strMemBAS(0 To 1)
strMemBAS(0) = ""
strMemBAS(1) = "NO_EPM"
GetBAS = strMemBAS
Exit Function
End If

'Check if Dimension strDim exists
strDims = epm.GetDimensionList(strConn)
For lngTemp = 0 To UBound(strDims)
If strDims(lngTemp) = strDim Then
blnExistFlag = True
End If
Next lngTemp

Erase strDims

If Not blnExistFlag Then
ReDim strMemBAS(0 To 1)
strMemBAS(0) = ""
GetBAS = strMemBAS
Exit Function
End If

'Check if Dimension strDim has one or more hierarchies and contain FORMULA property
blnExistFlag = False
strProps = epm.GetPropertyList(strConn, strDim)
For lngTemp = 0 To UBound(strProps)
If strProps(lngTemp) Like "PARENTH*" Then
blnExistFlag = True
ElseIf strProps(lngTemp) = "FORMULA" Then
blnFormulaExistFlag = True
End If
Next lngTemp

Erase strProps

If Not blnExistFlag Then
'No hierarchy
'Check that member exists in dimension
strMem = epm.GetHierarchyMembers(strConn, "", strDim)
For lngTemp = 0 To UBound(strMem)
If Application.Run("EPMMemberProperty", "", strMem(lngTemp), "ID") = strParentMember _
Next lngTemp
End If

strParentMemberDim = strDim & ":" & strParentMember

'Get CALC property of strParentMember
strCalcProp = Application.Run("EPMMemberProperty", "", strParentMemberDim, "CALC")
If strCalcProp = "Y" Then
blnIsCalcFlag = True
ElseIf strCalcProp Like "[#]Error - Invalid Member Name:*" Then GoTo NO_MEMBER
End If

'If we have dimension member formulas - check for formula of strParentMember
blnIsNotFormulaFlag = True
If blnFormulaExistFlag Then
If Application.Run("EPMMemberProperty", "", strParentMemberDim, "FORMULA") <> "" Then
blnIsNotFormulaFlag = False
End If
End If

If blnIsCalcFlag And blnIsNotFormulaFlag Then
strParentHierarchy = epm.GetMemberHierarchy(strConn, strParentMemberDim)
strMem = epm.GetHierarchyMembers(strConn, strParentHierarchy, strDim)
ReDim strMemIDParent(0 To 1, 0 To UBound(strMem))
ReDim strMemBAS(0 To UBound(strMem))
blnExistFlag = False
For lngTemp = 0 To UBound(strMem)
strMemIDParent(0, lngTemp) = Application.Run("EPMMemberProperty", "", strMem(lngTemp), "ID")
strMemIDParent(1, lngTemp) = Application.Run("EPMMemberProperty", "", strMem(lngTemp), strParentHierarchy)
If strMemIDParent(0, lngTemp) = strParentMember Then
blnExistFlag = True
End If
Next lngTemp
If Not blnExistFlag Then GoTo NO_MEMBER
GetChildren strParentMember, strMemIDParent, strMemBAS, lngBASCount
ReDim Preserve strMemBAS(0 To lngBASCount - 1)
GetBAS = strMemBAS
'Check that member exists in dimension
strMem = epm.GetHierarchyMembers(strConn, "", strDim)
For lngTemp = 0 To UBound(strMem)
If Application.Run("EPMMemberProperty", "", strMem(lngTemp), "ID") = strParentMember _
Next lngTemp
End If
Exit Function

'Member found
ReDim strMemBAS(0 To 0)
strMemBAS(0) = strParentMember
GetBAS = strMemBAS
Exit Function

'Member not found
ReDim strMemBAS(0 To 1)
strMemBAS(0) = ""
strMemBAS(1) = "NO_MEMBER"
GetBAS = strMemBAS
Exit Function

ReDim strMemBAS(0 To 1)
strMemBAS(0) = ""
If Err.Number = -1073479167 Then
strMemBAS(1) = "OTHER_ERROR"
End If
GetBAS = strMem

End Function

Public Sub GetChildren(strParent As String, ByRef strMemIDParent() As String, _
ByRef strMemBAS() As String, ByRef lngBASCount As Long)

Dim lngTemp As Long
Dim blnParent As Boolean

For lngTemp = 0 To UBound(strMemIDParent, 2)
If strMemIDParent(1, lngTemp) = strParent Then
blnParent = True
GetChildren strMemIDParent(0, lngTemp), strMemIDParent, strMemBAS, lngBASCount
End If
Next lngTemp
If Not blnParent Then
strMemBAS(lngBASCount) = strParent
lngBASCount = lngBASCount + 1
End If
End Sub

GetChidren is used recursively!

Procedure to test GetBAS function:
Public Sub TestBas()

Dim objAddIn As COMAddIn
Dim epm As Object
Dim AOComAdd As Object
Dim blnEPMInstalled As Boolean

Dim strMem() As String
Dim lngTemp As Long

'Universal code to get FPMXLClient for standalone EPM or AO
For Each objAddIn In Application.COMAddIns
If objAddIn.progID = "FPMXLClient.Connect" Then
Set epm = objAddIn.Object
blnEPMInstalled = True
Exit For
ElseIf objAddIn.progID = "SapExcelAddIn" Then
Set AOComAdd = objAddIn.Object
Set epm = AOComAdd.GetPlugin("")
blnEPMInstalled = True
Exit For
End If
Next objAddIn

If Not blnEPMInstalled Then
MsgBox "EPM is not installed!"
Exit Sub
End If

strMem = GetBAS(epm.GetActiveConnection(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")), _

'List selected members
If strMem(0) = "" And UBound(strMem) = 1 Then
Debug.Print strMem(1)
For lngTemp = 0 To UBound(strMem)
Debug.Print strMem(lngTemp)
Next lngTemp
End If

End Sub


BPC NW 10: VBA function to get dimension members list by Property value

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