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Are you still paying for license analysis consultancy services that use their proprietary tools, marketed as miracle solutions? Forget about it! Now you can leverage an SAP solution that offers beautifully designed Fiori views to analyze user, engine, and even HANA Enterprise Edition license consumption.

Introducing SAM4U: The SAP Solution for License Analysis

Meet SAM4U, the innovative solution designed by SAP to streamline your license analysis. ***REMOVED BY MODERATION***

Today’s post is about consolidated data analysis and how you can create a consolidation corresponding to your measurement plan in just a few minutes.

When you install the SAM4U extractor to your backend system (read more about it in our previous blogs), you can start piping data to SAM4U, for instance, via a ZIPped file.


Pic. 01. Uploading ZIP File Produced by SAM4U Extractor

If you're uploading a file for the first time, it will also create system metadata from the extracted dataset. Each subsequent upload is grouped at the system level, allowing you to drill down and see all datasets you’ve uploaded:


 Pic. 02. Datasets Overview for a Certain System

Once you’ve uploaded data for all systems for your consolidation, navigate to the “Consolidation” view. Click the create button to join all the systems you’d like to consolidate. You can even add HANA EE systems, ensuring that HANA EE license consumption KPIs in the SAM4U tool are also populated:


Pic. 03. Creation of Consolidation

That’s it! You’ve done it yourself 😊 Now SAM4U KPIs are filled, and you can enjoy the detailed analysis of your license consumption. In our example, we noticed we're using more licenses than we're entitled to 😉


Pic. 04. Users’ Licenses Consumption Analysis

Install and enjoy the SAM4U tool, or get it ***REMOVED BY MODERATION*** to keep your costs under control.

P.S. Check out our entire blog series about the SAM4U tool at this link: SAM4U as a Service.

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Please view the official SAP Support Site for the software asset manager SAM4U.

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To support businesses in adopting SAP SAM4U more seamlessly, we’ve launched our Accelerator for SAM4U Adoption on the SAP Store. This solution, hosted in Skybuffer Cloud, is designed to streamline and accelerate SAM4U adoption, particularly for those utilizing Private Cloud Enterprise contracts.

We’re also pleased to offer a free demo tier, which can be easily ordered directly from the SAP Store. You can explore it here: Accelerator for SAM4U Adoption – SAP Store.

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