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Active Participant

I had a requirement to add linear and exponential trend lines to a line chart.

I found a library that provides the most important regression functions out of the box and I used it in my chart. Here the steps I followed as reference in case you have the same requirement.

The library is called regression-js and can be found here:

Thanks a lot to Tom Alexander for sharing his valuable work!

First thing I did was to add the library to my index.html:

<script type="text/javascript" src="">

This add a global regression object with the regression functions. To use them, it is enough to build a dataset array with this structure:

[knownX, dependentY]

and call the regression function you need (in my case it was just simple linear and exponential):

//Calculate regression functions
        var linearRegression = regression('linear', regressionData);

regression.js will return an object containing an equation array that can be used for forecasting and an array with the calculated regression points:

//Calculate forecast
        var forecast = [];
        for (var j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
             forecast[j] = {};
              forecast[j]['linearForecast'] = [lastMillisec, lastMillisec * linearRegression.equation[0] + linearRegression.equation[1]]; //linear function
              forecast[j]['exponentialForecast'] = [lastMillisec, exponentialRegression.equation[0] * Math.pow(Math.E, exponentialRegression.equation[1] * lastMillisec)];
            lastMillisec += averageMillisec; //exponential function

Here a fiddle that shows it working:

linear and exponential regression - JSFiddle

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for sharing this Francesco! I get the overall execution, but the jsfiddle is a little hard to follow.

Can you share maybe a clearer step by step instruction? I’m trying to introduce a regression line for a scatter plot chart. But I don’t see a regression line in the chart.

I’ve included my attempt below. As you’re the only one who has documented a solution for this topic, I look forward to seeing what I’m missing here from you!

(The chart opens in a dialog box after clicking the ‘open’ button);


function (jQuery, BaseController, JSONModel, viewControls, Button, Dialog) {

"use strict";

var controls;

var mainController = BaseController.extend("vizConcept.controller.Main", {

onInit: function(oEvent) {

// Access/expose the defined model(s) configured in the Component.js or Manifest.json within the controller.
this.getView().setModel(this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("products"), "products");
var oModel = this.getView().getModel("products");

var sUrl = "#" + this.getOwnerComponent().getRouter().getURL("page2");

$(function() {
var dataset = new{
dimensions : [
axis : 1,
name : 'Historical PPI',
value : "{AwdDate}"
measures : [
group: 1,
name : 'Award Date',
value : '{Hist}'
group: 2,
name : 'Current PPI',
value : '{Current}'
data : {
path : "/ProductCollection"

var oData = {
"ProductCollection": [
"Item": "1",
"AwdDate": "20160715",
"Hist": 171.9,
"Current": 183

"Item": "2",
"AwdDate": "20160701",
"Hist" : 144.3,
"Current": 158.6
"Item": "3",
"AwdDate": "20150701",
"Hist": 160,
"Current": 165
"Item": "1",
"AwdDate": "20160715",
"Hist": 201,
"Current": 167
"Item": "2",
"AwdDate": "20160801",
"Hist" : 175.3,
"Current": 178.2
"Item": "3",
"AwdDate": "20150721",
"Hist": 160,
"Current": 147
"Item": "1",
"AwdDate": "20160715",
"Hist": 175.9,
"Current": 185.2
"Item": "2",
"AwdDate": "20161101",
"Hist" : 165.3,
"Current": 158.2
"Item": "3",
"AwdDate": "201700101",
"Hist": 160,
"Current": 165
"Item": "4",
"AwdDate": "201600401",
"Hist": 173,
"Current": 177


var scatterViz = new sap.viz.ui5.Scatter({
id : "idscatter",
width : "1000px",
height : "400px",
title : {
text : 'Pricing Tool Scatter Plot Example'
xAxis : {
title : {
visible : true
yAxis : {
title : {
visible : true
dataset : dataset


/////////////////////////////REGRESSION LINE ATTEMPT///////////////////////////////////////////

var regressionData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
regressionData[i] = [oData.ProductCollection[i].Current, oData.ProductCollection[i].Hist];

var linearRegression = regression('linear', regressionData);

var dlg = new sap.m.Dialog({
id: 'vizModal',
title: 'Scatter Plot Example Viz',
width : "1800px",
height : "600px",
content : [scatterViz],
beginButton: new Button({
text: 'Close',
press: function () {

(new sap.m.Button({
text: 'open',
type: 'Accept',
press: function() {;

onAfterRendering: function() {

var myJson = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("products").getProperty("/ProductCollection");


onToPage2 : function () {


return mainController;


0 Kudos
is it possible to add a regression line to a bubble chart? There seems to be properties available in the VizFrame documentation, namely plotArea.trendLines, but it is highly unintuitive.
Active Participant

here a couple of examples using standard and time bubble chart:

Bubble chart 

Time bubble chart

You need to add the context property as dimension and the plot property:
    var aDimensionDefinitions = [{
name: "Date",
value: "{Date}",
dataType: "date"
}, {
name: "Country",
value: {
path: 'Country'

plotArea: {
dataLabel: {
visible: true,
hideWhenOverlap: true
trendLine: {
lines: [{
seriesContext: {Country: "China"},
color: "#5899DA",
type: "solid",
size: 2,
forecast: 3,
displayName: "China"
seriesContext: {Country: "France"},
color: "#E8743B",
type: "solid",
size: 2,
forecast: 3,
displayName: "France"
title: {
visible: true,
text: 'Revenue by Date'
Labels in this area