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Vol. 5/12 - January 2013

  1. Featured Content
  2. Product Announcements
  3. Upcoming Events & Webinars

Welcome to ACT!

We hope you all had an opportunity to take a break over the holiday season and enjoy a moment to reflect on what worked and didn’t work in 2012. A new year brings new possibilities and serves as a milestone to reflect on what we would like to do better.

Deciding on what you want to do different in 2013 is only half the battle. Your next challenge is sticking to it and building out the habits and focus to keep those resolutions. Inspired by this, we have pulled together a few articles on how BI can help you keep those resolutions. We hope you enjoy this unique edition of the ACT Newsletter.

Saskia Battersby, GM BI Solution Management


Jump on the mental treadmill daily

Have you been setting aside time every day to read about news and trends in your industry? If you've made a resolution to stay informed, don't forget that this applies to BI as well. Take a look at business books, magazines, newspapers, whitepapers, online blogs or articles from Twitter.

Start by subscribing to ACT by clicking “Receive Email Notifications” on the menu box at the top.

Follow @businessobjects on Twitter for tweets on analytics news, blog posts and articles.

Download this whitepaper on self-service BI through data discovery and visualization.

Check out this simple overview of the SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite.

Stick to your fitness plan

This is one of the most common and hardest new year's resolution to keep. Are you skipping workouts already or are you still waiting for a good time to start? Stop making excuses of why you can't make it to the gym. Arrange your time more efficiently at work by ensuring you have the information at hand to make informed decisions quickly.

James Fisher shares how the Decision Revolution is allowing organizations to run better by making more informed, fact based decisions.

Be in the driver's seat of your business

It is hard to really impact your area of the business if you are constantly waiting on others to provide you the information you need to accelerate your department or product's success. The less you depend on other people, the less you have to work by someone else’s timeline.

Take the power back with self-service BI.

Learn about SAP's approach to self-service BI.

Get out of your comfort zone

Are you feeling like you are in a rut and are keen to change things up this year? You want to try new things and make new connections? If skydiving or learning a foreign language is not on your list, why not try engaging with your BI community, attending a conference to meet industry professionals, learning a new technology, the list is endless!

Reconnect with the BusinessObjects community at the annual ASUG SAP BusinessObjects User Conference in Anaheim, California on September 9-12, 2013.

Have fewer meetings

Are you already getting bogged down with meetings in the first month back from holidays? Every minute you avoid spending in a meeting is a minute you can get real work done. Focus on creating more effective communication so you can prevent too many meetings from being scheduled in the new year.

Donald Maccormick explains how interactive dashboards can increase communication on your team.

Get a promotion

Here's a goal that most people have in the back of their head and 2013 seems like a good a time as any to accomplish it. If you are working in the BI industry than that promotion is going to be based on how successful your team is in delivering the right information, in the right format to the whole organization. Make sure you have the right skills and are using the right technology to take BI to the next level.

Learn how to leverage the right tools for your deployment of the SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite.

Mico Yuk lists 5 new skills your BI team needs to adopt in 2013.

Define your mid-term strategy

Whether you already have clear goals for the next 3 - 5 years or are looking at refining your plans it is important to not base this simply on the view of what has happened but also incorporate a view into the future by leveraging Predictive Analytics. Predictive modeling and forecasting is no longer limited to those with a PhD in Statistical modeling but can be accessible to a much broader audience.

Learn how SAP Predictive Analysis is helping companies see into the future.

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Top 10 Data Geek Entries

After many great submissions and much deliberation, the list has been narrowed down to the top 10 entries for the Ultimate Data Geek Challenge. Check out what they did with data sets and what made their entry so creative! You can follow along their tutorials and try out their data sets. Remember, you can download a free trial of SAP Visual Intelligence so you can play around with your own data too.

Top 10 ways to use SAP Visual Intelligence »

Latest Version of SAP BusinessObjects Mobile

The newest release of SAP BusinessObjects Mobile mobile app allows users to visualize, explore, collaborate and share business performance through personalized  views in a secure environment designed natively for iPad. The updates allow for highly interactive dashboard capabilities, one mobile app for all BI content and powerful and consistent functionality.

More details on SAP BusinessObjects Mobile update »

SAP Predictive Analysis Now Available

This advanced analysis solution helps organizations gain a competitive edge by uncovering and predicting trends in their business. SAP Predictive Analysis can be deployed stand-alone or with other SAP software, including the SAP HANA platform, to unleash powerful predictive capabilities.

SAP Newsroom Announcement »

What does Predictive Analysis have? »

SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio Now Available

Create visually stunning, interactive dashboards and data-driven applications for both mobile devices and the web. The software enables you to mobilize your current SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse (BW) content and is designed as the premium alternative to SAP BEx web application designer. It connects directly with SAP NetWeaver BW and SAP HANA, enabling you to reuse existing data assets (including SAP NetWeaver BW queries and cubes, and SAP HANA views) without disruption.

Learn about the core benefits of Design Studio »

How is Design Studio the new tool for dashboarding on top of SAP BW and HANA? »

SAP Visual Intelliegence 1.0.7 Now Available

SAP Visual Intelligence point and click interface and engaging visualizations allow you to quickly analyze data for rapid time to insight and business agility – no scripting required.

Get the free 30-day trial »

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February 18-20, 2013: TDWI BI Executive Summit - Las Vegas, NV

March 19-22, 2013: SAP Insider BI 2013 - Las Vegas, NV

May 14-16, 2013: SAPPHIRE NOW + ASUG Annual Conference - Orlando, FL

September 9-12, 2013: ASUG SAP BusinessObjects User Conference - Anaheim, California.



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