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The purpose of this document is for the Newbies to get a brief Idea as the 1st Step towards their implementation projects. This is one of the Examples. Hope I can get you a idea on how to launch SAP-ECC 6.0, in case you are new to installation projects.

Note: This process used to be followed in earlier days as now in some companies they have their own individual tools to get the installation completed without any errors also. But as you know, if you know history properly & you know/become-strong if acquired some base level concepts, It would be easy to understand/go-in-depth of any technical areas.


Some Pre-Requirements List 1st :-

Install Windows 2003 R2 Standard *64 Edition Service Pack 2

Apply Windows 2003 Patch

Make Partition - Swap Memory Allocation

Add Loop back Network Adapter

Copy SAP & DB2 DVD into D:\

Install JDK

Define JAVA Environmental Variable


SAP GUI Installation


1. Install Windows 2003 R2 Standard *64 Edition Service Pack 2

2. Apply Windows 2003 Patch


From the website we can update

3. Make Partition 

  1. C: 40 GB
  2. 😧 SAP DATA
  3. Swap 3 times of your RAM

          a. Swap Memory Allocation

4. Add Loop back Network Adapter

5. Copy SAP & DB2 DVD into D:\

6. Install JDK

7. Define JAVA Environmental Variable


               From the Installation Master Disk or Downloaded SWPM, run sapinst.exe to initiate the SAP installation as below,

               It opens the below screen as shown as a result,

Now as we are going for the ECC installation for dummy purpose in one system only(allocating for both database & Central Instance), so here the above shown "Central System" option.

Click next Button below….

Choose whether you want run a new option (or) continue with the old one.

  • Run a new Option
  • Continue with the old one .

Note: That here these 2 options will only come if you have run the SWPM in this machine earlier as because while this setup runs for installation, this setup creates a temporary location as C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir folder for installation purpose & if restarted in any case/page of this SWPM, also we can continue from here. Also we can check the related issues, in case any happens during this SWPM run.


  • Typical( for express installation with less options)
  • Custom( for more option to see & set the directories in deserved locations )

Although I have shown Custom option in the below pic, but please click here the "Typical" option for quick selection-mode,

Press Next and

OK (logoff)

Browse Software Package

Instance Master from 51033511

D:\RAW\SAP ERP 6.0 SR3 IDES Inst Master (51033511)

Choose ECC & AS ABAP

Enter the SID :  as DEV ( as per your desired SID, please remember SID can be Alpha-numerical & starting is Alpha )

Installation Drive is D:\

Click next

Give Password of this SAP System (Master Password)

Click Next

Enter   Database ID (DEV)

Enter   Database Host (SAPIDES) ----Can assume that This one is the Computer name here

Click Next

Browse Software Package SAP EXPORTS

Export 1 from IDES SAP ERP 6.0 SR3 Inst. EXPOR

D:\RAW\51034985\disc 1\EXP1

Click next

Export 3 from IDES SAP ERP 6.0 SR3 Inst. EXPOR

D:\RAW\51034985\disc 3

Click next

Export 2 from IDES SAP ERP 6.0 SR3 Inst. EXPOR

D:\RAW\51034985\disc 2

Click next


Browse RDBMS IBM DB2 from DB2 LUW RDBMS 9.1 FP5SAP Windows


Click next

Browse CLI / JDBC _ Driver IBM from DB2 LUW 9.1 Fp5 Client


Click next

Browse Software Package for SR3 Kernel

Browse UC Kernel NW 7.0 SR3 from NW 7.0 SR3 Kernel Windows 


Click next

Enter the Solution Manager Key ……. Click next…………. (Note: Now-a-days SOLMAN Key is not required for such installations)

Once you confirm every Software Package location correctly, You may Execute for the installation to happen

Note: That Here in this Import ABAP step, this step in my experience takes the most of the time as it imports the ABAP programs to construct the underlying programs & structures. So if it looks like got hanged or some ting like that, please do not get surprised or alarmed. Please have patience & provide the system some time. It would execute if there are no other errors.

SAP ERP Installation has been completed

Click OK

Now open the SAP GUI & create a logon entry & login to this new system.

The Default SAP Users created which you can use primarily are SAP* & DDIC.

Please go through the Post Installation Document for this topic.

Some post installation steps for the BASIS implementation beginners on IDES version ECC 6.0 DB2

Hope this document helps in view of keeping in mind for the new BASIS persons to jump into implementations.

Please feel free to drop suggestions, comments or anything however you like. I would like to keep my mind open for everything to receive.



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