2009 Feb 04 6:22 PM
Last year, I posted this topic:
Going to Sapphire / ASUG 08 in Orlando? Want a cool reusable water bottle?
This year, I'm repeating my offer. The first 5 (new) responses to this thread get a membership to Leave No Trace, with your choice of a water bottle or a T shirt.
Join me on Thursday, February 12th as part of the 24-hour marathon for [Doctors Without Borders|http://DoctorsWithoutBorders.org/] and I'll announce winners' names live.
2009 Feb 12 11:02 PM
i want the water bottle not just at Sapphire / ASUG but at TechEd all over the world (US, Europe, Bangalore, China)
2009 Feb 09 9:16 AM
Hi Jim,
Glad to know this kind of activities are going on in between this mechanical life.
This is a nice thing & great chance to give back to the society.
Last month we started the CSR activities in our company.
Im new to this. So could you please tell me when & where this conference is going to be.
Anita Vizhi Arasi B
Edited by: Anita Vizhi Arasi on Feb 9, 2009 11:02 AM
2009 Feb 09 10:55 AM
The conference is in Orlando FL, US, May 11-14, 2009.
See: http://www.sapandasug.com/ for more details.
2009 Feb 12 7:00 PM
I would love to have a Leave No Trace water bottle.
Thanks, and thank you for telling us about this organization!
2009 Feb 12 11:02 PM
i want the water bottle not just at Sapphire / ASUG but at TechEd all over the world (US, Europe, Bangalore, China)
2009 Feb 13 10:01 PM
I second the motion. Thanks to Jim, his passion for this topic, his changing my whole family's habits around bottled water and tap water, I now had to go and donate money to "Take Back the Tap" and the [www.foodandwaterwatch.org |www.foodandwaterwatch.org ]and get some metal water bottles for my family to use. They all wanted the one I brought home from TechEd.
These are great and they actually keep the water cooler. One goes with me to Panama where I heard the tap water is pure and good.
It would be excellent to proliferate their use world wide.
2009 Feb 14 5:17 AM
Thank you for your Reply Jim. I wish to have a Leave no Trace Water Bottle.
Anita Vizhi Arasi B
2009 Feb 14 6:35 PM
Anita: Contact me at my work; you'll find my address on my [business card|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/wiki?path=/display/~fwqtdu2].
2009 Mar 09 12:18 PM
Hi Jim - thanks for the creative offer of water bottle. With regards to Sapphire coming up, I am in contact with our conference organizers about ensuring we will have a more sustainable event at Sapphire/ASUG. I do not have all the details yet, but wanted you to know we are working on it
Marty Etzel
VP Sustainability Solutions
2009 Mar 27 3:14 AM
Just found a good (old) [youtube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfPAjUvvnIc] on your favorite topic. Perhaps you surfaced this last year? Well worth the time to watch. Our family is so influenced by your campaign. I love NYC water by the way.
2009 Mar 27 1:25 PM
Marilyn's comment about loving NYC water reminded me of an initiative in Denver which had to have been 8 or 9 years ago. I spotted a full-page ad in the city's newspaper, touting the high quality of the city water supply. My recollection of the graphic is bit fuzzy, but I'm thinking it included an angel, and the caption was "If our water was any more pure, it would be singing 'Ave Maria' as it comes out of the tap." That ad and its message clearly made an impression as it stuck with me all these years; I was really impressed that the city of Denver was so out in front on encouraging their citizens to drink tap water instead of bottled.
2009 Apr 16 5:57 PM
if there are any of the bottles still available - I'll be at Sapphire and would love one.
2009 May 06 2:36 PM
I plan to have a few water bottles to share at the ASUG Community Lounge.
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2009 May 08 12:20 PM