2023 Jan 31 5:49 AM
We are considering to buy a Test & Demo license for SAP PFM and attach it to our existing internal training system, for training and demo purposes. We do not have a lot of testdata on this system yet like materials, BOMs, good movements etc.
Is there maybe an example datafile available that can be uploaded to an SAP-system to be used as testdata for this?
Thanks for any help!
2023 Jan 31 8:10 AM
Hi Erik,
yes we provide a sample dataset that can be imported into PFM. Pls. see this Github repository: https://github.com/SAP-samples/product-footprint-management.
Best, Nico
2023 Jan 31 8:10 AM
Hi Erik,
yes we provide a sample dataset that can be imported into PFM. Pls. see this Github repository: https://github.com/SAP-samples/product-footprint-management.
Best, Nico
2023 Feb 24 1:00 PM
Hi Nico,
I am trying out the test data and have encountered a problem with the import of products. These do not arrive in the PFM despite status 204 of the request. The rest (product groups, product types etc.) do. Was there an update of the API after the release of the demo data?
Best regards,
2023 Feb 24 2:27 PM
Hi Lukas,
usually this should work. Could you pls. raise a support ticket so our developers can look into it and provide a solution?
Best, Nico
2023 Jan 31 10:00 AM
Hi Nico,
Thanks for your quick reaction. Yes I came across this GitHub-page, but I'm not sure this is what I'm looking for. These are only files to be uploaded to SAP PFM aren't they? So you simulate that there are coming from a SAP backend system? We want to test the whole flow, so download data from your backend, upload it to PFM, add footprint data, have PFM do the calculations and then report the results back to the SAP-backend (and see in which tables they land, that's the ABAP-er in me wanting to know that :))
But in order to have a valid testcase I need a realistic business structure on the back end, with a company code, multiple plants, materials, BOM's, production orders, goods movements and who knows what more. I wanted to check if there are maybe BC sets available that can be uploaded to the SAP backend system containing testdata.
Thanks again for any help Nico!
2023 Jan 31 2:47 PM
Hi Erik, indeed this sample data is for leveraging the APIs to bring the data into PFM for executing footprint calculations. It's not sample data for importing into the SAP S/4HANA system which is connected to PFM.
Best, Nico
2023 Feb 02 8:12 AM
Last question nicowottke. Would you be able to provide a document or instruction which data needs to be set up on the backend to be sure we have all the data set up correctly for export to PFM? Thanks again for any help!
2023 Feb 06 2:16 PM
Hi Erik, you find all the data entities here: Using the Import Data from SAP S/4HANA Application | SAP Help Portal
Best, Nico